语言(Language) 是社会交际的工具,是音义结合的词汇和语法的体系。语法(Grammar) 是语言的组织规律, 它赋予语言以结构体系;学语法就是要把丰富的感性材料,“造成概念和理论的系统”, 来帮助了解语言的规律性, 从而指导我们的语言实践。There be与Have虽然具有一些相同的语法功能,但也具有一定的区别,掌握这些内容是熟练掌握此语法点的基础和关键,下面沪江小编就此语法知识为大家进行深入的讲解。

  l 英语的存在旬(Existential Sentence)

  存在句是一种表示“存在”的特殊句型。它的主要交际功能就是传递信息,引出话题.其句型结构为:There+be+NP+Locative Expression(+Temporal Expression).表达“我们告诉人们某物/某事存在(或不存在)”之意.例如:

  1)Thereis goingto be ameetingtonight. (今晚有会。)

  2)There is a car waiting outside.(外而有一辆小车等着。)

  如果要表达某人有某物或某物归某人所拥有时,一般多采用动词“have” 形式。


  3)He hastwo handsome brothers.(他有两个帅气的兄弟。)

  4)Th e little children have mole toys with the development

  ofscience.(随着科学的发展,这个小孩子有了更多的玩具。)通过以上1),2)例句, 我们有必要首先对存在句中的主语(NP)以及动词(BE) 的结构形式进行探讨。

  1.1 存在句的实义主语(NP)

  在Therebe…句型中,对于NP(名词词组)的主语形式众说不一,本文就教学中出现的形式进行归纳分析, 以便学习者理解掌握。

  1.1.1 通常为非确定特指的名词词组

  它常带有不定冠词、零冠词以及其他表示非确定意义的限定词,例如:some,any,many,much,(a)fe (a)little,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a(great/large)number of,enough,以及基数词等,同时名词中心词也可以带有前置、后置修饰语,从而使表达的内容语言更加丰富多彩。试比较:

  There is atree inthe garden. (在花园里有一棵树。)

  There is acherry tree in the garden. (在花园里有一棵樱桃树。)

  Thereis afruitfulcherrytreeplantedyearsagointhegarden.(在花园里有一棵几年前种的硕果累累的樱桃树。)

  There is afruitful cherrytreewhich/thatWas plantedyears ago in the garden. (在花园里有一棵硕果累累的樱桃树,它种于几年以前。)

  l_1.2 主语(名词词组)的非限定性


  There is aman atthe door. (有一个人在门边。)

  不能说:ThereistIleman atthe door.

  也不能说,Thereare alltIle booksintIle case.

  或There was everyone in the room .


  Aman is atthedoor.(一个人在门边/有个人在门边。)

  Theman is atthe door. (这个人在门边。)

  Allthe booksareinthe case. (所有的书都在箱子里。)

  Everyone is inthe room. (大家都在屋里。)




  There is nothing to be asham ed of. (没有什么可感到羞愧的。)

  Is there anybody at home?(家里有人吗?)

  There is something worrying me. (有些事让我着急。)

  1.1-4 实义主语的修饰语




  There was a girl in red skirtatthe schoolgate. (介词词组)


  There are some students who/that will come to see you.(定语从句)


  Th ereis a car ready for us.(形容词词组)


  There will be some important things to do. (不定式词组)


  There is a man sitting on the fence.(动词-ing词组)


  There had been quite a number of very valuable jewels stolen. (动词一ed词组)(有许多非常值钱的珠宝被偷了。)

  由上述例句可以看出,存在句的实义主语一般都是非确定特指,但在极少数情况下, 这类句型中可用限定性主语(专有名词或带the的名词):

  a)在回答表示“存在” 的问句时:

  - Is there anybody coming to the party? (有谁来这个聚会了吗?)

  一Yes,there are Mary and Mrs.Green. (是的,玛丽和格林夫人。)

  一Have you any loose cash in the house? (房间里有一些零钱吗?)

  一Well,there’s the money in the box overt here. (恩,那边那个盒子里有一些钱。)


  Th ere is the oldest.1ooking man stan ding at the front door.



  There be结构在英语里是一种常见的句子结构,它以引导词There开始,后常接动词be的各种形式,引导词there本身没有实际意义,其后的动词be具有“存在”之意,因此为实义动词。例如:

  Thereis atelephoneinthe room. (房问里有一部电话。)


  1.2.1 There be的限定形式

  There be可以用各种时态来表达说话人的内容、意图以及事情发生的地点与时间。

  be用is/are,was/were,will be

  There is a meeting now. (现在有一个会议。)

  There are many players on the ground. (有许多运动员在球场上。)

  There was a stranger in the classroom last week. (上周教室里有一个陌生人。)

  There were some strangers in the classroom last week. (上周教室里有一些陌生人。)

  There will be a football match in our college some day.(不久将来,在我们学校会有一场足球赛。)


  There has been no rain here for many days. (这里已经许多天没有下雨了。)

  There may be another downpour tonight. (今天晚上可能会再有一场倾盆大雨。)

  There must be somebody who knows the fact. (肯定有人知道这个事实。)


  There are published millions of books every year. (每年有大量的书出版。)

  On the following day, there is held a splendid banquet.(在接下来的某一天,将会举行一场豪华的盛宴。)


  Millions ofbooks are published every year. (每年都会出版大量的书籍。)

  A splendid banquet is held on the following day .(一场豪华的盛宴将会在接下来的某一天举行。)


  1.2.2 There be的非限定形式

  存在句的非限定形式是theretobe 和therebeing结构,既然称之为非限定形式,也就说明这两种结构不能用作谓语动词:

  (a)“there being”是指there一句型中的bc采用动词-ing形式。“therebeing+名词词组”一般用于书面语,可以用作状语、介词宾语和主语。


  There being no rain here,the ground is dry. (状语)

  = Because there is no rain here, the ground is dry. (因为这里没有下雨,所以地面是干的。)

  John asked about there being another meeting.(宾语)


  Therebeingabus stop SOnearthehouseisagreat advantage.(主语)



  For there to be abus stop so near the house is a great advanrage.(主语)


  It is a great advantage there is abus stop so near the house.


  根据“there being”结构在句子中的作用,being有两中语法名称,即:动名词和现在分词;

  当“there being”在句子中用作主语、动词宾语和介词宾语时则为动名词; “there being”在句子中用作状语时则为现在分词,根据上下文及语句结构需要,有时还可以用“there having been”形式。例如:

  There having been no any questions,they left.

  =Because there had been no any questions,thcy left. (因为没有任何问题,所以他们离开了。)

  (b)“thereto be” 和“forthereto be”是Ⅱlcrc一句型中的be采用不定式形式, 也是书面语。 “thereto be” 可以用作动词askfor,mean,intend,expecg want,like,prefer,hate等的宾语。


  People don’t want there to be another war. (人们不希望再有战争了。)

  John intended there to be a meeting afterwards.(约翰打算以后再举行会议。)

  笔者认为以上两个例句中用作宾语的“there be”形式,在不违背语法结构以及句意表达的情况下,均可用不定式“to have”替换。但“have”不具有“有” 的含义,即:People don’twantto have anotherWar. (人们不希望再有战争了。)

  John intended to have a meeting after wards. (约翰打算以后再举行会议。)。

  当thereto be用作主语时,前面要带for,如:

  For there to be no body in this room now is unusua1./It is unusual for there to be nobody inthis room now. (这个房间现在没有人,很不寻常。)

  =It is unusualthere is nobody inthis room now. (这个房间现在没有人,很不寻常。)

  2 there be结构与实义动词have的差异

  there be表“存在”,have表“所有”。试比较:

  There ale several oak trees inthe village.(在村里有好几株橡树。)


  Theyhave severaloaktreesinthevillage.(他们在村里种了好几株橡树。)


  如果不能正确地理解there be和have的表达差异,在学习中就会写出类似句子:

  I don’tknowhow many people there is for lunch.

  There has a man at the door.

  在《新编英语语法教程》教材中,我们发现了这样的句Myfront doorhad a bolt butInever usedit. (我前门有一个门闩,但我从来没有用过。)

  The Maldives(马尔代夫群岛)consists ofseveral thousand little islands. (马尔代夫群岛包括了许多小的岛屿。)

  以上例句可用there be句型改写为:

  ThereWas aboltonmyfrontdoorthatIneverused.

  There ale several thousan d litle islands in the Maldix;es.

  通过对“有”动词,以及带有“有”含义的动词作为谓语的陈述句句型向there be句型的转换,使学习者能更进一步的了解英语各句型中语法的同一性和特殊性。

  3 there be结构与表“存在” 的SVC的差异在论文的前部分,笔者曾提到有一些结构的句子可以改写为SVC结构;在此笔者就两者的表达差异做一简要分析。there be表示“在什么地方有什么东西”,着重点是“地方”;SVC表示“什么东西在什么地方”,着重点是“东西”。

  There is alamp onthetable. (泉 查一盏灯。)

  Thelam pisonthetable. (虹在桌上。)


  A hole is in my tights. (一个洞在我的紧身衣上。)

  There’Sahole in my tights. (在我紧身衣上有一个洞 )

  No children are in the house. (没有孩子在房间。)

  There are no children in the house.(房间里面没有孩子。)

  随着科学的迅猛发展,语言的表达方式也将更加地灵活多样,所以在英语学习中,切忌对号入座,中、英语言语法构架的差异只有在不断地学习和实践中去摸索总结。希望上述沪江小编为大家分析的语法知识能够真正帮助大家提升自己对There be 与Have的语法知识掌握程度。