
2024年英语六级冲刺抢分班-屠皓民亲授 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!





  • 英语六级作文六级写作方法


  • 关于人际关系的六级作文题目及参考六级作文题目及参考范文

      在英语六级备考过程中,六级作文部分是非常重要的,练习多了才能熟能生巧,才能下笔成章。小编为大家整理了六级作文题目及参考范文,希望对大家有所帮助。   题目要求:   On Students' Interpersonal Relationship   1.目前许多大学生处理不好人际关系   2.出现这种现象的原因   3.我的看法   参考范文:   On Students'Interpersonal Relationship   Positive interpersonal relationships are vital for optimal humsit growth

  • 关于上艺术班的六级作文六级作文题目及范文

    关于六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了历年英语六级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 2009年12月19日大学英语六级考试作文 1. 家长送学生参加各种艺术班 2. 有人支持,有人反对 3. 作为大学生,我的观点 范文: There is a growing tendency nowadays for parents to send their children to register and attend a great variety of arts courses, such as dancing, calligraphy and musical instruments training, etc. The attitudes of people towards this phenomenon vary from person to person. Some people maintain that these extra curriculums are of great necessity and benefits to students. According to a recent survey on pre-school intelligence level, the respondents who take part in out-class courses tend to perform better than those who haven’t. Moreover, the former can have an all-round development by acquiring knowledge and skills which are not taught in their schools. On the contrary, others argue that these courses would bring about heavy burdens to students and thus oppose to this practice. They worry about that students might not have adequate time to take rest and reflect on what they have learned in school. As a university student, I have ever participated in some arts courses, such as singing and painting classes and they proved to be helpful for my hobby development. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, taking some extra curriculum courses properly is meaningful to students’ development in the long-term. 以上就是今天分享的全部内容,是不是对你很有帮助呢?同学们一定要多多练习,才能在考试中考出高分。更多精彩内容,请关注沪江六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了历年英语六级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 2009年12月19日大学英语六级网。

  • 六级作文题目关于城市交通问题六级作文题目关于城市交通问题的范文

      在英语六级备考过程中,六级作文部分是非常重要的,练习多了才能熟能生巧,才能下笔成章。小编为大家整理了六级作文题目及参考范文,希望对大家有所帮助。   题目要求:   城市交通问题   1.在现代社会,城市交通问题变得越来越严重   2.城市交通问题的表现以及对人们生活的影响   3.解决的方法与措施   题材连接:城市交通问题属于比较热点的社会话题,对于六级考试的作文题材来说,越来越偏重于社会的次热点话题,而且与人们的生活密切相关,让考生拿到题目后有话可说,有文可写.对于目前的社会问题来说了,除了交通问英语六级备考过程中,六级作文部分是非常重要的,练习多了才能熟能生巧,才能下笔成章。小编为大家整理了六级题外,住房问题,就业的问题都可能作为考查的范围与话题   参考范文

  • 六级英语作文范文:如何提升六级幸福感?

    央视曾经作过这样一个街头调查:你幸福吗。每个人对于幸福的定义都是不同的,幸福感的来源也不尽相同。那么,对于如何提升幸福感,你有哪些看法呢? 作文题目: 题目要求: How to Enhance Our Senseof Happiness? 1.人们对于如何提升幸福感有不同的看法 2.幸福感的提升不仅包括物质层面,也包括…… 参考范文:     How to Enhance Our Sense of Happiness?     Along with the improvement of living standards, people are no longer content

  • 2015年12月第一套六级英语真题:作文六级英语真题:作文范文

    在写六级作文之前,问问自己的词汇量怎么样,长难句练习的如何,语法和词性懂得多少。因为作文是综合考察的反映,哪里是短板在作文中一下子就会显现出来。既然报考了六级考试,大家都是奔着通过的目标去的。所以不管哪一环节都是不可忽视的。很多人压缩六级写作部分的时间留给其他题型,其实这样对于自己作文的成绩是很不利的。读一读下六级作文之前,问问自己的词汇量怎么样,长难句练习的如何,语法和词性懂得多少。因为作文面的六级范文吧,学习一下这样的题型该如何下手。 Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eaasy based on the picture below. You should focus on the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 范文1 The harm caused by misleading information online It is true that the internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency, however, as the data grows at an exponential rate, the severity of misleading information arises. Deceptive news or tips travel fast online, and worse still, they may shadow our routine life or even hinder the progress of our society. Lack of enough consideration, we are easily misled by false information which always appears in bulk on the webpage. Some will alter their plans to deal with the so-called disaster but only affect their normal life; a few may even go further to violate social security and economic trend. Moreover, if the misleading news isn’t corrected soon, there may be a trust crisis between individuals and the government. For example, the nuclear leakage in Japan in 2011 has caused great panic in Eastern China, where thousands of people went out to rob salt after the rumor that salt can prevent radiation, and ended in a turbulence in the domestic market. To prevent misleading information spreading, government should set up laws to regulate online news while individuals need to judge independently. Only when they work in hand will the harm of false information be diminished to the end. 范文2 As is graphically revealed in the cartoon, a few employees are holding a conference in the meeting room equipped with advanced devices. However, the most striking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center, who seems like a manager, says that they have lots of information technology, while useful information is badly needed. Simple as the illustration seems, it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernized society. A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon. On the one hand, it can be partially due to the fact that the modern technology has been developing at an incredible speed, which provides a booming amount of information and it is difficult to tell the right from the wrong. On the other hand, it is also because the restriction about spreading information on the Internet is far from perfect, making it difficult to get rid of the problem effectively and fundamentally. From my perspective, it is high time that we transferred our focus from developing technology to searching for something helpful. Only in this way can we acquire what we literally need. 看看这篇六级真题作文的范文,这种结构的排列,自己是不是能够做到。整片范文的质量上乘,观点明确。我们在写文章的时候也要借鉴这种方式方法,观点提出要掷地有声,理由论述要清晰明了。最重要不要出现低级的小错误。放松心情,给自己点自信,你也可以达到这样六级作文之前,问问自己的词汇量怎么样,长难句练习的如何,语法和词性懂得多少。因为作文是综合考察的反映,哪里是短板在作文中一下子就会显现出来。既然报考了六级考试,大家都是奔着通过的目标去的。所以不管哪一环节都是不可忽视的。很多人压缩六级写作部分的时间留给其他题型,其实这样对于自己作文的成绩是很不利的。读一读下面的六级范文吧,学习一下这样的题型该如何下手。 Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eaasy based on the picture below. You should focus on the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 范文1 The harm caused by misleading information online It is true that the internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency, however, as the data grows at an exponential rate, the severity of misleading information arises. Deceptive news or tips travel fast online, and worse still, they may shadow our routine life or even hinder the progress of our society. Lack of enough consideration, we are easily misled by false information which always appears in bulk on the webpage. Some will alter their plans to deal with the so-called disaster but only affect their normal life; a few may even go further to violate social security and economic trend. Moreover, if the misleading news isn’t corrected soon, there may be a trust crisis between individuals and the government. For example, the nuclear leakage in Japan in 2011 has caused great panic in Eastern China, where thousands of people went out to rob salt after the rumor that salt can prevent radiation, and ended in a turbulence in the domestic market. To prevent misleading information spreading, government should set up laws to regulate online news while individuals need to judge independently. Only when they work in hand will the harm of false information be diminished to the end. 范文2 As is graphically revealed in the cartoon, a few employees are holding a conference in the meeting room equipped with advanced devices. However, the most striking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center, who seems like a manager, says that they have lots of information technology, while useful information is badly needed. Simple as the illustration seems, it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernized society. A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon. On the one hand, it can be partially due to the fact that the modern technology has been developing at an incredible speed, which provides a booming amount of information and it is difficult to tell the right from the wrong. On the other hand, it is also because the restriction about spreading information on the Internet is far from perfect, making it difficult to get rid of the problem effectively and fundamentally. From my perspective, it is high time that we transferred our focus from developing technology to searching for something helpful. Only in this way can we acquire what we literally need. 看看这篇六级的标准。

  • 六级英语作文范文:"低头族六级"现象

    近年来,手机的流行催生了一大批“低头族”,无论是在拥挤的车厢还是在与朋友聚会的时间,甚至在马路上,在阶梯上都会有人低头看手机,对此现象,你的看法是什么呢? 作文题目:"低头族"现象 题目要求: The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication 1、现在,各个场所“低头族”现象比较普遍 2、出现这一现象的原因 3、我对这一现象的看法和建议 参考范文:           The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication     The picture

  • 英语六级作文六级写作方法


  • 六级英语作文范文:大学生六级退学问题

    近年来,越来越多的童鞋在完成大学学业之前就选择离校。但是,并不是每个人都是比尔盖茨,乔布斯,能够在没拿到毕业证的情况下顺利求职。 作文题目: My View on College Students’Quitting School 1.越来越多的大学生退学 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.你如何看待这种现象      In recent years, more and more college students quit school ahead of schedule.Except the minority quitting for objective reasons like health

  • 优秀的六级英语范文六级推荐

    刚刚考过大学英语六级的同学都知道,英语六级作文依然考的是老生常谈的如诚信、能力、孝顺等等传达正能量的热门话题。那么我们在备考六级的时候就应该多背诵一些相关话题的高分范文,这样在考试的时候才不会无话可说。小编为大家推荐了两篇英语六级范文。 第一篇范文题目是:Abilities and Good Looks。We are often told not to judge people by their appearance, because for a person, abilities are far more important than appearance. Throughout