
2024年英语六级冲刺抢分班-屠皓民亲授 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!





  • 英语六级范文精选:地铁六级禁食

      要参加英语六级考试的同学们,沪江小编为大家整英语六级考试的同学们,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食,供大家参考学习,希望广大放松心态,从容应对,正常发挥。   英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食   题目要求:   1. Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?   1. 对于禁止在地铁和公交车上吃东西,有人表示赞成   2. 有人则表示反对   3. 你的看法   英语六级写作参考范文:   Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?   Currently, some cities are considering a food ban on subways, which has sparked heated discussion. Some people say food should be banned because of the trash and rats they attract. And, garbage from discarded food can cause track fires. Beyond sanitary and mechanical concerns, food can also fiiel fist fights, as was discovered last week by one passenger who criticized a woman eating steamed stuffed bun on the subway.   However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that peopk like eating in the train in the morning because they don’t have enough time to eat at their houses or restaurants. Sometimes that may be the only time or meal a transit rider may be able to eat especially when traveling long distances. Besides, there are people, for example diabetics, who do require food at various times to maintain blood-sugar levels.   Personalty, rm against the ban becmise of the huge inconvenience it would cause commuters, and the expense involved in enforcing it. Still, I believe we should have a little common courtesy. I think we all have responsibility to try to treat our subway system and fellow riders with respect, and that extends to food as well.   以上就是沪江小编为大家整理的英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食,希望可以为大家提供帮助。更多有关英语六级范文,大家可以关注沪江网,小编会持续为大家六级考试的同学们,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食,供大家参考学习,希望广大放松心态,从容应对,正常发挥。   英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食   题目要求:   1. Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?   1. 对于禁止在地铁和公交车上吃东西,有人表示赞成   2. 有人则表示反对   3. 你的看法   英语六级写作参考范文:   Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?   Currently, some cities are considering a food ban on subways, which has sparked heated discussion. Some people say food should be banned because of the trash and rats they attract. And, garbage from discarded food can cause track fires. Beyond sanitary and mechanical concerns, food can also fiiel fist fights, as was discovered last week by one passenger who criticized a woman eating steamed stuffed bun on the subway.   However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that peopk like eating in the train in the morning because they don’t have enough time to eat at their houses or restaurants. Sometimes that may be the only time or meal a transit rider may be able to eat especially when traveling long distances. Besides, there are people, for example diabetics, who do require food at various times to maintain blood-sugar levels.   Personalty, rm against the ban becmise of the huge inconvenience it would cause commuters, and the expense involved in enforcing it. Still, I believe we should have a little common courtesy. I think we all have responsibility to try to treat our subway system and fellow riders with respect, and that extends to food as well.   以上就是沪江小编为大家整理的英语六级范文精选:地铁禁食,希望可以为大家提供帮助。更多有关英语六级更新。

  • 英语六级作文范文如何写六级作文范文如何写短文

      写作是同学们在英语六级考试里面最苦恼的题型,很多同学为了能在考试写作取得高分,会大量的背诵作文模板。下面,沪江小编给大家分享一篇英语六级作文范文如何写短文,大家可以作为学习的参考。   英语六级满分作文:如何写短文   How to Use the Library   如何写短文   A library is a building for a collection of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. Thebook s are kept on the she lves in the stack room whereas

  • 六级英语作文范文六级分享

      英语作文是每一个学生都会遇到的事情,无论是中小学的英语考试还是大学里的四六级,英语作文总是占了较大的分数比例。一些朋友可能对英语作文比较发憷,写来写去都是差不多的分数,接下来沪江小编告诉你关于六级英语作文范文。   历史的重要影响   Peter Buck,a famous American female writer,once said “if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” Evidently, it is meant to tell us the significant influence

  • 17年最新热点话题英语六级作文六级作文范文

      去年国家放开二孩政策,其最终的目的是缓解人口老龄化的问题,延迟退休政策的出台,让中国不得不面对人口老龄化带来的负面影响,怎么解决这个问题呢?你怎么看?六级作文中常出现契合社会现状的热点话题,下面小编就给出了人口老龄化问题的参考范文,希望对你有用。   题目要求:   1. 我国人口老龄化现象日趋明显   2. 人口老龄化带来的问题   3. 如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题   参考范文:   Aging of the Population   Population officials and demographers have much to worry about China’s

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      随着科技的发展,手机的普遍,人们也越来越离不开手机,也因为用手机的时间越来越长,我们忽略了身边的亲人,孩子,朋友的感情回应,手机正在一步步影响着我们的生活,17年六级作文会不会就此问题来个拷问呢,下面小编给出了范文,希望对你的考试有所帮助。   Turn off Your Mobile Phone(请关掉手机)   1. 移动电话给我们的生活带来了便利   2. 移动电话有时也会影响别人   3. 在某些场合请关掉你的手机   Turn off Your Mobile Phone   With the development of information technology

  • 英语六级作文范文六级预测


  • 英语六级作文热点话题六级作文热点话题及范文

    六级作文预测汇总,2017年6月英语六级作文热点话题及范文。2017年6月英语六级作文热点话题及范文。网络游戏,大四空巢,盗版现象,社会责任感,考研热潮,低头族…… 网络游戏 作文题目: You should write a short essay on the topic of Online Games. 1.指出年轻人容易沉迷于网络游戏这一社会现象 2.阐述网络游戏并非一无是处, 3.提出自己的观点:只要足够自制,可以从网络游戏中获得真正的快乐。 [范文] Online Games As a product of modem computer and the Internet

  • 英语六级作文求职六级作文求职范文

      参考范文:   In the modern society, with competition becomes increasingly fierce, to find a job is too difficult for the young generation. Academic qualification, as a job a stepping-stone, is an essential factor during the job hunting.   Some people think that the highly educated must be able to find

  • 英语六级范文突破英语考试重六级难点

      大学英语六级作文一直考试的重难点,本文为大家整英语六级作文一直考试的重难点,本文为大家整理了2017年6月英语六级作文预测范文,希望能为大家带来帮助。   Hiring Celebrities as Visiting Professors   1. 目前有不少大学请明星当客座教授   2. 对这一现象人们看法不同   3. 我的看法   参考范文:   Hiring Celebrities as Mating Professors   Via Internet or other means of mass media,it is commoE to team that some super stars are employed

  • 2017英语六级作文预测六级作文预测范文

       大学英语六级作文写作的初级阶段是模仿,在模仿阶段要多读多看范文,自己勤动手。下面沪江网小编整理了大学英语六级作文范文,为大家写作提供方便。 作文题目: Reform of English Education 1.目前要求改革大学英语教育的呼声很髙 2. 产生这一现象的原因 3. 你认为应如何改革英语教育 [范文] Reform of English Education As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global commuiiicaticm,tbe