
BEC商务英语初、中、高级连读签约班 职场实用英语+考证,签协议,不过还能免费重读。


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  • 高级口译培训的学习方法介绍

    真题能搞明白已经很了不起了。另外,多高级口译的考试还是有一定的难度的,我们在考试备考的时候需要极大的注意一些学习的技巧。对于高级口译来说,我们不能像初级上网看看国外优秀报刊,譬如美国国家地理杂志、时代周刊等网站。   3、关于翻译:平时多练习   自己觉得高口的翻译并没有比中口难太多,时间的因素除外,有一些我们所谓的考点把握好估计也没什么问题了,高口翻译首先注意句子的切分,有时太长的句子为免错误还不如分成短句处理,记住英语的句子是头轻脚重的,找准句子中心,还有,在平时练习的时候追求完美是好的,考试时就实在不必了,翻译评分都有一个基本分,除非你特别出色,否则不会差很多的。   上述就是沪江培训小编分享的关于高级口译培训的学习方法,大家要踏踏实实的按照上述的方法进行学习,才能达到一定的效果。更多精彩内容,敬请关注沪江网,小编会持续为大家更新。

  • 【重点关注】2019年中高级会计职称考试安排

    中高级考试“(3月10日-31日)网上报名-——(3月31日前)缴费-——(8月15日前)打印准考证-——(9月7日-8日)考试-——(10月19日前)公布成绩”的时间均已公布, 请各位准备报名参加2019年中高级考试的同学注意时间,沪江ACCA君预祝各位考生顺利通过2019年的考试 以下是官网公布的信息,详细信息可以查询官网: 初级会计职称VIP双考季【上财SIBFI名师现金奖励班】 全套教材+考不过免费重读 查看折扣 初级会计职称考证

  • 2015年综合a级职称英语阅读判断答案

    职称英语的阅读判断题型的难度不在于判断对错,更在于还有未提及选项。如果说判断对与错可以根据内容或者根据推测,那么未提及的部分就要考生仔仔细细的寻找。这就考验大家对于内容的把握程度了。攻克了阅读判断对于攻克其他部分也是有好处的,大家一定要耐心应对。 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是 正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 Cities “Worse to Live in Than 20 Years Ago One thousand people were surveyed about a range of issues which affect cities, and the remarkable findings show that life in today’s mega-cities is so stressful that at least two-thirds of those currently living in big cities would like to relocate to the countryside or a small town. The stress of the getting from A to B in big cities is at the top of the list of problems. For many people, the daily commute (通勤)to work is a source of frustration. 40% of the people in the survey have suffered from road rage while stuck in traffic on the way to work. The cost of public transport is also a serious problem. Many people think the price of underground and bus travel is too high and that they have to devote more than 10% of their salary to transport costs. The general cost of living in cities is another problem. The high properly prices in most big cities put buying a property out of reach of most first-time buyers. Many young people are priced out of the housing market, and have to take in lodgers to make ends meet, or rent over-priced flats miles away from the city centre. In London, for instance, the price of buying even a one-bedroom flat is so prohibitive that many have given up even considering putting money aside for a deposit. Another issue facing people who live in cities is rising crime. Crime rates have rocketed in many big cities, and many say there are several dangerous no-go areas in their city. Fear of crime is on the increase- —street crimes, such as mugging and assault, are now very common- and many are afraid of going out at night alone. Many were also concerned by the lack of green spaces and play facilities for children. Most major conurbations (有卫星的大都市)surveyed have a far smaller number of parks and gardens than a generation ago. Planning permission seems to have been given for an ever-greater number of supermarkets, office developments and apartments on sites where there were previously green spaces. Many of the respondents in the survey said they felt stressed and suffocated (窒肩、)in the city, a problem which is compounded by pollution. And finally,the majority of people in the survey were fed up with the constant noise pollution---the roar of traffic, the sound of loud music blaring (发朿!j耳声)out of a neighbor’s window, and the constant sound of activity. It is not surprising, then, that the levels of stress-related illnesses among people who live in cities are higher than ever before. Big cities,once a mecca (朝拜的地方)for ambitious people seeking fame and fortune, are now less and less popular among people of all ages. Perhaps the 21st century is set to be the century of the small town and the countryside. 16. Most people in the survey who live in big cities would like to move somewhere smaller. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. Many people in the survey think public transport is reasonably priced. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18. It is difficult to buy a flat in London because of the cost. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19. The crime rate has remained stable in recent years. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20. There are fewer green areas in cities than there used to be. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21.London has had some success in reducing pollution A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22. Noise pollution is seen as a big problem by most people in the survey. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 16A 17B 18A 19B 20A 21C 22 C 这类题型不是非对就错,也不职称英语是非错就对。中间还加这个未提及内容,这就难坏了很多考生,如果说以往考试考生靠蒙有百分之五十的几率的话,那么这种题型蒙对的几率太低了。把握这种题的解题关键就是找到判断的关键,找到这个“钥匙”那么阅读判断这种题型的困难将会迎刃而解。

  • 2016职称英语b级真题:综合类阅读判断部分

      人事部组织的全国统一标准的职称外语考试,采取统一大纲、闭卷笔试的形式进行。考试设英语、日语、俄语、德语、法语和西班牙语6个语种,每个语种分为A、B、C三个等级。其中,英语划分为综合、理工、卫生3个专业类别。其它语种不分专业类别。B级为中级职称。   Time to Stop Traveling by Air   Twenty-five years ago a young British mancalled Mark Ellingham decided that he wanted a change of scenery. So he went toAustralia, stopping

  • 剑桥商务英语证书的认可度如何

    全部涵盖。考试分两个阶段进行:第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写英语作和听力;第二阶段为口试。根据考试级别的不同,各部分考试的时间长短也有区别。   (以BEC高级为例)   人气指数: ★★★★   实用指数:★★★★★   难度指数:★★★★★   BEC其证书与商科挂钩,与普通英语考试有很大不同,如果你想学习可以来这里,BEC剑桥商务英语初级+中级+高级的阅读、写作、听力、口语全套资料,不论你是出于什么目的考BEC,是想作为职场敲门砖?还是提高英语,如果能将大学中一部分时间,用来复习BEC,这对于你自己的英语水平,是有很大帮助的!

  • bec商务英语中级考试作文

      商务英语考试分为初级,中级和高级,初级的考试非常的简单,只要能够通过英语四六级考试,初级考试就可以非常顺利的通过,但是中级考试的难度就会有所增加,很多人在备考中级商务英语的时候都会被作文所难住,不知道如何备考,今天沪江小编就为大家整英语考试分为初级,中级和高级,初级的考试非常的简单,只要能够通过英语四六级考试,初级理了商务英语中级考试作文,希望可以帮助到大家。   Report on records management conference   A summary of the Records Management Conference I attended in Detroit on August 10 is included in this report.   Summary of Seessions Attended   The following summarizes each of the sessions I attended   1. Filling Equipment   This session was designed to acquaint the participants with the latest filling equipment. Much of the equipment on display was automatic.   2.Records Retrieval   The purpose of this session was to acquaint the participants with the various factors that need ed to be considered in developing a records retentiuon schedule   1. Records Transfer   In this session, participants leaned about the new developments in transferring records from active status to inactive status.   Recommendations:   On the basis of my attending the conference, I am making the following recommendations:   1) We investigate the possibility of purchasing lateral filling equipment   2) We evaluate the validity of our records retention schedule and revise as needed.   以上就是沪江小编为大家整理的商务英语中级考试作文,在备考商务英语考试的时候,很多人都忽略了作文的备考,也不知道如何入手,但是在考试的时候却又想取得好的成绩,如果你也面临这种境况,可以好好的阅读本篇文章,相信会对你有所启发。

  • 理工类职称英语c级补全短文测试题

    places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs. F TheSenate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement itsprovisions. 46——50:FDECB 看完这篇补全短文的真题,大家有何感想。其实这种题型只要抓住解题的思路,还是可以答出来的。通过这种题型也能锻炼考生的理解能力,在职称英语考试中,这种题型也是经常出现的题型。这篇16年的职称英语理工c级试卷中的补全短文题就是如此,建议大家多多练习。

  • 2015年理工a级职称英语阅读判断题型

    又到了练习职称英语阅读判断的部分了,这种题型难点在于文中没有提及的部分。如果单单是对于错,那么相对容易判断。可是偏偏出现了没有提及的信息,这就让很多考生犯了难。但不管怎么说,阅读判断离不开判断二字,带着问题阅读全文,找到答案做出精准判断。拿出一套真题来练习,就比如下面这套: Lack of Oxygen Delayed the Rise of Animals on Earth Scientists have long speculated as to why animal species didn’t flourish sooner, once sufficient oxygen covered the Earth’s surface. Animals began to prosper at the end of the Proterozoic period, about 800 million years ago 一 but what about the billion-year stretch before that, when most researchers think there also was plenty of oxygen? Well, it seems the air wasn’t so great then, after all. In a study published Oct. 31 in Science, Yale researcher Noah Planavsky and his colleagues found that oxygen levels during the “boring billion” period were only 0.1% of what they are today. In other words, Earth’s atmosphere couldn’t have supported a diversity of creatures, no matter what genetic advancements were poised to occur. “There is no question that genetic and ecological innovation must ultimately be behind the rise of animals, but it is equally unavoidable that animals need a certain level of oxygen,’,said Planavsky, co-lead author of the research along with Christopher Reinhard of the Georgia Institute of Technology. “We’re providing the first evidence that oxygen levels were low enough during this period to potentially prevent the rise of animals.” The scientists found their evidence by analyzing chromium (Cr) isotopes in ancient sediments from China, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Chromium is found in the Earth,s continental crust, and chromium oxidation is directly linked to the presence of free oxygen in the atmosphere. Specifically, the team studied samples deposited in shallow, iron-rich ocean areas, near the shore. They compared their data with other samples taken from younger locales known to have higher levels of oxygen. Oxygen’s role in controlling the first appearance of animals has long vexed scientists. “We were missing the right approach until now,,,Planavsky said. “Chromium gave us the proxy•” Previous estimates put the oxygen level at 40% of today’s conditions during pre-animal times, leaving open the possibility that oxygen was already plentiful enough to support animal life. In the new study, the researchers acknowledged that oxygen levels were “highly dynamic” in the early atmosphere, with the potential for occasional spikes. However, they said, “It seems clear that there is a first-order difference in the nature of Earth surface Cr cycling” before and after the rise of animals. “If we are right, our results will really change how people view the origins of animals and other complex life, and their relationships to the co-evolving environment,,,said co-author Tim Lyons of the University of Califomia-Riverside. “This could be a game changer.” “There’s a lot of interest right now in a broader discussion surrounding the role that environmental stability played in the evolution of complex life, and we think our results are a significant contribution to that,,’ Reinhard said. 16.The study discovered the rise of animals occurred earlier than the Proterozoic period. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17.Many researchers believe the oxygen level was high during pre-animal times. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18.The team was funded by several research institutes. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19.Genetic advancements triggered the rise of animals. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20.The samples studied in the research were collected in ocean areas. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21.The study revealed that chromium found in Earth’s continental crust remained stable before and afterthe rise of animals. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22.Tim Lyons liked to play computer games in his spare time. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 16-22. B A C B A B C 对照答案,看看你做对了多少,又做职称英语错了多少。这套职称英语理工类a级阅读判断部分是比较典型的文章了,其出题思路与方式完全符合职称英语的要求。大家要好好看一遍,不懂的地方要及时弄懂,对了的地方知其然更要知其所以然。

  • bec商务英语高级的简介及介绍

    写完。还是推荐星火的写作书。对于图表题,有一些固定的句型和描述方法,多背一背就可以了。还有就是一定要认真看真题的四分和五分的范文,找出好文章的共同点,记住,并且在下次写作时能够用上。第二部分推荐写report,比较省事。我考试的时候,犯了一个很大的错误就是貌似没有把所有的点概括进去。这简直是致命的,所以各英语位在练习的时候一定要注意内容的完整,否则可能会直接降级。 所以,算下来,我正式复习用了也就大概一个月的时间。通过六级的同学其实一个月的时间找对复习的方法,用点功,不用很苦逼的也能通过高级。但通过考试只是一方面,我们更希望的是在这个过程中能真正提高我们的英语能力,所以最好还是踏实地复习,慢工出细活,而不是搞突击,否则即便通过了,那一纸成绩单确实能为你的简历增色,但可能到面试的时候,你早已不具备相匹配的水平了。

  • 2015年综合类a级职称英语考试:阅读理解

    阅读理解是职称英语的重点考试项目,大家要谨慎对待。因为大部分分值的拉开都在这部分,想要通过职称英语考试必须拿下阅读理解,当然这不是说其他题型不重要。只是阅读理解为第一重要部分,阅读理解没有问题了,其他部分才能游刃有余。因为阅读理解部分的文章相对比较长,如何安排时间请注意,不职称英语的重点考试项目,大家要谨慎对待。因为大部分分值的拉开都在这部分,想要通过职称英语能在一道题上耗费过多的时间。 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 What’s killing the Bats First it was bees. Now it is bats. Biologists in America are working hard