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  • 2015年职称英语a级综合类考试:完形填空答案

    完形填空部分我们从小到大参加的考试中几乎都有这种题型,所以大家应该并不陌生。但处在职称英语考试的试卷中又稍稍显得不同。大家不能完全照搬其他考试中完形填空答题的经验,要在平时的练习中积累经验,锻炼感觉。完形填空要做到联系上下文,不可胡乱猜测! 下职称英语面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。 The Beginning of American Literature American has always been a land of beginnings. After Europeans “discovered” America in the fifteenth century, the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine (51) of a new life,an escape from poverty and persecution, a chance to (52) again. We can say that, as nation, America begins with that hope. (53),however,does American literature begin? American literature begins with American (54). Long before the first colonists arrived, native Americans (55) here. Each tribe*s literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and (56) the unmistakably American experience of lining with the land. Another kind of experience, one filled with fear and excitement, (57) its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers (58) home. In addition, the (59) of the people who lived and died in the New England wilderness (60) unforgettable tales of hard end sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years. Experience, then, is the (61) to early American literature. The New World provided a great variety of experiences, and (62) experiences demanded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers. These writers (63) John Smith, who spent only two-and-a-half year: on the American, continent. They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd, who thought of themselves (64) British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would (65) a United States of America with a literature of its own. American Indians,explorers, Puritan ministers, frontier wives, plantation owner 一 they are all the creators of the first American literature. 51 A article B hope C-concern D respect 52 A rise B discover C fall D start 53 A Which B What - C When D Why 54 A experiences B dreams C calls D efforts 55 A arrived B lived C left D fled 56 A provided B offered C reflected D gained 57 A found B caught C observed D changed 58 A abandoned B went C built D sent 59 A journeys B journals C belongings D deaths 60 A tell B read C write D hear 61 A point B beginning C key D reference 62 A these B both C all D other 63 A studied B exposed C described D included 64 A towards B as C like D with 65 A praise B give C create D treat 52 D53 B54 C55 A 56 C57 D58 C59 A60 B 61 D62 B63 A64 C65 A 练习了15年职称英语的真题,你是不是对于这种题型有了更加深入的了解。如果没有请继续练习,如果有就说明你已经在向胜利进军。不要害怕失败,失败是每个人都会经历的。但如果不从失败中总结经验,那么你将一直失败。对于每一种英语题型,要拿出十二万分的耐心,你对它们什么样,它们回报你的就是什么。切记,明天在你自己的手中!

  • 2015年理工类职称英语考试:a级补全短文部分

    职称英语补全短文类题目是职称英语考试试卷的第五部分,就是根据全文内容,将给出的句子放到有选择的放到空白位置,让全文读起来顺畅自然。很多补全短文的考试题在平时都见过,只要平时勤加练习,相信拿下这部分不是问题。来职称英语补全短文类题目是职称英语看看15年理工类a级的考试卷子的补全短文部分吧! Gorillas have a word for it Kokois the first gorilla to have been taught sign language (a way of communicating by using hands and fingers rather than speech). With a vocabulary of more than1000 words, she is the first to prove we share a world with other intelligent beings who feel emotions, look forward to celebrations and also have a sense of humour. The 30-year study of Koko has redefined science’s concept of gorilla intelligence. 46 But what had not been recognized by the scientific community was that gorillas have the ability to learn a language and have complex emotions. Koko lives in the Santa Cruz mountains in North America,in a wooded spot overlooking a valley. 47 She has a barrel on which she likes to sit when 'talking' to humans - gorillas feel more secure when they can look down on others - while her toys are spread everywhere. In addition she has an outside enclosure where she spends her days when it is not raining. It is her conversations with her teacher, Dr Penny Patterson, that are inspiring. Penny explains: ‘The reality of my discovery is that our abilities as humans, our skills, sensibilities and emotions are very similar to the great apes. 48 . When she began teaching Koko sign language, placing the little fingers of the one-year-old gorilla into the correct positions for 'drink', 'eaf, ’more、and rewarding her with food, Dr Patterson had no idea how quickly Koko would learn. “At first, it seemed Koko was using sign language as a tool to get something,,,says Patterson. ’It became the kind of reward system that you could expect of a cat or a dog. But early in her training, she began to combine signs that made me think she was capable of more.’ 49 For example, she didn't know the word for ’ring’,so she combined the signs for ‘finger’ and bracelet’ to express it. Dr Patterson continues: ‘Koko loves babies and young people. And when she is asked what gorillas like best, she always says "Gorilla love eat, good”? One of Patterson’s favourite stories demonstrates Koko's sense of humour. 50 . When Patterson asked her what she would like for her 11th birthday, Koko signed that she wanted a cat The story of Koko’s cat enabled Patterson to learn more about her student: the cat was hit by a car and Patterson had to break the news to Koko, who signed 'cry, sad, frown’. Then, once alone, Patterson heard Koko make the gorilla’s distress call: a loud series of hoots. From the age of three, Koko shared her accommodation with Michael who was intended as a mate.However, Michael died suddenly two years ago of a heart attack. cKoko went into a depression following Michael’s death,’ says Patterson. ‘She would sit for hours with her head hung low looking upset.'Dr Patterson asked her if she was looking forward to moving to Hawaii, where Patterson is raising money to build a gorilla refuge. Koko signed ‘Yes、provided she could have curtains in her new home! A.When a visitor asked her to show him something scary, she held up a mirror to his face! C.According to some scientist, genetically there is only a 2% difference between gorillas and humans; we share the same blood type, have the same number of hairs per square inch and also the same temperament. D.She has her own home, with curtains, and a nest of blankets, which is her bed, in one comer. E.What we have learnt is that gorillas are more complex than we ever imagined F.Now Koko is so proficient in sign language that if she doesn’t know a word she invents one. 怎么样?做完这套补全短文的题,是不是大致了解了这种题型的走势以及脉络。对于初次参加职称英语考试的朋友,不要紧张。在复习的时候多下功夫,对于每一种题型要有清醒的认识。每一天多拿出点时间去学习,相信最后的结果是令人满意的。

  • 职称英语等级注意事项

    职称英语等级面的“考场规则”,并按要求进入考场,参与考试。   2、各类别、级别的试卷全部为客观题组成,都需在答题卡上作答。   3、英语各级别的试卷均分为A、B卷。考生所持试卷内有“应考人员留意事项”的阐明,规则了本卷的“试卷代码(三位数)”考生须将试卷代码号填涂在答题卡相应的栏目内。   4、请考生保存准考证以便查询成绩和办证运用。   最初,希望诸位考生在最初几天的功夫里,坚持良好心情,以轻松、愉悦的心境去迎接考试,且一定要留意饮食卫生,留意天气变化,防止出现感冒腹泻等疾病搅扰考试。   另外,建议考生将题目和答案记下来,以便对自己的考试情况有所把握。

  • 职称英语考试之词汇巧记10大方法

    一些表示空间概念的介词,单从汉语翻译的内容来理解,往往会弄错或混淆,但如果用图表示,则很容易理解和记忆,如:under/beneath, on/over/above, across/through, in/on/to the south, in/into等等。   7.感官记忆法   将单词画成和单词本身意义相近的样子,尽可能地利用多个感官, 达到记忆的目的。   8.联想记忆法   例如:生词bake(vt. 烘、烤)利用联想记忆,在湖边(lake)做(make)蛋糕(cake)并烘( bake);打球时联想到:ball,( play ) basketball,( play ) football,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining - room,( have ) breakfast,( have ) lunch等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,go to bed,sleep,go to sleep,fall asleep等等。这样日积月累、持之以恒,就可以积少成多,从而做到薄积而厚发。   9.谐音记忆法   1)appall (额跑)—惊骇   2)admire(额的妈呀)—羡慕   3)pest(拍死它)—害虫   4)economy(依靠农民)—经济   5)morbid(毛病的)—病态   10.编故事记忆法   adjust v. 调节;使适于   administer v. 管理   administration n. 行政   admirable adj. 可敬的,极好的   admire v. 赞美,夸奖;钦佩   admit v. 承认   admonish v. 警告   adopt v. 采用;收养   adore v. 敬爱,极喜爱   adroit adj. 机巧的   编故事:猪八戒很有administer才能,作为西游旅游公司的administration长官,他adjust公司的各种关系,adopt各方面的意见,公司上下都觉得猪八戒是admirable领导,连孙悟空都admit自己不如老猪,老猪adroit的秘书嫦娥小姐adore猪CEO,admire猪八戒的能力,决定嫁给猪八戒,遭到高小姐的admonish。   以上就是沪江小编分享的职称英语考试之词汇巧记10大方法,希望可以有效帮助大家提升职称英语词汇学习的针对性,增加自己的词汇储备。更多有关职称英语学习技巧可持续关注沪江网,感谢大家支持。

  • 职称英语A级合格分数线及成绩注意事项

    要在报名时记下自己的报名序号,到时凭报名序号能方便的找到成绩单。 另请注意以下事项: 1、如人数较多的单位,请尽量由单位人事科统一代为领取(凭单位公章),来之前请查询并记下所有职工的报名序号并按从小到大的顺序排列; 2、如个人前来领取成绩单,则请携带准考证,如准考证已遗失,请携带身份证并提交自己的报名序号; 3、代他人领取成绩单则需携带他人的准考证或身份证。 4、此次考试凡参职称英语考试作为一项专业性比较强的考试项目,除了对考试者相关方法掌握情况的考察外,更加注重将英语语加了考试的考生(除缺考、违纪和零分外)均有成绩单。 上述我们对职称英语考试相关的几个问题进行了分析,希望大家能够增强对于职称英语考试的认识,在接下来的备考过程中做到更加有针对性、有计划性。

  • 2015年职称英语a级考试综合类补全短文内容

    补全短文部分是职称英语考试的第五部分,它考察考生联系上下文,分析句子的能力。在做这种题时,要盯住空白地方的前后位置,这是解题的关键地方,然后再联系全文做出判断。每一环都要仔细推敲,不懂的部分要反复分析。 第5部分:补全短文(第46〜50题,每题2分,共10分) 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章面貌。 Gorillas have a word for it Kokois the first gorilla to have been taught sign language (a way of communicating

  • 英语六级真题详细的汉语解析

    称为二手烟的受害者。为什么这样说呢?很多被迫上车的人对这个问题的造成没有任何责备,但是他们承担着这个问题的恶果,这是不是和二手烟相似?他说气侯敏感的群体,基本上非洲国家和小的岛国,这就有点像因为不吸烟因为二手烟得了癌症,而吸烟的人自己很健康。这就说有的国家碳排放非常低,但是受到了碳排放的影响。 这篇文章我们被可以得到答案了,为什么把被迫上车的人和二手烟的受害者结合呢?所以答案是C,这个问题不应该是发展轴国家的问题,而应该是发达国家。 这是文章的两道题。下面看一下文章的第四题,也就是倒数第二题,说(英文),作者关于多少亿呢?一千亿的资金。按照顺序原则,刚才的题目答案在第四段,这个题在上个题之后,所以应该在五六七段。我们看一下第七段。 然而这个气侯协议,规定了however,说这个气侯协议规定,在发达国家和发展中国家承担削减碳排放的责任没有区别,他们是平等的。这是第一个问题。第二个问题,说几乎没有提到,however,后面就不用读了,说白了两个问题,第一个问题是发展中国家和发达国家在削减碳排放方面担一样的责任。这个和前面是不符的。发达国家主要排放的碳凭什么让发展中国家担呢? 最后这个题选择的什么呢?最后只能选择B项。说一千亿美金的维护资金大家从哪系来?所以选择B项。按照上课的理论,找关健词,关健词所在的那句话就是正确答案。 最后一题,必级考试结束了,很多同学都在网上寻找真题须要采取什么紧急的措施,时间有限,不多做解析,最后选择D项,让政策生效。

  • 卫生类c级职称英语选词填空测试答案

    选词填空题型是职称英语试卷的第一部分,这种题型主要考察考生们对英语词汇的理解与运用,这就要求考生在考试的时候能够快速准确的理解划线词语的意思,并且能够在选项中找到与之意思相同或相近的词语。就如同下面这套16年卫生c级职称英语选词填空真题,看看你能答对多少。 1.The course gives you basic instruction in maintenance. ng 【答案】A 2.I think I managed to grasp the main point of the lecture. tand s 【答案】A 3.Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him. s s sts 【答案】D 4.You need feedback to monitor progress. e 【答案】D 5.Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal. ss 【答案】C 6.We are aware of the potential problems. le g l 【答案】A 7.We must get to the root of the problem. ch on 【答案】B 8.All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at risk of flooding. danger of control n equals particular 【答案】A 9.He needs the money really badly. urgently much quickly efficiently 【答案】A 做完这套选词填空题大家有何感想,其实选词填空作为职称英语考试的第职称英语试卷的第一部分,这种题型主要考察考生们对英语一道题,其难度是不大的,只要大家平时多积累英语词汇,考试的时候才有答对的希望。此种题型鉴于它的难易程度,建议大家最好争取把这几分都拿到手。

  • 工作职称英语的等级划分及区别

    在进行等级考试选择时,有人对于职称英语的三个类别的不同不是很清楚,沪江小编为了让大家更能清晰的认识,特地搜索资料为大家进行总结。 考试总的评价目标是: 申报A级的人员在2小时内应完成3000词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容; 申报B级的人员在2小时内应完成2600词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容; 申报C级的人员在2小时内应完成2200词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容。 A、B、C三个级别适用范围分别为: A级:适用于高教、科研、卫生、工程系列中申报高级职称,或其它系列中申报正高级职称,或申报高级商务师的人员。 B级:适用于高级未分正副的系列(工程系列除外