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  • 关于高考的英语作文400字

    高考是一次非常重要的测试,也是人生的重要转折点,那么关于高考的英语作文怎么写呢?高考英语作文的写法是有规律可寻的,掌握了这些规律就能轻松得高分,今天沪江小编为你整高考是一次非常重要的测试,也是人生的重要转折点,那么关于高考的英语作文怎么写呢?高考理了写高考的英语作文,希望对你有所帮助。 关于高考的英语作文篇1 He was under pressure to be a hercules in the United States. A child was trapped in the ditch by a small truck in an accident. The boy's father came and jumped into the ditch. He lifted the pickup truck to a certain height and the boy was saved! But he couldn't lift the pickup truck any more. This, I think, is precisely because the intense pressure of the rescuer has inspired his boundless potential, and his strength is beyond his usual capacity. This validates Emerson's famous saying that miracles are often caused by stress. When the child's father saw the child on the edge of death, there was only one idea in mind: "whatever it is, be sure to save the child!" As a father, he was so stressed and responsible that he didn't even have time to think about whether he could move the pickup truck. The belief that this "must save the child" and the invisible pressure have made him desperate and unleashed an unprecedented force. Judging by the dialectical point of view, things have a bad side, and there must be a good side. The same is true of stress. This is the other side of the double-edged sword. People don't always say, "well, no pressure, no oil, no pressur. 关于高考的英语作文篇2 As the saying goes, there is pressure to be motivated. But is the stress really good? The stress of being fit can be turned into motivation, but the stress can backfire. The teacher left a mountain of homework, and the parents made a pile of them. This is the sadness of our students. They think it's better to do more. But who knows, buried deep in the night? Some people even went to the building to kill themselves and run away from home. Just like the pressure cooker, there's no pressure, and there's a lot of pressure to explode. Today is the year of the Olympic Games in China. Therefore, I thought of liu xiang. Liu xiang is a prodigy and the pride of our country. He gave us the glory of China and gave the Chinese a sigh of relief. But in recent years, is it too stressful for liu xiang? Do we think liu xiang is invincible? What if liu xiang loses? How could such liu xiang not lose? Why are there more new gold MEDALS in the Olympic Games? The first calf is not afraid of the tiger, which is precisely because we have high hopes for them. In the face of stress, we should confront the difficulties and never flinch. But are the pressure makers too stressed? 关于高考的英语作文篇3 They, under pressure, lose their hands in the Olympics, and many of them lose their hands because of too much pressure, while the dark horse occasionally kills. Why are they stressed? Because they positioned themselves in the position of a "general", they thought they had taken a few gold MEDALS, and this time they must have another. Therefore, they carry a heavy burden of thought on their backs, so they play more conservatively and worry too much. And the "dark horse" is their orientation in the position of a challenger: if I lose, have no what, you are a star, various aspects are better than me, taken for granted; If I win, it's better to say that I have the strength to win. Thus the "black horses" can play their normal, even paranormal levels. This is an old saying, "it's easy to keep your city on the wall." In fact, the main problem facing pressure is self-orientation. If the "name" to the game as a platform to communicate with other players, with a common heart to face, positioning himself in a low position, also have the larger play space. At the Athens Olympics, did lee's team win the final victory because of their self-positioning? The greatest enemy of man is himself, so long as he conquers his own pressure, all the other external pressures are not worth talking about. Learn to relieve yourself, and you will be able to do well. Stress can't escape, stress is the fuel of life, pressure is the motivation, fight the pressure, let the pressure come more violently! 英语作文在高考英语中占有很大的比重,同学们一定要重视英语作文。高考英语作文主要考查学生的英语水平,要想写好英语作文并不是一件容易的事,想要拿高分更是难上加难。不过不用担心,英语作文是有技巧的,通过上述的介绍,相信你也有所收获了。  

  • 如何写好高考英语作文

    用到作文中就可。以下便是巧用句式的例子   一般适合学生的通用句式有例如,句子开头:there is no doubt that;there is an undenying fact that;it can be said without exaggeration that……(可加The double ninth festival is one of the traditional festival in China),   句子连接处:what is more,in addition,in the other hand……   句子结尾:last but not least ,in a word,in short省略号,   当然如果能用倒装句,not only but also等句型也是极好的,前提是你不会写错。   任何阅卷老师都喜欢看起来很整洁的卷面,因此写英语作文的时候段落层次也要清晰明了,通常建议采取三段的格式。   对照例题而言,可第一段写目的,第二段写邀请活动的 时间地点及内容,第三段写对对方的到来的期许。如果第二段内容过多也可再细分。   其次,要做好段落之间的连接,不高考能使文章过于刻板让阅卷者一看就认为是按照格式写成的,段与段间最好用上些连接句式使之自然过渡。   格式大底诉说清楚了,按照以上步骤练习相信同学们作文也不会差到哪去,到时候同学们也应该勤加练习英文书写,即使字体再难改好,学生也要把字写的整齐,毕竟字如其人是大家所公认的。   以上就是沪江小编分享的如何写好高考英语作文的相关内容。总之,大家要注意要在平日中丰富自己的词汇量,不然写作中也会遇到巧妇难为无米之炊的尴尬场面。

  • 高考冲刺如何消除"高考恐慌症"?

    需要的地方;演讲或辩论中,精神紧张,就能使人思维敏捷,妙语连珠。但过分的紧张会导致失败。故有“高考恐慌症”的考生,务必放松自己,不要老想着考试,考前可做些自我行为训练,如做做操,散散步,打打球,听听音乐。   4、功夫在场外   考场即战场,养兵千日,用兵一时,功夫在场外。不但要加强文化科学知识学习,还要注意磨炼自己的意志,提高自己的心理素质、应变能力,不怕经受挫折,在挫折中成长、成才、战胜自己,消除各种心理障碍。最后希望大家战胜所有的困难,取得优异成绩!   高考对于人生非常的重要,所以面对即将到来的高考,考生们拥有一个平常的心态是非常重要的,可是很多同学都高考,很多考生都在积极的备战,冲刺阶段对于考生来说也是至关重要的,可是很多考生在这个阶段却发生了高考出现了高考恐慌症,那么如何消除这些高考恐慌症呢?上文中沪江小编为大家介绍了相关的事项,希望大家能够仔细阅读。

  • 高考英语提纲类作文怎么写

      在许多考试,尤其是高考试,尤其是高考中,英语作文有许多都是提纲型的。也就是说,试卷中已经给出了作文的提纲,需要大家根据提纲写出作文来。今天沪江小编就为大家介绍老师们推荐的提纲型作文的写作方法,包括研究提纲,确定主题句,展开内容,最后在进行修改等,希望对大家有所帮助。   高考英语之提纲题型写作   ① 认真研究所给提纲。   考生要注意领会提纲的含义,不要遗漏提纲要点或错误理解提纲的意思。   ② 确定各段的主题句。   考生应根据所给提纲写出各段的主题句,合格的主题句应具备以下四个要点:   •意义完整。主题句结构要完整,即结构符合语法规则;意义要完整,即主题句是一个符   合逻辑的完整命题。   •表意清晰。主题句要清晰明确,不使用意思含混的词或句子。   •内容具体。主题句的内容要明确具体,否则不利于段落的扩展。   •用词贴切。主题句一定要用词准确,简明达意,使段落的拓展有一个良好的基础。   ③ 逐步展开段落。   段落写作应围绕自己列好的主题句进行,在写作过程中可稍加调整。   ④ 检查与修改。   检查考题所给提纲是否准确且完整地被表达于文章之中,如有偏差,应做相应的修改。   上述沪江小编分享的高考英语提纲类作文怎么写的内容就介绍到这里了,希望可以帮助大家提升写作的能力和效果,写出更优秀的作品来。

  • 2018全国高考作文题目汇总

    利器方成匠心之作;有一种“器”叫器量,兼容并包,彰显才识气度;有一种“器”叫国之重器,肩负荣光,成就梦想……   要求:①自选角度,自拟标题; ②文体不限(诗歌除外),文体特征鲜明;③不少于800字; ④不得抄袭,不得套作。   上海卷:被需要的心态   生活中,人们不仅关注自身的需要,也时常渴望被他人需要,以体现自己的价值。这种“被需要”的心态普遍存在,对此你有怎样的认识?请写一篇文章,谈谈你的思考。要求:(1)自拟题目;(2)不少于800字。   浙江卷:浙江精神与浙江人   浙江大地,历史上孕育过务实、经世致用、知行合一等思想,今天又形高考已经结束,全国各地的高考作文题目也都已经公布出来了,沪江小编为大家整理了本次高考成了“干在实处、走在前列、勇立潮头”的浙江精神。   在与时俱进的浙江文化滋养下,代代浙江人书写了一个又一个浙江故事,创造了一个又一个浙江传奇。   作为浙江学子,站在人生新起点,你有怎样的体验和思考?结合上述材料,写一篇文章。   [注意]①立意自定,角度自选,题目自拟。②明确文体,不得写成

  • 七年级地理期中考试试卷分析

    图上和通过地图训练培养能力,正是这一方法的生动体现。一方面把所获得的知识落在地地理的学习效率,那么课堂上必须要做到认真听课和做笔记。在学习地理的过程中,要重视概念的学习,要对所有的地理图上,另一方面要培养读图、画图及运用地图分析问题,解决问题的能力。   5、立足课本,学好基础知识,突破重点和难点。只有在掌握了基础知识的基础上,才有可能去联系实际。在“博”的基础上要求“活”。基础知识要求记住重要的地理事物及空间分布状况,一些重要的地名、数据应当牢固记忆并能落实到图上。   学习地理,除了课本上要求必须掌握的知识。课后的练习也一定重视,通过做题来巩固学过的知识。遇到疑问的地方,一定要及时找老师一起解决问题。以上就是小编整理的对期中考试的一些分析,大家可以作为参考,希望可以帮助大家。