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  • 值得一看的求职英语自我介绍范例

    有很有朋友认为写自我介绍就和写作文一样,其实不然,自我介绍不像作文那样要深究语法等,求职者在自我介绍要明确自己的目的是让HR了解自己,要用最简洁语言介绍。求职者要注意自己的发音问题,以防面试官听不懂自我介绍。下面,沪江小编就为大家介绍一篇优秀的英文自我介绍范例。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in shanghai province. I graduated from shanghai University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2015. I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. In July 2015, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2015, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. 女士们,先生们,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。 现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我今年26岁,出生于上海。我毕业于上海大学电子专业。我在2015年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,通过了大学英语六级考试,掌握了基本的专业知识。 成为电子工程师是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。2015年七月,我就职于青岛一家小的私人公司担任技术助理工程师。由于我的才能得不到足够的施展,我决定更换工作。在2015年8月,我前往北京为一家外资企业工作担任自动软件测试工程师。因为我想更换一下工作环境,想找一个更具挑战性的工作。而且我认为摩托罗拉公司是一个国际公司,我可以在这样的工作环境里收获更多。这自我介绍就和写作文一样,其实不然,自我介绍不像作文那样要深究语法等,求职者在自我介绍就是我来这里面试的原因。我觉得我是一位具有良好团队精神、诚恳的人。而且,我能够在高强度压力下进行工作。我非常有信心我有能力胜任该公司的工程师职位。 感谢各位给我此次机会。 以上便是沪江小编为大家介绍的优秀英文自我介绍范例,希望对大家的求职能有所帮助。获取更多英语知识请关注沪江网校。

  • 用英语做自我介绍的范文

    用英语自我介绍,是我们作为学生,学习英语的学生很常见的一个项目。而且,我们大多数人的英语口语都不是很好,让我们现场发挥自我介绍,肯定是有一定的难度的。所以,我们在进行英语的自我介绍之前,一定要首先准备好游戏诶资料,准备一些范文背诵一下,这样才能发挥的更好。 一. Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I

  • 简单的英语自我介绍范文

    自我介绍是任何场合都必不可少的,初入一个环境,好的自我介绍会让大家对你印象深刻,产生好感。若是到了需要英语做自我介绍的环境中也不要紧张,要给自己信心,凭借自己的英语水平一定可以获得大家的赞赏,推荐一篇范文供大家参考。 hello,everyone! my name is xxxx is my english name,which is also the name of my idol.i’m a recommended student from ccfls,in which i have studied for six the time i stayed

  • 英语口语自我介绍需要掌握的句子


  • 英语四级口试自我介绍范例

    在英语面试口试时,若想做一个相对优秀的英文自我介绍除了要有浓厚的英文基础外,还要去掌握面试时考官感兴趣的话题。面试的第一步对于考官要求的自我介绍。那我们应该如何应对呢?下面,沪江小编就为大家介绍一些英语四级口试自我介绍范例。 Sample 1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my

  • 初中生怎样才能写好英语作文

    递了一个清晰且强烈的信息。) This phenomenon has aroused heightened concerns from our society.(这种现象已经引起了社会的高度关注。) While there is a heated discussion, even controversy, over the current issue( of whether...), my view is obvious enough. (虽然对此事件出现了激烈的争论甚至论战,我的观点却很明确。) Several points analyzed below might help us gain an insight into this phenomenon. First of all...(以下分析的几点可能有助于我们了解内在现象。首先……) 上面这英语的学生们都知道,英语不论是在什么阶段,只要考试,就会有作文题目。这也是让很多人头痛的地方。其实写英语几点建议都是比较不错的,希望同学们能够认真的把这些内容读完,然后再去试着写作文,应该会有很大收获。

  • 英语教师1分钟自我介绍简短

    a lot of patience to deal with children. the most important that i have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. if i have the chance, i will try my best to be a good primary english teacher.   自我介绍就是在最短的时间内让大家认识自己,在英语越发重要的今天,一个好的英语自我介绍也是非常的有必要的,看看上文中的英语教师是如何做自我介绍的,同学们可以汲取经验,为以后的需要做准备。

  • 英语作文中关于自我介绍类的作文的模板

    到了这些作文,还是比较幸运的。因为这些作文都有很多的模板可寻,我们只需要背诵一些比较好的模板就好了。下面就是小编为大家总结的一篇比较好的模板,大家背诵一下。 Hello,every one!(大家好) My name is **** . (我叫****) I'm a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你可以把Rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音) I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学) But I like it.(但我喜欢他) I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果) I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等) I'm kind-hearted.(我很热心) If you need help ,please come to me .(如果你需要帮助,就来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) OK.This is me .A sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 2, Hello everyone. My name is . I am a student of Grade eight . I am an outgoing , lovely girl and I am so welcomed by my friends and my classmates. I have a best friend, xiao hai. She is very interesting and lovely too. She often tells funny stories and always make me laugh. We often play together. I like action movies. I think they are exciting and interesting. I often go to the movies with my friends on weekends. I can aslo play the violin and have won many prizes in the competitions. I take violin lessons twice a week. It is a little hard for me but I am very happy , because I have a dream. I want to be a great violinist one day. Thank you. 希望我们的同学们能够把上面的这篇自我介绍的模板背下来,这样大家以后再见到这类自我介绍的作文的时候就不会害英语作文的时候,会经常遇到一些需要我们做自我介绍的题目。很多同学们看到这个题目就会很犯难,不知道对于自己该如何进行介绍怕了,就能轻松应对了。

  • 怎样提高初中生英语作文写作的建议

    也是笔者把它放在第一位的原因。在教学过程中,应坚持要求学生书写规范,写好匀笔斜体行书,注意连写,以及文面美观。可以采用出专刊的形式,让全班同学都参加英语书法评比,从而激发学生练习英语书写的兴趣,养成良好的书写习惯。 综上所述,在英语写作中听、说、读、写应同步发展。写作是一种语言输出形式,只有语言输入大于语言输出,语言输出才有可能。英语写作训练作为英语综合能力训练之一,是与英语的听说读是不可分割的,它们是相互影响、相互作用的有机统一体,必须注重听、说、读、写能力的同步发展。 比如笔者实施多年的“五分钟课前训练”:在上正课前五分钟里,要学生用英语讲述一个故事(积累素材);或者课前朗读一篇短小精悍的文章,让大家课后模仿;或者就大家平时关心的话题写一个发言稿或演讲稿进行课前发言;或者让学生自立主题,围绕自己喜欢的主英语语言交际能力的重要组成部分,其中要求较高的是“写”的能力。《英语题写一段话。这种课前训练取得了很好的效果。 美国作家舒伯特指出:“Reading is writing”,即:阅读能够促进写作,因为对学生而言,他们对生活的体验、对人生的认识大多是从书本上获得,从大量的阅读中获取的,阅读不仅能帮助