

首先,采取心理攻势。为学生树立远大的目标,分析实现目标的可能性,并细化目标,明确阶段任务,让学生立下立志努力的誓言。比如,我曾经让他们这样立誓:Since I have made up my mind, great efforts should be made to realize my dream. And only by studying hard, can I definitely enable myself to take strong position among my peers. 励志时可用:Thus I suggest that great efforts should be made to be the person the society needs. And only by doing so, can you definitely enable yourself to become as happy as you used to be realize your dream. 鼓励、说服他人时可用:As far as I'm concerned, great efforts should be made to build your confidence and perseverance. Only by doing so, can we definitely enable ourselves to take strong position in our life.掌握了套路,优美的段落便会脱口而出,达到妙笔生花的效果。


多鼓励学生使用这些连接词,开展拓展运用、练习语段的训练,引导注意万能连接词的运用。(1)递进: besides, in addition, What's more, furthermore, moreover, what's worse; worse still,to make things even worse, besides;(2)转折:however,but,nevertheless,after all;(3)总结:finally, at last, in brief, to conclude,in conclusion,to sum up;(4)强调:really, indeed,certainly,surely,above all;(5)对比:in the same way,just as,on one hand,on the other hand,for one thing,for another。


比如,关于作文开关第一段的描写,我曾经给过这样的例子供学生背诵。Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see...It goes without saying that this picture conveys a clear and strong message to us. (这是一幅生动的图画,从中我们可以看到……不言而喻, 这幅画传递了一个清晰且强烈的信息。)

This phenomenon has aroused heightened concerns from our society.(这种现象已经引起了社会的高度关注。)

While there is a heated discussion, even controversy, over the current issue( of whether...), my view is obvious enough. (虽然对此事件出现了激烈的争论甚至论战,我的观点却很明确。)

Several points analyzed below might help us gain an insight into this phenomenon. First of all...(以下分析的几点可能有助于我们了解内在现象。首先……)
