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  • 中秋节英语作文范文带翻译

    别的日子里会放假。换句话来说,中秋节为家人团聚提供了机会。   Secondly, every family will prepare a big meal in that day. All the food is delicious. It is good to have a big meal. I think nobody will not interest in delicious food. The mooncake is a necessary decoration for mid-autumn day. It tastes good, too. It is the traditional for a long time. How pleased to enjoy the glorious full moon with mooncake!   其次,每个家庭都会在这一天准备一顿大餐。所中秋节是我国传统节日,一提到中秋节,大家肯定想到的就是月饼,团圆和赏月。每年的农历八月十五就是我国的传统节有的食物都很好吃。有大餐吃真的很棒。我觉得没人会对美味的食物不感兴趣。月饼是中秋节的一个必需的装饰。它也很美味。这是很久以前的传统。一边赏月一边吃着月饼是多么惬意啊!   This is why I love mid-autumn festival so much. It is funny and happy time.   这就是为什么我那么喜欢中秋节的原因。那是快乐有趣的时光。   虽然中秋节是我国的传统节日,但是大家知道怎样用英语介绍我国的中秋节吗。大家可以关注上面的范文,学习一下用英语怎么介绍中国的传统节日。大家也可以登录沪江英语网,沪江网上面有很多关于英语的学习资讯,对学习英语的小伙伴来说可以起到很大帮助。

  • 中秋节英语翻译学习

    有趣!那么中秋节便一定是发生在秋天中间吧?   三、中秋习俗故事 中秋祭月 On the Mid-Autumn Festival in China is a very ancient custom. According to historical records, as early as the Chou dynasty, the ancient kings had the sun in the vernal equinox, summer solstice Jide, Autumnal Equinox Festival month, the winter solstice Heaven customs. Their place of worship called on the altar to altar, on the altar, the Temple of Heaven. Grouped in the four corners. Beijing, the Ming and Qing emperors on the altar is the place on Festival. "Book of Rites" reads: "Son of Heaven spring Asahi, Qiu Xi months. DPRK and the DPRK, on the eve of the eve." On the eve of the eve of here, that means it is night worship the moon. This custom has not only pursued by the court and the upper nobility, with the development of society has gradually affected the folk 在我中秋节的英语表达怎么说呢?今天小编在这里为大家整理了中秋节的英语国是一种十分古老的习俗。据史书记载,早在周朝,古代帝王就有春分祭日、夏至祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的习俗。其祭祀的场所称为日坛、地坛、月坛、天坛。分设在东南西北四个方向。北京的月坛就是明清皇帝祭月的地方。《礼记》记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日之朝,夕月之夕。”这里的夕月之夕,指的正是夜晚祭祀月亮。这种风俗不仅为宫廷及上层贵族所奉行,随着社会的发展,也逐渐影响到民间 通过以上内容,大家对中秋节有一定了解了吗?希望以上中英对照的内容能够帮助大家学习关于中秋节的英语。如需其它相关资料,请继续关注沪江网!

  • 中秋节的英语表达方法及例句


  • 中秋节

    中秋节 203 石震洋  农历八月十五是传统的中秋节,中秋节的月亮特别圆。所以又被称为“团圆节”。  今年的中秋节我过的很开心,爷爷奶奶全来了我家。我们一家欢聚一堂,共享受着一桌丰盛的晚餐。饭桌上,董事的妹妹给爷爷夹了一块肉,我给爷爷倒了一杯酒。爷爷乐的合不拢嘴,直夸我们是孝顺的好孩子。  吃过晚餐,爷爷给我们讲“嫦娥奔月”的故事,我们听的津津有味。这时候妈妈端来一盘月饼和一壶桂花茶,我们一边吃月饼一边喝桂花茶,一起观赏悬挂在天空的那轮明月,一家人其乐融融的度过了美丽而温馨的中秋节。