
BEC商务英语初、中、高级连读签约班 职场实用英语+考证,签协议,不过还能免费重读。


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  • 三拼音节表图


  • 大学英语六级作文表达四类谚语

    大学英语六级作文表达四类谚语 一、行动实践类 1. Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜于语

  • 英语四级作文图画式作文写作方法

    点在题干中也有强调(with a brief description of the picture)。对图画内容的描述可以引用图画中人物的对话。简要描述即可,不用发散或挖掘。也就意味着,事实上你若看不懂图画中的“核废物”之,其实没关系,照抄就好。 第二段,阐明观点。而观点在题干中事实上给得很清楚:the importance of doing small things before undertaking somethingbig. 这进一步说明仔细审清题干比看懂图画中的对话更重要。阐明观点之后的思路与一般的六级提纲型写作一致,如英语四级考试中,作文是最难把握的一个题型,对于很多考生来说,图画式作文都不陌生,但如何将此类作文我们一般在课上所提的,可以先举例说明现象、然后再探讨导致现象的原因以及该现象可能导致的影响等;还可结合数字、研究、名言等进行论证。 末段,除了总结观点外,一般还可以提出建议。这段的写法无论是图画、图表还是提纲写作、甚至格言谚语型写作,都差别不大。 继之前六级考察图画作文后,这次四级也考察了图画作文。这说明四、六级的出题思路不再拘泥于传统的提纲写作,开始进行多种变化。我们也要对相应的考法做好准备。 但无论哪种考法,最核心的仍然是:仔细审题、清晰思路、不要犯错。四、六级一贯会在写作题干中包含重要信息甚至观点,因此审题必不可少;各种考法的文章展开方式、各段写法有类似之处,我们要学会融会贯通,以及文章只要没有犯语言错误,即便遣词造句不那么漂亮,分数也不会低。

  • 六级英语作文范文分享

      英语作文是每一个学生都会遇到的事情,无论是中小学的英语考试还是大学里的四六级,英语作文总是占了较大的分数比例。一些朋友可能对英语作文比较发憷,写来写去都是差不多的分数,接下来沪江小编告诉你关于六级英语作文范文。   历史的重要影响   Peter Buck,a famous American female writer,once said “if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” Evidently, it is meant to tell us the significant influence

  • 大学英语四级首尾句类作文写作技巧


  • 商务英语中级的作文模板

      商务英语写作和普通的英语写作有很大的区别,除了要符合一般写作的基本要求之外,还要具备有商务英语写作的特点,如果你不会写,可以在平时多记一些商务英语的作文模板,今天沪江小编就为大家介绍了商务英语中级的作为模板,希望对大家有所帮助。   商务英语中级的作文模板1   Business practices in China (244words)   Dear Chen,   I was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose some advice about visiting Milan.   There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend the Hotel Wagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair and also has the metro and train connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and I do not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bit chaotic.   Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favourite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.   It is difficult to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so much to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci is a short train ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milan's huge gothic cathedral. If you are interested in football, there should be midweek match featuring either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area around via Montenapoleone.   Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during you stay. I would be very happy to accept.   I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time. We can then make the arrangements for where and when we are going to meet.   商务英语中级的作文模板2   Dear Customer,   When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustration   Have you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Asking people to repeat themselves? Having special trouble with certain letters or sounds? Turning up the volume on the TV?   If so, you can help them and yourself—by encouraging them to find out about a hearing aid. More than six million Americans enjoy improved hearing and better lives-with hearing aids. And the power source they rely on most is Rayovac.   “Rayovac batteries really do make a difference.” One of our customers said so.   Long-lasting Royovac batteries can help hearing aids perform at their best, so sthe whole family can enjoy the difference better hearing can make.   If you are interested, please contact us by calling 446- 8888.   Yours faithfully,   商务英语中级的作文模板3   You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts. Read the following charts which show , the trendof consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development.   Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases. . Write on your Answer Sheet.   Near the end of 1994, people suddenly become "rich'', buying a lot of things. We have received the report that the real hourly wages of workers become even less ,so they do not have enough money to buy so many things. Although the employment is rising towards the end of 1994 ,the growth is very slow. Therefore ,not many people find jobs to earn enough money to buy goods. Then where does the big consumer confidence come from? We have discovered that people overspend with various credit cards ,buying goods. And they are not worried about returning the borrowed money. This it is our turn to be concerned about this kind of consumer confidence.   中英语写作和普通的英语写作有很大的区别,除了要符合一般写作的基本要求之外,还要具备有商务英语国有句古话说的非常好,学会唐诗三百首,不会写来也会抄,很多人在面对商务英语写作的时候都不知道该如何写,其实这是因为阅读能力没有达到的情况所引起的,如果多了解一些写作的模板,在考试的时候写出高分作文也就不是一件难事。

  • 英语作文万能开头优美亮点句型

    乐着》改装)《我诚信,我快乐》 (根据广告语改装)   《衣带渐宽终不悔,为诚消得人憔悴》 (根据柳永名句改装)《将诚信进行到底》 (根据标语“将革命进行到底”改装   2、引用。   引用诗词名句、歌曲以及成语、俗语等作题,典雅大方,文   采飞扬。   如:《走自己的路》、《得失寸心知》   3、修辞。   使用修辞,让题目新颖含蓄,精炼生动,使文章锦上添花。 如:《诚信如水》(比喻)   《诚信是桨》(比喻)   《“诚信”喊冤》(拟人)   五、文体写自己顺手的   话题作文不限文体,考生可以根据所给话题和自己确定的文章主题来选择自己最擅长的文体。   六、写话题作文的注意点   1、 话题作文范围宽泛,但不是无范围,在行文时如果扣话题不紧,或摒弃话题,另起话题,就是走题。也不能在一个话题中信手走笔,穿梭于几个子话图写话练习一下过渡到三年级的作文题中,不能散漫作文。   2、只能确定一个方面的内容。如话题作文“成长”,可写成长中的喜悦,也可写成长中的烦恼,可以将一方面作为另一方面的衬托,但不能同时写两方面。若两者并重,就会造成两个中心。   3、以“**”为话题,“**”并不一定是题目。要根据所给话题、自己确立的主题和选材拟一个有特色的标题。   以上就是沪江小编针对小学三年级如何写好话题作文的分享,希望能够帮助到同学们提升自己的写作能力,取得理想的学习成绩。

  • 2017年图画英语六级作文写作技巧

    以是物); 2、中心事物所处的状态或所处环境; 3、中心事物的动作; 4、动作的结果。 由此,考生在看完图画后,应该明确四个问题: 1.图上画了什么主要人物或事物 2.他或它处于什么状态或环境下 3.他做了什么事或者它表现了什么样的状态 4.他或它所做的事造成了什么结果 二、图画写作第二步:谋篇布局,三段写作 在看明白图画的立意后,就要可以开始着手写作了。任何应试作文的写作都英语六级考试中,作文是最难把握的一类题型,很多考生在备考的时候都对六级作文无从下手,那么如何在考试中提高六级作文应从谋篇布局开始,也就是确定文章的整体结构,思考文章分几段、各段该怎么写。文都老师建议我们把看图议论文写成三个段落:第一段描述图画,第二段解释寓意,第三段解决方案或我的观点。 下面给大家一图片为例,给大家展示一下图画作文的三段写作方法。 As is depicted above, a