
2024年英语四级白金班【屠皓民亲授】 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!不过可申请免费重读


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  • 大学英语四级作文范文关爱四级老人

      学习英语就是要掌握听,说,读,写几个方面。随着英语的运用越来越广泛,从而引英语就是要掌握听,说,读,写几个方面。随着英语的运用越来越广泛,从而引起了大家对英语学习的重视。要想学好英语,首先要端正自己的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯。下面,沪江小编给大家分享一篇大学英语四级的作文范文,大家可以通过以下范文来学习他人的写作手法。   英语四级作文话题及范文:关爱老人   We Should Balance Our Love   1. 现在有很多人关心下一代超过关心上一代   2. 这一现象带来什么问题   3. 你认为应该怎么做   【范文】   We Should Balance Our Love   Nowadays it is common to see

  • 英语四级写作热门话题范文四级介绍

        大学英语四级写作部分一直是考生获取高分的拦路虎,也是制约学生获取高分的瓶颈。要想打破这个瓶颈,在平时必须加强对写作技巧的练习,只有多练才能在考试中写出一篇好文章。下面我们就为大家带来大学英语四级作文热门话题相关的2篇优秀范文,希望对于大家四级作文的写作有所帮助。   热门话题一:私立学校   Private School   With the development of the society and economy, various private schools arise. When you read newspapers, turn on TV, or even walk

  • 英语基础差如何过英语四级

    助你拥有较多的词汇,慢慢的了解一些英语常用的语法,但是你基础差不能就靠一方面,你得从全方位下手,那就是听力,听力也是需要长时间得培养得,你可以上网搜一些听力短文来听听,就算你四级不靠听力也能过,但你熟悉听力以后考六级就会更轻松了。   阅读能力:   四级考试中有很多短文需要阅读,但是时间有限就需要你有一定得阅读能力,这方面你去借一两本中英双字幕的小说,平时多看看就能提升你的阅读能力了。   写作:   写作其实就是按部就班,英语作文大多分三段,其实很多句子套句都是可以直接背下来然后按部就班,你平时多看一些范文多记一些生词短句,考试的时候直接照着写上去就行了,而且阅卷老师看到比较特英语四六级考试。英语四级相比于英语别的短句会加分的。还有就是学一些从句的使用也是会加分的。   刷题:   基础差的同学做题的时候肯定会慌的不自信,就多找几套真题预测题来做做,然后自己给自己打分,直到分数能够过英语四级才停,给自己一个心理暗示的作用,同时多练题也是熟能生巧,考试的时候能发挥得更好。   英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,所以要想顺利通关英语四级考试,那么平时一定要掌握学习的方法。以上就是小编给大家分享的英语四级学习方法,希望可以给大家带来四级相比于英语来说难度会比较低,但是要想顺利通过英语四级考试,平时的努力必不可少。下面,沪江小编给大家说说怎样应对英语四级考试,大家可以作为参考。   听力:   巩固复习大学英语教材只能帮助你拥有较多的词汇,慢慢的了解一些英语常用的语法,但是你基础差不能就靠一方面,你得从全方位下手,那就是听力,听力也是需要长时间得培养得,你可以上网搜一些听力短文来听听,就算你四级不靠听力也能过,但你熟悉听力以后考六级就会更轻松了。   阅读能力:   四级考试中有很多短文需要阅读,但是时间有限就需要你有一定得阅读能力,这方面你去借一两本中英双字幕的小说,平时多看看就能提升你的阅读能力了。   写作:   写作其实就是按部就班,英语作文大多分三段,其实很多句子套句都是可以直接背下来然后按部就班,你平时多看一些范文多记一些生词短句,考试的时候直接照着写上去就行了,而且阅卷老师看到比较特别的短句会加分的。还有就是学一些从句的使用也是会加分的。   刷题:   基础差的同学做题的时候肯定会慌的不自信,就多找几套真题预测题来做做,然后自己给自己打分,直到分数能够过英语四级才停,给自己一个心理暗示的作用,同时多练题也是熟能生巧,考试的时候能发挥得更好。   英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,所以要想顺利通关英语四级考试,那么平时一定要掌握学习的方法。以上就是小编给大家分享的英语四级帮助。

  • 英语四级真题范文四级及点评

    以对考生来说难度不大。一篇好的四级作文,要注意两点:一,要紧扣题目要求;二,要在评论的基础上亮出自己的观点。   范文开头第一句就开门见山,引用名言,亮出观点,简短而有力。紧接着又用图片中所给的故事,作为论据支撑。这样以来,既避免了直接叙述故事带来的突兀感,又使故事更好的支持论点。   第二段作者进一步分析深入论证自己观点。通过中外两个“从小事做起的”伟人的例子做论证,使论点更为饱满,更具说服力。   第三段作者从自身出发,指出大学生对“一屋不扫”应该具备积极的态度。文章最后,以名言作结,切中主题,铿锵有力。   现代信息技术对人们交流模式的影响   The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.   As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.   To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.   点评:   本次四级作文形式仍为漫画题,探讨因特网等现代信息技术对人们交流模式的影响。话题贴近日常生活,难度中等。题目要求简述网络的影响,并解释“电子通讯能否替代面对面的交流”,考生需要明确给出正面或反英语四级考试主要针对的对象是在校本科生和研究生。如果想要通过英语四六级面的观点。   如选择“可以替代”,可考虑从信息技术先进程度、交流方式多样化(文字、语音、视频)等方面举例论述。如选择“不可替代”,则可强调信息技术无法实现的方面,如面对面情感交流、文字信息内容传达的不完整性,或是网络技术的不稳定、不可靠四级考试主要针对的对象是在校本科生和研究生。如果想要通过英语四六级的考试,那么在学校的时候一定要抓住机会,而在英语四级考试中,作文是压轴题目,而一篇好的四级作文要注意两点.一、要紧扣题目要求;二,要在评论的基础上亮出自己的观点。今天沪江的小编在这里给大家整理了两篇英语四级作文及点评,欢迎大家欣赏   The Big is the Little   Nothing can be done except little by little, the French poet Baudelaire Charles once said. Most people, however, often ignore such a truth. So does the little boy shown in the picture. He expresses his worries to his father about disposing of nuclear waste, but is told that he can achieve nothing if he doesn’t empty the dustbin first.   Every single little thing you can do today matters. The truth has been tested for ages, and thousands of great people have set good examples for us. For instance, Leonardo da Vinci, the world-renowned master in painting, starts his career with repeated egg-drawing. Lu Xun, the great man of letters, reminded himself to get up early by inscribing the character “morning” on his desk.   As university students, in my opinion, we should aim high, but at the same time, we shall never measure a task by its size. All in all, only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.   【点评】   本次四级作文为看图作文,探讨的话题是“一屋不扫,何以扫天下”。这个话题较为常见,一般考生对此都比较熟悉,所以对考生来说难度不大。一篇好的四级作文,要注意两点:一,要紧扣题目要求;二,要在评论的基础上亮出自己的观点。   范文开头第一句就开门见山,引用名言,亮出观点,简短而有力。紧接着又用图片中所给的故事,作为论据支撑。这样以来,既避免了直接叙述故事带来的突兀感,又使故事更好的支持论点。   第二段作者进一步分析深入论证自己观点。通过中外两个“从小事做起的”伟人的例子做论证,使论点更为饱满,更具说服力。   第三段作者从自身出发,指出大学生对“一屋不扫”应该具备积极的态度。文章最后,以名言作结,切中主题,铿锵有力。   现代信息技术对人们交流模式的影响   The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.   As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.   To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.   点评:   本次四级等方面。

  • 英语四级听力短文题答题四级技巧


  • 英语四级真题作文范文四级分享

      随着社会的发展,现在英语四级的作文考试也更具丰富性,很多人为了提高自己的写作能力,下了很大的功夫,如果能在英语四级,作文考试中取得高分,成了很多人思考的一个问题,对于很多中国的学生来说,英语四级真题作文范文,是他们,借鉴,的。毕竟中英语四级的作文考试也更具丰富性,很多人为了提高自己的写作能力,下了很大的功夫,如果能在英语四级国有句话,背会唐诗三百首不会写来也会吵,而今天沪江的小编在这里给大家带来的就是英语四级真题作文范文,欢迎大家家阅读。   绿色消费   Green Consumption   1.绿色消费的概念在中国日渐流行   2.中国推行绿色消费还存在许多困难   3.如何解决这个问题   参考范文:   Green Consumption

  • 英语四级写作范文四级参考分析


  • 最新英语四级四级作文框架

    句:If you …, you … 第二段举例写: 第一句:Examples can be easily found to make a case for this proverb. 第二句:Let’s take … for instance. 第三句:Another illustration of this is… 六、记叙文: 一.描述事件 when 时间,place 地点,who 人物,事件的经过(自己努力编故事) 二.描述地点 Location, population, advantages and disadvantages, main attrations, climate, etc. 我认为,英语作文想获得高分,首先,你要叙述有理,符合题意,具有说服性。最后,你应该多使用一些高级句式和词汇,多多运用四级里学习到的新词汇。这样,你的英语四级作文才能拿较高四级考试中就占到了15%,是考试得分中很重要的一个部分。今天我为大家带来了一些四级的分数。  

  • 英语四级写作练习四级:生活态度

    起了很多同学的重视,因此很多考生在备考四级考试的时候都会找来历年的作文来帮助自己提升写作能力。今年沪江的小编就给大家介绍一下英语四级写作练习之生活态度,希望可以帮助大家提高写作水平。 Life is composed of complex things and emotions, but sometimes a good life attitude can change a lot, showing a different world for everyone. We all know that taking the college entranceexamination is one of the most important things for a person’s whole life. Of course, high school students will under great pressure. So, how to treat it properly before and after the exam is very important. My opinions are as following. First of all, keeping a good life attitude is helpful for college entrance exam. As everyone regards it as so important and students themselves also put so much effort on it, they are surely stressful when it is coming. Some cannot fall asleep, some cannot think, and some cannot memorize things well because they are too nervous. As a result, they may not perform well in the exam. However, if they can keep a usual mind, they maybe at their best to get a good mark. In addition, after the high school entrance examination, keeping a good lift attitude is very important. Having experienced so stressful study for a long time, some students start toindulge themselves. Some may be very lazy and some may do some crazy things to relax. However, it turns out that their behavior will ruin themselves at last. If they have a good life attitude, they would relax themselves in a proper way not excessive. In a word, keeping a good life attitude is significant and helpful in everyone’s whole life. 生活有各种复杂的事情以及情感构造而成,然而有时候良好的生活态度可以有很大的改变,为我们展示了一个不一样的世界。众所周知参加高考是每个人一生中最重要的事情之一。当然,高中生肯定得承受很大的压力。所以,如英语四级考试中,作文作为拉分的重点部分,已经引起了很多同学的重视,因此很多考生在备考四级何在考前以及考后看待这个考试是很重要的。我的观点如下。 首先,保持良好的生活态度有助于高考。因为每个人都把高考看得那么重要,而且学生本身也为此付出了很大努力,当高考即将来临时他们肯定会压力山大。由于过于紧张,有人会失眠,有人会脑子一片空白,还有人会记不住知识。所以,他们在考试中可能会表现失常。但是,如果他们可以保持良好的生活态度,他们就有可能处他们最好的状态,从而取得好成绩。 而且,高考之后保持良好的心态也是很重要的。在长期经历高压学习后,有些学生会开始堕落。有些可能会很懒,或者做一些疯狂的事来放松自我。然而,他们的这些行为最终有可能会毁了他们。如果他们能保持良好的生活态度,他们就会正确的放松而不是过度。 总之,保持良好的生活态度在每个人的一生中都是很重要,也是很有四级考试中,作文作为拉分的重点部分,已经引起了很多同学的重视,因此很多考生在备考四级考试的时候都会找来历年的作文来帮助自己提升写作能力。今年沪江的小编就给大家介绍一下英语四级帮助的。

  • 2016年12月英语四级作文真题及范文(卷四级一)

          大学英语四级考试写作的评分标准是:文章切切题,条理清楚,语言准确和字数符合要求;所以大家在写作文的时候要特别注意这几点,做到围绕主题,逻辑清晰,语法正确,本文为大家整英语四级考试写作的评分标准是:文章切切题,条理清楚,语理了2016年12月英语四级作文真题及范文(卷一),供大家 参考学习。 作文题目:就业/创业 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文: Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice,which is truly a tough choice. Students' opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to start a business of your own, but others take the attitude that finding a job is the best choice influencing their future. As to myself, I prefer the latter view. An opportunity to start a business exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. In my view, With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years,there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large. What’s more ,College students who start businesses are pioneers,among whom will be born China’s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings. All in all, the essential difference between the students who find a job or those students who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep respect.       这类作文题目跟大学生息息相关。在写作时,我们只需要选择其中一个,并写出之所以这样选择的原因。原因是主观的,每个人做出某个选择都会有理由,所以面对这道题目,每个考生都会有话可说。在写作时,逻辑要清晰,语法及词汇要四级考试写作的评分标准是:文章切切题,条理清楚,语言准确和字数符合要求;所以大家在写作文的时候要特别注意这几点,做到围绕主题,逻辑清晰,语法正确,本文为大家整理了2016年12月英语四级正确。