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  • 国外旅游之我见的六级英语作文赏析

    关于六级作文写作,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了历年英语六级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 题目:国外旅游 1、近十年来某英语城市越来越多人选择出去旅游 2、出现这种现象的原因 3、这种现象可能产生的影响 表格: 1995 2000 2005 1万人 近4万 12万以上 From the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably. Especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000. There are several reasons for the change. Firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people become better off. And their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade. Travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad. In addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization. In this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world. From the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost. This encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible. 以上就是今天分享的全部内容,是不是对你很有帮助呢?同学们一定要多多练习,才能在考试中考出高分。更多精彩内容,请关注沪江网。

  • 有关旅游会用到的韩语单词

      春暖花开,大家都会喜欢去户外活动,旅游也成为大家喜爱的项目之一,有关旅行的词汇有哪些呢?今天小编就整理了一下韩语中关于去邮局会用到的单词。希望对大家有所帮助。   여행사 [yeohaengsa] 旅行社   관광 안내원 [gwangwang annaewon] 导游   2박 3일 [ibak samil] 3天2夜   주말 [jumal] 周末   성수기 [seongsugi] 旺季   비수기 [bisugi] 淡季   유명하다 [yumyeonghada] 有名   취소하다 [chwisohada] 取消   설명하다 [seolmyeonghada] 介绍,解释

  • 英语六级作文:旅游诚信问题

        近年来,旅游业越发热门,然而,随之也产生一系列弊端,如旅游诚信问题。黑车,黑社,黑导,宰客等现象屡见不鲜,甚至前段时间还爆出游客因为拒绝购物而遭群殴身亡的悲剧,旅游诚信问题又一次被提上桌面。     题目要求:     Dishonesty in Tourism     1. 近年来旅游行业中不诚信现象比较普遍     2. 出现这一现象的原因     3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议     参考范文:     Dishonesty in Tourism     Since 1980s, the economy of China has developed greatly.

  • 表达旅游计划的英语口语8000句

      A:Can I help you?   A:能为您效劳吗?   B: My wife and I want to go to Beijing for a tour.Can you arrange it?   B:我和我妻子想去北京旅游。你们能安排吗?   A:Yes,we can arrange that.   A:可以,我们可以安排。   B:I’d like to know what kind of tour your travel agency has.   B:我想问一下你们旅行社都有一些什么样的旅游项目。   A:Our travel agency provides all

  • 一些旅游用语的韩语中文谐音
