
  What kind are you looking ?

  Would you like to have any particular brand?

  Do you have something specific in mind?

  What size, please?

  What colour would you like?

  Are you looking for any special colour?

  What pattern would you like?

  What material do you prefer?

  How do you think of the design?


  This is just your size.

  I've got the colour you're looking for .

  I've got exactly what you need.

  May I recommend this new design to you?

  That's on sale today


  Do you need anything else?

  What else can I do for you?

  Is there anything else I can interest you in?

  Do you need anything to go with that?

  Is there anything else I can get for you?

  Is there anything I can help you with?


  Where do you have ties?

  Where is the men's clothing department?

  Where is the ladies' wear?

  Where is the shoe department?


  I'am just browsing

  Thank you.I am just looking.

  Just looking

  I'll look around some more.

  I'll try some other place, thank you very much.


  I'd like to see some skirts.

  Please show me some ties.

  Can you show me that one in the case?

  I like that one , would you show it to me?


  Do you have this in black?

  May I see some dark-blue ones?

  May i see some others in a different colour?

  What other colours do you have?

  Don't you have any plain colour ones?

  Do you have any other design?

  Do you have this jacket in a smaller size?

  Do you have something just a bit bigger?

  Do you have this in size 11?

  Have you got more expensive ones?

  Have you got anything cheaper?