
BEC商务英语初、中、高级连读签约班 职场实用英语+考证,签协议,不过还能免费重读。


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  • 成人该如何学好英语?

    过关,看完一本简单的语法书,把里边的例句背下来。然后花一年或多一点的时间啃一本实用的书,把这本书背下来或反复进行英汉,汉英翻译,而把新概念之类的教科书或泛读和听力资料进行学习。 同时坚持每天写日记或写文章,如有可能,还可以和朋友讨论问题,以期达到初步应用的水平。啃一本书的方法是行之有效的,成功的例子很多:丰子恺是用翻译一本书的方法在一年多一点的时间里完全靠自己学会了英语。后来他还用此方法学会了另外三种外语。他女儿也是用这种方法学会了四种外语。 4.成人学习英语要注意培养学习习惯和注意基本功因为离开学校很长时间,英语会变成一座烂尾楼,那比一片空白还要可怕。一片空地上面很容易建起一座大楼,而要重新利用烂尾楼就要先进行讨厌的清理工作。而改正时态,拼写,标点,习惯用法,搭配方面的错误都是在进行清理工作。离开学校久了,也就没有学习习惯了。这时看到书上的文字好像似懂非懂,听英语有时只听到字却不能理解意思,写起英语来也是心里没底。这时最需要的就是死记硬背。背的东西多了,脑子里就有可以比较的参照物,理解和应用也就容易了。死背加上改错对重新培养起学习习惯是至关重要的。如看和听都似懂非懂,写出来的东西又净是错误,那么以后再努力也将是徒劳无功的。 5.成人学英语要特别注意复习记忆的规律是先忘得快,后忘得慢。不成人该如何学好英语? 1.在校的学生的任务就是学习,所有的一切事情都要让位,甚至很多应该自己做的事,家里人都会帮着做。成人能把学过的东西放在一边不去管它,每天要多用些时间把学过的东西记住,以后就不用担心忘记了。如果学过后不求马上记住,以后也不抓紧复习,那么很快就会忘记,那时再来重新记,所花的时间就多得多。成人的记性差,学过的东西很快就会忘记,所以更应该多复习。

  • 高考英语答题技巧方法介绍

    例子,表示提出观点,表示分析原因,表示解决问题等。将这些功能句背诵下来,根据文章的类型进行灵活的排列组合,组成一篇属于自己的文章!   作文千万不要奢望背模板,已经有很多同学提过这个问题。简单说来,只要看下历年真题考什么,就知道几个模板把高考搞定是个奢望。但是上课讲过,可以通过段落模块和模仿句子等方法来破解。别忘记,试写几篇文章,你马上知道自己的问题了。   单词篇   边背词,边做题。主要还是培养做题的状态,考场才能正常发挥。   建议答题顺序:   听力--阅读--作文--完形--语法知识填空--改错   了解清楚上面关于答题技巧的内容,大家可以在模拟试卷中进行练习。当然答题技巧只是锦上添花,最重要的还是英语扎实的基础,在学习英语的过程中一定要一步一个脚印。只有基础好了,才英语是高考中的重要组成部分,想要在高考中取得成功,那么英语就要给予足够的重视。它的分值大,考能让答题技巧发挥出它应有的最大的效应。

  • 优秀的高考作文是如何炼成的

    高考作文在试卷中占比非常大,可谓半壁江山,很多同学为止非常头疼,虽然大家都知道,作文写得好,语文成需要摆脱依赖性,以正确的人生观、价值观为指导,具体问题具体分析,对事物做出正确的判断和选择。”经修改后的结尾,基本秉承原意,表述更为集中,不仅在形式上照应开头,而且在内容上贴近了材料的核心,从而把文章从“不切题”的深渊中打捞上来。   说白了,其实就是,写作文需要主题鲜明,贴近材料;开头要先声夺人,结尾要互相照应。一篇优秀的作文虽然难以炼成,但是掌握以上几点,离优秀作文还远吗?加油!沪江小编预祝各位同学高考成功!以上就是本次的所有内容,如需其他相关资讯,请继续关注沪江网!

  • 高考英语作文写作高级过渡语集锦

      作文写作时高考英语考试中的重点题型之一,也是对学生英语表达能力进行考察的主要题型。那么对于作文的写作来说,都有哪些好的语句可以运用呢?今天,沪江小编从高考英语作文写作高级过渡语角度出发来与大家分享一些经典语句,供同学们选择使用。   1、表起始的过渡语有to begin with, according to, so far, as far as等。例如:   1)As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.   2、表时间的过渡语有first/firstly, in the meantime, at the same time, for the first time, ever since, while, shortly after, the next moment, nowadays, at present, before long, in the future等。例如:   2)After that I went to No. 8 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer.   3)Firstly, the technology of … secondly, people’s income has…Thirdly, mobile phones are…   3、表空间的过渡语有on the right/ left, to the right/ left of, on one side of… on the other side of …, at the foot/ top/ end of, in the middle/ center of等。例如:   4)On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library.   4、表因果的过渡语有thanks to, thus, therefore, as a result(of…), with the help of…, owe …to…等。例如:   5)The company has a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales.   6)As a result, many of us succeeded in passing the College Entrance Examinations.   5、表转折的过渡语有on the contrary/contrary to …, though, for one thing …for another, on the contrary, except for, in spite of, otherwise, after all, in fact等。例如:   7)I know the Internet can only be used at home or in the office, but on the other hand, it is becoming more and more popular for much information as well as clear and vivid pictures.   8)It is hard work; I enjoy it though.   9)Contrary to what I had originally thought, the trip turned out to be fun.   6、表例证和列举的过渡语有that is to say, as a matter of fact, namely, for instance, take…as an example, such as, that is , like, as follows, in other words, and so on等。例如:   10)As a matter of fact, advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.   11)There is one more topic to discuss, namely/that is ( to say ), the question of education.   12)A particular example for this is…   7、表并列的过渡语有as well as, not only…but (also), including等。例如:   13)Not only do computers play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life.   14)All of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture.   15)He speaks French as well as English. =He speaks English, and French as well. =He speaks not only English but also French.   16)E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.   8、表推进的过渡语有what’s more, further more, on one hand,…one the other hand…, in addition to, moreover, worse still, to make matters worse, but for等。例如:   17)The house is too small for a family of four, and furthermore/besides/what’s more/moreover /in addition/worse still, it is in a bad location.   18)I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.   20)Another equally important aspect is…   21)A is but one of the many effects. Another is…   22)Besides, other reasons are…   9、表强调的过渡语有:especially, indeed, at least, at the most, What in the world/on earth , not at all等。例如:   23)Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.   24)What in the world/on earth are you doing?   10、表总结用语有:in short; In summary, briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, in a word, as you know, as is known to all等。例如:   25)Generally speaking, sending an e-mail is more convenient than sending letters.   26)In short, measures must be taken to prevent the environment being polluted.   上述就是沪江小编与大家分享的关于高考英语作文写作高级过渡语方面的内容,希望这些能够帮助大家更好地掌握作文写作的语言基础,提升作文写作的效果。  

  • 高考英语满分作文范例

    立了我们的身体力量,减少疾病。   虽然我们过上更好的生活,我们的健康越来越差了。因此,“每天要锻炼1小时,保持因病逝世”已经提出的政府。   在中午或放学后,我们玩球,游泳和跑步。瞧!操场似乎较小,因为很多学生都在操场上后援学校生活变得丰富多彩,我们energetic.As因此我们努力学习,更好。   在阳光体育运动带高考,大家总是没来由的感觉到紧张,因为高考对于一个人来说真的是太重要了,可是想要在万人来了一个令人振奋的变化给我们。让我们继续这样做。   英语本来就是很多中国学生的弱项,而英语写作则是弱项中的弱项,而想要顺利考到自己喜欢的学校,这个弱项就必须要攻克,以上就是沪江的小编为大家整理的几篇高考优秀作文,看看他们是如何写的,再找找自己的缺点,进行改正,沪江的小编相信大家都能够通过自己的努力取得成功。

  • 剑桥商务英语证书的认可度如何

    全部涵盖。考试分两个阶段进行:第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写考BEC剑桥商务英语考试如今已经不是什么新鲜的事情,很多人都在参与这项考试,或者都在咨询探讨这项考作和听力;第二阶段为口试。根据考试级别的不同,各部分考试的时间长短也有区别。   (以BEC高级为例)   人气指数: ★★★★   实用指数:★★★★★   难度指数:★★★★★   BEC其证书与商科挂钩,与普通英语考试有很大不同,如果你想学习可以来这里,BEC剑桥商务英语初级+中级+高级的阅读、写作、听力、口语全套资料,不论你是出于什么目的考BEC,是想作为职场敲门砖?还是提高英语,如果能将大学中一部分时间,用来复习BEC,这对于你自己的英语水平,是有很大帮助的!

  • 关于高考的英语作文400字

    高考是一次非常重要的测试,也是人生的重要转折点,那么关于高考的英语作文怎么写呢?高考英语作文的写法是有规律可寻的,掌握了这些规律就能轻松得高分,今天沪江小编为你整高考是一次非常重要的测试,也是人生的重要转折点,那么关于高考的英语作文怎么写呢?高考英语理了写高考的英语作文,希望对你有所帮助。 关于高考的英语作文篇1 He was under pressure to be a hercules in the United States. A child was trapped in the ditch by a small truck in an accident. The boy's father came and jumped into the ditch. He lifted the pickup truck to a certain height and the boy was saved! But he couldn't lift the pickup truck any more. This, I think, is precisely because the intense pressure of the rescuer has inspired his boundless potential, and his strength is beyond his usual capacity. This validates Emerson's famous saying that miracles are often caused by stress. When the child's father saw the child on the edge of death, there was only one idea in mind: "whatever it is, be sure to save the child!" As a father, he was so stressed and responsible that he didn't even have time to think about whether he could move the pickup truck. The belief that this "must save the child" and the invisible pressure have made him desperate and unleashed an unprecedented force. Judging by the dialectical point of view, things have a bad side, and there must be a good side. The same is true of stress. This is the other side of the double-edged sword. People don't always say, "well, no pressure, no oil, no pressur. 关于高考的英语作文篇2 As the saying goes, there is pressure to be motivated. But is the stress really good? The stress of being fit can be turned into motivation, but the stress can backfire. The teacher left a mountain of homework, and the parents made a pile of them. This is the sadness of our students. They think it's better to do more. But who knows, buried deep in the night? Some people even went to the building to kill themselves and run away from home. Just like the pressure cooker, there's no pressure, and there's a lot of pressure to explode. Today is the year of the Olympic Games in China. Therefore, I thought of liu xiang. Liu xiang is a prodigy and the pride of our country. He gave us the glory of China and gave the Chinese a sigh of relief. But in recent years, is it too stressful for liu xiang? Do we think liu xiang is invincible? What if liu xiang loses? How could such liu xiang not lose? Why are there more new gold MEDALS in the Olympic Games? The first calf is not afraid of the tiger, which is precisely because we have high hopes for them. In the face of stress, we should confront the difficulties and never flinch. But are the pressure makers too stressed? 关于高考的英语作文篇3 They, under pressure, lose their hands in the Olympics, and many of them lose their hands because of too much pressure, while the dark horse occasionally kills. Why are they stressed? Because they positioned themselves in the position of a "general", they thought they had taken a few gold MEDALS, and this time they must have another. Therefore, they carry a heavy burden of thought on their backs, so they play more conservatively and worry too much. And the "dark horse" is their orientation in the position of a challenger: if I lose, have no what, you are a star, various aspects are better than me, taken for granted; If I win, it's better to say that I have the strength to win. Thus the "black horses" can play their normal, even paranormal levels. This is an old saying, "it's easy to keep your city on the wall." In fact, the main problem facing pressure is self-orientation. If the "name" to the game as a platform to communicate with other players, with a common heart to face, positioning himself in a low position, also have the larger play space. At the Athens Olympics, did lee's team win the final victory because of their self-positioning? The greatest enemy of man is himself, so long as he conquers his own pressure, all the other external pressures are not worth talking about. Learn to relieve yourself, and you will be able to do well. Stress can't escape, stress is the fuel of life, pressure is the motivation, fight the pressure, let the pressure come more violently! 英语作文在高考英语中占有很大的比重,同学们一定要重视英语作文。高考英语作文主要考查学生的英语水平,要想写好英语作文并不是一件容易的事,想要拿高分更是难上加难。不过不用担心,英语作文是有技巧的,通过上述的介绍,相信你也有所收获了。  

  • 成人能否报考英语四级吗

    作了,但是真要学到在工作中有用的英语除了自学建议还是去上个培训班什么的,比如新东方的剑桥商务英语培训,不知道你是什么学历了,剑桥商务英语培训是为考试准备的 ,扯到剑桥商务英语就远了,就是商务方面的英语,考试分初中高3级,本人觉得初级跟大学四级要求的水准差不多只是多了对口语的要求,但是这个是任何人都可以报名考试的 。希望对你有帮助   从2006年12月的考试开始,大学英语四六级考试将不在对社会考生开放。报名对象仅限于如下几种考生:   1.全日制普通高等院校本科、专科、研究生在校生。   2.各类全日制成人高等院校本科、专科在校生。   3.修完大学英语四级课程的学生才能报考CET4。   4.具有CET4合格证书或者取得425分(含425分)以上CET4成绩的学生才能报考CET6。   2007年1月起,四六级考试不再接受非在校生报名。建议选择报考公共英语等级考试。   注意:各英语现在成为我们求职过程中首要考察的能力。当我们离开学校,毕业找工作是又因为招聘单位对英语能力的限制,我们无法成学校针对自己的教学需要还附加有一些特殊的要求,请大家在报名的时候仔细阅读本校的报名须知。

  • 高考英语作文写作高级过渡语集锦

      过渡语是高考英语作文写作中经常涉及的内容,那么对于考生来说,如何才能够写语是高考英语作文写作中经常涉及的内容,那么对于考生来说,如何才能够写出好的过渡语呢?今天,沪江小编就与为大家总结了一些可能会用到的句子,一起来学习下吧!   1、表起始的过渡语有to begin with, according to, so far, as far as等。例如:   1)As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.   2、表时间的过渡语有first/firstly, in the meantime, at the same time, for the first