
2024年英语六级基础技巧班-屠皓民亲授 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!





  • 7大六级英语作文六级写作技巧

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文写作技巧,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 1、多用长句,少用短句,适当加入几句结构较复杂的句子。 2、写好第一句话。这样容易给阅卷者留下一个好印象,最好能用上一个复句,里面要英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文用上2-3个难的单词或词组。 3、结构要清晰。我建议使用四段式,第一段综述,第二、三段分述,第四段做总结,二、三段是重点。 4、多用连接性的词组或单词。如“first, second, moreover, for one thing……, for another, on the one hand……, on the other”等等。可以把它们置于段首或文中比较显著的位置,这样会使文章更具条理性。 5、注意结尾的时候要点题,把自己的观点明确说出来。 6、词汇的使用上请多用六级词汇,以区别于四级。 7、如有可能,适当加上一两句名言或是谚语,以显示你见识的广博。 以上就是今天分享的全部内容,希望对考生有所帮助。更多精彩内容,请关注沪江六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文写作技巧,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 1、多用长句,少用短句,适当加入几句结构较复杂的句子。 2、写好第一句话。这样容易给阅卷者留下一个好印象,最好能用上一个复句,里面要用上2-3个难的单词或词组。 3、结构要清晰。我建议使用四段式,第一段综述,第二、三段分述,第四段做总结,二、三段是重点。 4、多用连接性的词组或单词。如“first, second, moreover, for one thing……, for another, on the one hand……, on the other”等等。可以把它们置于段首或文中比较显著的位置,这样会使文章更具条理性。 5、注意结尾的时候要点题,把自己的观点明确说出来。 6、词汇的使用上请多用六级网。

  • 英语六级作文高分六六级大基本原则

    上了,给人低层次的感觉。如最后一段有同学写道:As far as I am concerned, weighing the pros and cons of the arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. 其实As far as I am concerned和weighing the pros and cons of the arguments用一个就行了。另外,尽管内容不及语言重要,但也肯定会影响分数的。考生应英语六级作文高分六尽量平时多练,以期在考场上也能很快想到一些有力的理由和贴切的例证。 6、要敢于表达自己的思想 不要一味地为了保证语言正确而裹步不前,只说一些小学生的话。如有同学第一段时写道:Some people think that names are important. They say that, if a person has a name, we can remember him. If he does not have a name, we cannot remember him. 这样的作文倒是没有语言错误,但开头写成这样,肯定也得不了六级高分。

  • 2015年12月六级英语作文真题:卷2六级范文

    有些人越想写好六级作文成效却越不明显,关键是这些人没有找到写作的方法。英语六级作文不是简单的把中文翻译成英文的过程,它需要通篇考量,基本语法、用词、句式的连贯熟练掌握。很多人都是把想要写的中文写出来然后再翻译,殊不知这种方法并不可取。看看下面这篇六级作文的范文示例吧! Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on thepicture below。You should focus on theimpact of social networking websites on reading。 范文一 Graphically revealed in this cartoon is that two youngsters are having a conversation. However, the most striking feature of it is that the man on the left is saying without hesitation that he loves reading and his favorite book is Facebook. Apparently, the purpose of this cartoon unfolds a conspicuous fact that social networking websites exert adverse impacts on our reading. Several factors can be responsible for this phenomenon. For one thing, with our science and economy enhanced remarkably, people in growing numbers tend to share their moments of life on social networks, and therefore, it is difficult for us to concentrate on what we want to read. For another, there are various kinds of information on the internet, and as a result, they may be easily distracted by other information so much that they may ignore what they are really interested in. To sum up, social network websites may pose a potential and probable threat to our reading. We are supposed to spend more time on reading paper books instead of staying on the social networking websites. Only in this way can we gradually terminate the negative influence of social networking websites. 范文二 Thepicture describes a conversation between two people,one of them said: “I readabout 3 hours a day。My favorite book is Facebook。”The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens。 The phenomenon involves many factors,which canbe listed as the follows。 To begin with,with the rapid development of scientific technology,The Internet has become indispensable in our daily life.Undoubtedly,it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient, including the way of reading。What’s more,it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people,and an efficient way to searchfor materials。“I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003。I have beenreading online in recent years。”said professor Wang from Peking University。“With the click of the mouse,any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place,is there。”she said。This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material。 Every coin hastwo sides,reading in social networking websites is no exception。 Admittedly,there is false and useless information on the social networking websites, it isadvisable that we read more critically and carefully。 看完这套六级作文真题的范文,你是不是也发现了自己所欠缺的东西呢?建议大家在六级考试中,在写作文的时候,在草纸上先做笔记,捋顺自己的思路,把能想到的东六级作文成效却越不明显,关键是这些人没有找到写作的方法。英语六级作文西都写出来,然后再整理编辑,总结归纳。写作的格式最好是三段,因为每一段都会有分值跟随,少写一段可是会六级作文成效却越不明显,关键是这些人没有找到写作的方法。英语六级作文不是简单的把中文翻译成英文的过程,它需要通篇考量,基本语法、用词、句式的连贯熟练掌握。很多人都是把想要写的中文写出来然后再翻译,殊不知这种方法并不可取。看看下面这篇六级作文的范文示例吧! Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on thepicture below。You should focus on theimpact of social networking websites on reading。 范文一 Graphically revealed in this cartoon is that two youngsters are having a conversation. However, the most striking feature of it is that the man on the left is saying without hesitation that he loves reading and his favorite book is Facebook. Apparently, the purpose of this cartoon unfolds a conspicuous fact that social networking websites exert adverse impacts on our reading. Several factors can be responsible for this phenomenon. For one thing, with our science and economy enhanced remarkably, people in growing numbers tend to share their moments of life on social networks, and therefore, it is difficult for us to concentrate on what we want to read. For another, there are various kinds of information on the internet, and as a result, they may be easily distracted by other information so much that they may ignore what they are really interested in. To sum up, social network websites may pose a potential and probable threat to our reading. We are supposed to spend more time on reading paper books instead of staying on the social networking websites. Only in this way can we gradually terminate the negative influence of social networking websites. 范文二 Thepicture describes a conversation between two people,one of them said: “I readabout 3 hours a day。My favorite book is Facebook。”The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens。 The phenomenon involves many factors,which canbe listed as the follows。 To begin with,with the rapid development of scientific technology,The Internet has become indispensable in our daily life.Undoubtedly,it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient, including the way of reading。What’s more,it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people,and an efficient way to searchfor materials。“I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003。I have beenreading online in recent years。”said professor Wang from Peking University。“With the click of the mouse,any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place,is there。”she said。This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material。 Every coin hastwo sides,reading in social networking websites is no exception。 Admittedly,there is false and useless information on the social networking websites, it isadvisable that we read more critically and carefully。 看完这套六级作文真题的范文,你是不是也发现了自己所欠缺的东西呢?建议大家在六级扣分的哦。

  • 六级英语作文常用句型之分六级析原因

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题英语六级的同学,作文目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文关于分析原因的常用句型,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 一、 分析原因常用句型 1. The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing…For another… 2. What has contributed to this problem? In the first place…In the second place… 3. Perhaps the main/primary/most important

  • 怎样才能写出好的六级英语六级英语作文

    了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学 会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔 时就会得心应手,水到渠成。 以上就是今天分享的全部内容,希望对考生有所帮助。更多精彩内容,请关注沪江六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了英语六级作文的写作方法,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 想使你的六级网。

  • 英语六级作文六级正反观点题型模板

    在英语六级作文考试中,最常见的一个题型就是正反观点题,对于这个题型很多考生都不知道如何备考,也不知道该怎么写,今天沪江的英语专家为大家整英语六级作文理了英语六级作文正反观点题型模板,好好记忆,相信会对大家对备考有所帮助。 第一步:要求考生从正反两个方面来论证某一观点 第一段、文章开头,简单一下事件 第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。 第二步:模版 directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below: 1、加入wto给我们带来的好处; 2、加入wto给我们带来的不利方面; 3、我们该如何做。 写作模板:架构阶段 第一段:文章的开头 开篇句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts. 扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly. 第二段:表达正面观点 主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句:1、as _____ , ______ can ______. 2、what's more, __________. 第三段:表达反面观点 主题句:every thing has two aspects. 扩展句:1、___ can also bring us some challenges. for example, ______. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____. 第四段:结尾,表明自己看法 结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____. 扩展句:what we should do is to ______. 写作模板:填充阶段 第一段:文章的开头 开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts. 扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly 第二段:表达正面观点 主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句: 1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china. 2、what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay. 第三段:表达反面观点 主题句:every thing has two aspects. 扩展句:1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher. 第四段:结尾,表明自己看法 结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us. 扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life. 第三步 范文 China finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts.This event will influence the economy in china greatly. Jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.As a member coutry, China can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.What's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay. Every thing has two aspects.Joining the WTO can also bring us some challenges. For example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.However, this great event does more good than harm to us.What we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life. 以上就是沪江的英语专家为大家整理的英语六级作文正反观点题型模板,备考作文,模板很重要,想要写一篇高分作文,模板很重要,抓紧时间记忆,再强化练习一下,相信会对大家对备考有所帮助,最后沪江的英语专家预祝大家都能够顺利的通过六级六级作文考试中,最常见的一个题型就是正反观点题,对于这个题型很多考生都不知道如何备考,也不知道该怎么写,今天沪江的英语专家为大家整理了英语六级作文正反观点题型模板,好好记忆,相信会对大家对备考有所帮助。 第一步:要求考生从正反两个方面来论证某一观点 第一段、文章开头,简单一下事件 第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。 第二步:模版 directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below: 1、加入wto给我们带来的好处; 2、加入wto给我们带来的不利方面; 3、我们该如何做。 写作模板:架构阶段 第一段:文章的开头 开篇句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts. 扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly. 第二段:表达正面观点 主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句:1、as _____ , ______ can ______. 2、what's more, __________. 第三段:表达反面观点 主题句:every thing has two aspects. 扩展句:1、___ can also bring us some challenges. for example, ______. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____. 第四段:结尾,表明自己看法 结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____. 扩展句:what we should do is to ______. 写作模板:填充阶段 第一段:文章的开头 开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts. 扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly 第二段:表达正面观点 主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句: 1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china. 2、what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay. 第三段:表达反面观点 主题句:every thing has two aspects. 扩展句:1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher. 第四段:结尾,表明自己看法 结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us. 扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life. 第三步 范文 China finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts.This event will influence the economy in china greatly. Jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.As a member coutry, China can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.What's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay. Every thing has two aspects.Joining the WTO can also bring us some challenges. For example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. In addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.However, this great event does more good than harm to us.What we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life. 以上就是沪江的英语专家为大家整理的英语六级作文正反观点题型模板,备考作文,模板很重要,想要写一篇高分作文,模板很重要,抓紧时间记忆,再强化练习一下,相信会对大家对备考有所帮助,最后沪江的英语专家预祝大家都能够顺利的通过六级考试。

  • 英语六级作文:如何避免六级提笔忘词

    在英语六级考试的所有题型中,作文是最特别的一个,没有对错之分,没有什么硬性的标准,全凭阅卷老师的喜好,而想在六级作英语六级考试的所有题型中,作文是最特别的一个,没有对错之分,没有什么硬性的标准,全凭阅卷老师的喜好,而想在六级作文中取得一个高分,词汇量是一个至关重要的因素,一个意思往往因为一个单词不会而表达不清,一个好的句子也会因为一个词汇想不起来而不能完成,那么如何应对这种情况呢?今天沪江的小编为大家整理了一些简便易行的应急措施,可能会对你有所帮助。 试用笼统词 英语语言中笼统词有have, take 等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。 例如:我

  • 怎么写关于父母的六级英语六级英语作文

    要考英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整英语六级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于父母的英语六级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! 我们大家都有慈爱的父母,在学习和生活中他们给了我们很大的帮助。请谈谈你的父母是怎样帮助,关心你的。你的感想如何?为表达对父母的感激之情,你应该怎样做? we all have kind parerts .they give us many helps in our study and life. in everyday ,they cook for us . they always get up very early

  • 2017年6月六级英语作文范文六级及译文

    2017年6月英语六级考试已经过去,很多同学对于作文还是觉得很难。今天沪江小编给大家分享一下六级考试作文范文及译文,希望对大家有所帮助。 作文真题:文科还是理科 范文1:学理科 Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to the best choice in selecting the major. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that it is a better choice

  • 六级英语作文万能模板六级汇总

    随着我国与欧美国家友好往来的不断深入,我国的国际化水平也越来越高,对于英语人才的需求也是越来越广。那么就目前而言,我们的首要目标是通过英语六级考试。那么就六级考试中大家所英语人才的需求也是越来越广。那么就目前而言,我们的首要目标是通过英语六级提到的作文问题,我给大家总结了几个作文模板,希望大家能够认真背诵从而在考试中灵活运用。 一、图表作文 As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,____ has been on rise/ decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from