
  Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. A) The project the man managed at CucinTech.

  B) The updating of technology at CucinTech.

  C)The man's switch to a new career.

  D) The restructuring of her company.

  2. A) Talented personnel.

  B) Strategic innovation.

  C) Competitive products.

  D) Effective promotion.

  3. A) Expand the market.

  B) Recruit more talents.

  C) Innovate constantly.

  D) Watch out for his competitors.

  4. A) Possible bankruptcy.

  B) Unforeseen difficulties.

  C) Conflicts within the company.

  D) Imitation by one's competitors.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  5. A) The job of an interpreter.

  B) The stress felt by professionals.

  C) The importance of language proficiency.

  D) The best way to effective communication.

  6. A) Promising.

  B) Admirable.

  C) Rewarding.

  D) Meaningful.

  7. A) They all have a strong interest in language.

  B) They all have professional qualifications.

  C) They have all passed language proficiency tests.

  D) They have all studied cross-cultural differences.

  8. A) It requires a much larger vocabulary.

  B) It attaches more importance to accuracy.

  C) It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.

  D) It puts one's long-term memory under more stress.

  Section A听力答案



  Section A答案解析

  Conversation One

  1 What seems to have been very successful according to the woman speaker?

  [A] 【解析】对话开头,女士就说迈克在 CucinTech 负责了一个创新项目,并接着说到项目似乎非常成功。由此,可选定 A 项“男士在 CucinTech 负责的项目”。

  【干扰项排除】①根据选项关键词 project, technology, career 以及 company,可推测问题可能与工作相关。②对话主要探讨的是战略上的创新,而 B 项“CucinTech 的技术革新”只是利用对话里的关键词 innovation 进行干扰;C 项“男士转换到新的职业上”在对话中并未提及;对话谈论的是男士在 CucinTech 的工作情况,与女士公司无关,故排除 D 项“她公司的重组”。

  2 What did the company lack before the man's scheme was implemented?

  [B] 【解析】女士问到是否 CucinTech 命运的逆转完全归功于战略创新,男士作了肯定回答,并表达了他对 CucinTech 的看法,认为这个公司以前只是一味地随大流,重复别人的做法。由此可见, CucinTech 以前缺乏战略创新,所以选 B 项。

  【干扰项排除】①从选项的内容来看,题目涉及公司的情况。②A 项“人才”是该公司的优势而不是它欠缺的;男士认为该公司在产品研发上有很大潜力,但并未提及产品是否具有竞争力,故 C 项“具有竞争力的产品”排除;D 项“有效的促销”在对话中并没有提及。

  3 What does the man say he should do in his business?

  [C] 【解析】对话围绕战略创新展开,男士表达了自己对创新的看法,即“我们需要不断地创新,以跟上时代的步伐,停滞不前就等于落后”,接着他指出,“作为公司战略,创新没有止境”,所以在商业领域他应该做的就是 C 项“不断创新”。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均为原形动词短语,推测问题可能与行为、动作有关。②A 项“扩大市场”在对话中未提及;B 项“招聘更多人才”和 D 项“留心竞争对手”则利用对话中出现的 talent 和 competitor 来作干扰。

  4 What does the man say is the risk of innovation?

  [D] 【解析】对于创新,男士提出他的担忧,即经常导致被模仿,所以 D 项“被竞争对手模仿”正确。

  【干扰项排除】①根据选项中的 bankruptcy, conflicts, difficulties, competitors 等关键词可推测题目与某个困境相关。②A 项“可能破产”、B 项“难以预见的困难”和 C 项“公司内部的冲突”在对话中均未提及。

  Conversation Two

  5 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  [A]【解析】对话开头就开门见山地介绍了一位口译嘉宾,接下来两人围绕着嘉宾的工作展开了一系列讨论。因此,选 A 项“一位口译者的工作”。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均为名词短语,可推测问题可能与对话的主题相关。②对话中提到过口译者的压力,但这只是对话中的一部分,而且对话并未提及其他专业人士的压力问题,故 B 项“专业人士感受到的压力”排除;对话中虽然提到了口译中语言熟练的问题,但这不是对话的核心,C 项“语言熟练程度的重要性”太过片面;D 项“有效沟通的最好方式”在对话中未提及。

  6 What does the man think of Dana's profession?

  [B]【解析】男士明确表明了他对 Dana 的工作充满了钦佩,故选 B 项“令人钦佩的”。

  【干扰项排除】①选项均为表主观感受的形容词,推测题目问态度或看法。②A 项“有希望的”、C 项“值得的”和 D 项“有意义的”均不是男士对女士工作的看法。

  7 What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows?

  [B]【解析】对话中,Dana 用一个双重否定句强调,她所认识的口译工作者都取得了专业资质,并经过专业训练。所以,B 项“他们都具有专业资质”正确。

  【干扰项排除】①选项的主语都是 They,且均关于具备的某种素质或能力,听音时留意相关信息。②A 项“他们都对语言很感兴趣”不选,口译者们是否对语言有强烈的兴趣并未在对话中提及;女士并没有提到他们是否都通过了语言能力测试,故 C 项错误;而 D 项“他们都学习过跨文化差异”在对话中未提及。

  8 What do most interpreters think of consecutive interpreting?

  [C]【解析】对话中,女士说大多数口译者都认为,与同声传译相比,交替传译更有压力,故选 C 项“它比同声传译更有压力”。

  【干扰项排除】①选项主语均为 It,且每个句子都有表示比较的词汇,听音时注意有关对比的信息。②A 项“它要求更多的词汇量”和 B 项“它'更看重准确性”在对话中没有提及;根据对话,交替传译更考验人的短时记忆,D 项“它考验人在更大压力下的长时记忆”与此相悖,故应排除。