
  PartⅡ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  1. W Can you come to the concert with me thisweekend? Or do you have to prepare forexams?

  M: I still have a lot to do, but maybe a breakwould do me good.

  Q: What will the man probably do?


  2. W: What does the paper say about the horri bleincident that happened this morning on Flight 870 to Hong Kong?

  M: It ended with the arrest of the three hijackers. They had forced the plane to fly to Japan,but all the passengers and crew members landed safely.

  O: What do we learn from the conversation?


  3. M: Hello. This is the most fascinating article I've ever come across. I think you should spare some time to read it.

  W: Oh, really? I thought that anything about th election would be tedious.

  Q: What are the speakers talking about?



  4. I'm not going to trust the restaurant critic from that magazine again. The food here doesn't taste anything like what we had in Chinatown.

  M: It definitely wasn't worth the wait.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


  5. W.. Do you know what's wrong with Mark? He'sbeen acting very strangely lately.

  M: Come on. With his mother hospitalized rightafter he's taken on a new job, he's just got a lot on his mind.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Mark?

  C)【精析】综合理解题。对话中女士问男士知不知道 Mark怎么了,他这阵子表现得怪怪的:男士回答说 Mark刚开始一份新工作,而这时候他的妈妈住院了,他脑子里的事儿很多。由此可知,Mark近期需要做的事情太多了。

  6. W: There were only 20 students at last night'smeeting, so nothing could be voted on.

  M.. That's too bad. They'll have to turn up in greater numbers if they want a voice o campus issues.

  Q: What does the man mean?


  7. M.. I try to watch TV as little as possible, but it's so hard.

  W: I didn't watch TV at all before I retired, but now I can hardly tear myself away from it.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


  8. W:I'm having a problem registering for theclasses I want.

  M: That's too bad, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to work everything out before this semester starts.

  Q.. What does the man mean?


  Conversation One

  W: Jack, sit down and listen. This is important. (9)We'll have to tackle the problems of the exporting step by step. And the first move is to get an up-to-date picture of where we stand now.

  M: Why don't we just concentrate on expanding here at home?

  W: Of course, we should hold on to our position here. But you must admit the market here is limited.

  M: Yes, but it's safe. (10)The government keeps out foreigners with import controls. So I must admit I feel sure (9)we could hold our own against foreign bikes,

  W: I agree. (9)That's why I am suggesting exporting. Because I feel we canpete with the best of them.

  M: What you are really saying is that we'd make more profit by selling bikes abroad, where we have,a cost advantage and can charge high prices.

  W: Exactly.

  M: But, wait a minute. (11)Packaging, shipping, finaetc. will push up our cost and we could end up no better off, maybe worse off.

  W.. OK. Now there are extra costs involved. But if we do it right, they can be built into the price of the bike and we can still be competitive.

  M.. How sure are you about our chances of success in the foreign market?

  W.. Well, that's the sticky one. (12)It's going to need a lot of research. I'm hoping to get your help. Well, come on, Jack. Is it worth it, or not?

  M: There will be a lot of problems.

  W.. Nothing we can't handle.

  M.. Um... I'm not that hopeful. But, yes, (12)1 think we should go ahead with the feasibility study.

  W: Marvelous, Jack. I was hoping you be on my side.


   does the woman intend to do?C. 对话中提到“国外的自行车”,在对话中间部分女士c)【精析】推理判断题。对话开始部分女士提到想与f 又提到“这就是我建议出口的原因”。综上可知,女男士一起来逐步解决出口中遇到的问题,之后男 士想出口自行车。

  10. Why does the man think it's safe to focus on the home market?


  11. What is the man's concern about selling bikes abroad?

  A)【精析】细节推断题。对话中女士认为出口自行车可以获取更多的利润,因为他们不仅具有成本优势,而且可以把自行车卖高价,而男士却担心包装、运输等会提高成本,影响利润。 .

  12. What dothe speakers agree to do?


  Conversation Two

  w: What does the term "alternative energy source" mean?

  M: (13)When we think of energy or fuel for our homes and cars, we think of petroleum, a fossil fuel processedfrom oil removed from the ground, of which there is a limited supply. But alternative fuels can be many things. Wind, sun and water can all be used to create fuel.

  W: Is the threat of running out of petroleum real?

  M: It has taken thousands of years to create the natural stores of petroleum we have available at a much faster rate than it is being produced over time. The real controversy surrounding the amount of petroleum we have is how much we need to keep in reserve for future use. (14)Most experts agree that by around 2025, the amount of petroleum we use will reach a peak. Then production and availability will begin to seriously decline. This is not to say there will be no petroleum at this point. But it'll become very difficult and therefore expcasive to extract.

  W: Is that the most ~ reason to develdp alternative fuel and energy sources?

  M: There are two-v~y clear reasons to do so. (15)One is that whether we have 60 or 600 years of fossil fuels left, we have to find other fuel sources eventually. So the sooner we start, the better off we will be. The other big argument is that when long time, which leads to some long-term negative efects, like global warming and the greenhouse effect.

  13. What do we usually refer to whenwe talk about energy according to the man?


  14. What do most experts agree on according to the man?


  15. What does the man hink we should do now?B)【精析】细节推断题。对话末尾部分,男士说不论是60年,还是600年,早晚需要其他能源。因此,越早开始行动,对人类越好。也就是说男士认为现在我们应该开始开发替代燃料。

  Section B

  Passage One

  Karen Smith is a buyer for a department store in New York: Department store buyers purchase the goods that their stores sell. (16)They not only have to know what is fashionable at the moment, but also have to guess what will become fashionable next season or next year. Most buyers work for just one department in a store.

  But the goods that Karen finds may be displayed and sold in several different sections of the store. (17)Her job involves buying handicrafts from all over the world. Last year, she made a trip to Morocco and returned with rugs, pots, dishes and pans. The year before, she visited Mexico and bought back hand-made table cloths, mirrors with frames of tin and paper flowers. The paper flowers are bright and colorful, so they were used to decorate the whole store. This year Karen is travelling in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Many of the countries that Karen visits have government offices that promote handicrafts. The officials are glad to cooperate with her by showing her the products that are available. Karen especially likes to visit markets in small towns and villages whenever she can arrange for it. She is always looking for interesting and unusual items. (18)Karen thinks she has the best job she could have found. She loves all the travelling that she has to do because she often visits markets and small out-of-the-way places. She sees much more of the country she visits than an ordinary tourist would. As soon as she gets back to New York from one trip, Karen begins to plan another.


  16. What is said to make a good department store buyer?

  A)【精析】细节辨认题。短文开头提到,Karen Smith是一位百货公司的采购员,作为优秀的采购人员,不仅要了解当时的时尚,还要能够预测将来的时尚趋势。

  17. What does Karen's job involve?D)【精析】细节辨认题。短文中提到,Karen Smith的工作是到世界各地去购买手工艺品。

  18. Why does Karen think she has got the best job? B)【精析】目的原因题。短文中明确提到Karen觉得她已经找到了最好的工作,因为她喜欢去世界各地出差,她可以借出差的机会去市场和那些人们不常去的小地方。

  Passage Two

  (19)Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community, so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work. (20)The area's city councilwoman was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was on the decline. The neighborhood faced many problems. Mark looked at the charts: taped to the walls.

  There were charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings. Mark read from the charts, police patrols cut back, illegal parking up 20%. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman. It was too much for Mark. (21)"The problems are too big," he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, "I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I could do would make a difference here." As he neared the bus stop on his way home, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag and a baby. As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and the groceries started to fall out. Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. "You gotta stay with morn," he said. Then he picked up the street groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "Thanks!" She said. "You've got great timing! Just being neighborly," Mark said.

  As he rode home, he glanced at the poster near his seat in the bus. (22)"Small acts of kindness add up." Mark smiled and thought, "Maybe that' s a good place to start."


  19.What did Mark think he should start doing?人来说24小时不睡觉应该会让人不舒服,一般来讲,每个人都需要保证8小时睡眠。尽管人们的B)【精析】事实细节题。短文开头提到,对于大多数睡眠时间和需求会有差异,但人们总是需要睡觉的,因为睡眠是人们基本的需求。由此可知,人们想当然地认为每个人都需要睡觉才能生存。

  20. What was being discussed when Mark arrived at the neighborhood meeting?A)【精析】事实细节题。对于一般人来说,睡眠是基本的生存需要,但Al Herpin却与众不同,因为他从来不睡觉。医生在研究了他的情况后,认为这的确是个例外。

  21. What did Mark think of the community'sproblems?

  D)【精析】细节辨认题。短文提到一些医生对AHerpin不用睡觉的现象感到吃惊,但他们找不出原因。AI Herpin说出了一个唯一可能的原因:母亲在生他之前曾经受过创伤。

  22. Why did Mark smile on his ride home?

  c)【精析】推理判断题。短文提到一些医生对A Herpin不用睡觉的现象感到吃惊,但他们找不出原因。Al Herpin说出了一个唯一可能的原因:母亲在生他之前曾经受过创伤。

  Passage Three

  And a stressing childhood can lead to heart disease, what about current stressors--longer work hours, threats of layoffs, collapsing pension funds? A study last year in The Lancet examined more than 11000 heart- attack sufferers from 52 countries. It found that in the year before their heart attacks, patients had been under significantly more strains than some 13000 healthy control subjects. Those strains came from work, family, financial troubles, depression and other causes. "Each of these factors individually was associated with increased risk," says Dr. Salim Yusuf, professor of medicine at Canada's McMaster University and senior investigator on the study~ "Together, they accounted for 30% of overall heart-attack risk." But people respond differently to high-pressure work situations. Whether it produces heart problems seems to depend on whether you have a sense of control over life, or live at the mercy of circumstances and superiors. (24)That was the experience of John O'Connell, a Rockford , Ill., laboratory manager, who suffered his first heart attack in 1996, at the age of 56. In the two years before, his mother and two of his children had suffered serious illnesses, and his job had been changed in the reorganization. "My life seemed completely out of control," he says. "I had no idea where I would end up." He ended up in hospital due to a block in his artery. Two months later, he had a triple bypass surgery. (25)A second heart attack when he was 58 left his doctor shaking his head. "There's nothing more we can do for you," doctors told him.

  23. What does the passage mainly discuss?

  B)【精析】推理判断题。短文开篇即提到了stress和heart disease,接下来,短文提到有研究表明,大多数心脏病患者的发病都与压力相关。在短文后半部分,以John 0’Connell的个人经历说明,他所经受的压力对他的心脏产生了严重的影响。

  24. What do we learn about John O'Connell's family?

  A)【精析】推理判断题。短文中提到,John 0’Connell在1996年首次心脏病发作,此前两年内,他的妈妈和两个孩子都患上了严重的疾病,他所工作的单位也经历了重组。因此,可以说在他发病前,他的家庭经历了一系列的不幸事件。

  25. What did John O'Connell's doctors tell him whenhe had a second heart attack?


  Section C

   supposed to 句子的谓语。空格后的stuff为动词原形,因此空【精析】句意推断题。此处应填入动词(词组)充当l 格处应该会出现情态动词或不定式结构。结合录音填入are supposed to,意为应该o



  guished【精析】语义推断题。空格位于定冠词the和名词短语Harvard philosopher之间,需要填人形容词修饰名词。哈佛大学的哲学家,应该是“杰出的,卓越的”。结合录音填入distinguished,意为“优秀的,杰出的”。




  versies【精析】并列关系题。空格位于连词and之后, and连接两个并列成分,discussions为名词复数形式,因此空格处应该填入名词复数形式。结合录音填人controversies,意为“争议,异议,争论”。

   e concerned with【精析】句意推断题。空格处应该填人动词(词组),构成句子的谓语。关于教育的讨论都没有用,因为他们所关注的都是如何将知识导人到学生脑海,而不是怎样帮助他们提取知识。结合录音填入are concerned with,意为“关心,忙于”。
