
大学英语六级听力 001

Education in China Education in china today has been developing rapidly. In many provinces, it is compulsory and free. Most children start school at the age of six. They attend five years of elementary school and six years of high school. After gradu...

大学英语六级听力 002

Dictation Instructions Listen to the following passage or together the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading which will be read in normal speed .Listen and try to understand the meaning . For the second and third readings t...

大学英语六级听力 003

Emotions According to psychologists, an emotion is aroused when a man or animal view something as either bad or good. When a person feels like running away from something he thinks will hurt him, we call this emotion fear. If the person wants to remo...

大学英语六级听力 004

Re-employment of laid-off workers The issue of re-employment has emerged with large numbers of surplus labors having been laid off. There's no doubt that it would lead to endless trouble, if the surplus were not reorganized properly. In order to main...

大学英语六级听力 005

Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people. Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child -- or even a...

大学英语六级听力 006

Physical activity Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It might be walking, cycling, or swimming , or in winter , skating or skiing . It might be a game of some kind football, hockey, golf or tennis., or it might be mountaineering...

大学英语六级听力 007

An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man , he quickly spent all the money, and soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to...

大学英语六级听力 008

A man and his car A man was travelling abroad(国外)in a small red car.One day he left the car and went shopping.When he came back,its roof(顶部)was badly damaged(毁坏). Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it.The man did not believe...

大学英语六级听力 009

The Sun A long time ago, people thought that the sun went around the earth. In some countries, people even said that the sun was God. They thought the God drove across the sky each day on a golden horse. Now we know the earth goes around the sun. It...

大学英语六级听力 010

Can Animals Be Made to Work for Us? Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be taught to do a number or simple jobs. They say that in a film or on TV, we may see elephants or monkeys, dogs, bears or other an...