

  I get along well with him. *get along (well) with…“和……合得来”、“和睦相处”。

  What's John like? (约翰是个什么样的人?)

  I get along well with him. (我和他很合得来。)

  I get on well with him. *英式英语。


  I don't get along well with her.

  I don't get on well with her. *英式英语。


  I respect him.

  I highly respect him. *强调说法。

  I look up to him.

  我瞧不起他。 I despise him.

  I look down on him.


  I want to get along with everyone.

  I hope I will get along with everyone. (我希望能和大家和睦相处。)


  Are you getting along with her? *get along“合得来”、“和睦相处”。


  She ignored me. *ignore“不放在眼里”、“不理”、“假装看不见”。

  What did she do? (她怎么了?)

  She ignored me. (她不搭理我。)

  She gave me the cold shoulder.

  She didn't pay any attention to me (at all)。


  I don't know what he's really thinking.

  I'm not sure what he is thinking about.

  I don't really know what is on his mind.


  I have no reason to be envied. *envy“羡慕他人或物”,“嫉妒”。

  There is no reason to be jealous of me.

  There is no reason to envy me.


  I don't like brownnosers. *brownnoser俚语,“讨好别人的人”、“阿谀逢迎的人”。

  They're helping our boss again. (他们又去帮上司的忙了。)

  I don't like brownnosers. (我可讨厌拍马屁的人了。)

  I don't like flatterers. (我不喜欢爱说恭维话的人。)

  I don't like ass-kissers. *俚语,不太文雅的说法,使用时要注意场合。