
【Uni智能】托福签95冲105分精品VIP-大学起点签约班 备考方案升级,智能系统加持,冲刺托福105


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  • 托福口语模板之65岁之后就应该退休了吗

    agree or disagree with the following statement: people should be forced to retire after the age of 65.   托福口语范文一:   I disagree with the statement and I think whether people should retire depends on their own. For those who have been devoted to their career and still feel energetic and passionate

  • 托福红宝书对托福考试的效果


  • 托福拼分应该怎么拼

    托福成绩是考生留学美国高校的必备条件,不同高校对托福成绩要求不同,美国名校对考生的托福成绩要求较高,大多在100分以上,对考生来说有相当大的难度。根据最新消息,托福在申请过程中也可以进行托福拼分。在新版美国大学本科申请表的托福成绩部分中,要求考生写出总共参加过几次托福考试,然后填写各单项最佳的考试成绩和考试时间进行托福拼分。 托福拼分怎么拼,小编举例说明。托福考试分为口语、听力、写作、阅读四部分,各占30分,总分为120分。假如考生第一次托福考试获得口语21分、听力24分、写作28分、阅读25分,总分98分。第二次托福考试成绩为:口语23分、听力26分、写作25分、阅读22分,总分96分。托福拼分时,选取两次考试中的单项最高分,他的分数变为:口语23分、听力26分、写作28分、阅读25分,在托福拼分后,总分则提升为102分。 留学高校允许托福拼分对于考生来说是有利的,小编提醒考生,并不是所托福成绩是考生留学美国高校的必备条件,不同高校对托福成绩要求不同,美国名校对考生的托福有的高校都接受托福拼分,考生最好事先了解自己的目标高校是否允许托福拼分。当然,考生做好托福备考工作才是最重要的,托福拼分也需要考生有一定的能力。  

  • 托福红宝书使用方法简介

    用到背单词里面,不托福考试需要很多资料,真题、阅读材料、单词书等等。托福用去强求记住每个单词的中文意思具体是什么,只要能够记住单词的英文意译和用法就行了。看见一个单词的时候,可以根据意译去设想一个场景,这还可以锻炼自己的想象力,把单词和自己生活的细节联系在一起。 每天背单词的时间不要挤在一块,你可以早上看20面,下午30面,晚上复习。记住第一天背的,第二天复习,第三天也复习,第四天开始不用复习第一天的,但是再过几天再复习。复习的方式和背单词是一样的,遮住中文看英文,或者反过来也行。每天的任务必须完成,今天的熬夜学习是为了还昨天欠下的学习债,背单词就是要对自己狠一点。 在背托福词汇的后期可以采用大量背的方式。比如现在每天背2000个。我假如背200个会忘180个的话,一天才记下20个,如果背2000个忘记1800个的话,一天还可以记200个了。当然,这个方法不是人人适用,可以根据自己的情况调整。 背托福词汇红宝书是一个比较漫长的过程,坚持的过程会特别辛苦,甚至怀疑自己这样做是否到底有没有意义。总之,托福红宝书要善加利用,坚持背,不然再有用的宝书也帮不上忙。

  • 托福网校的一般价格是多少?

    下来的费用大致是五六千。 看到这里很多人不禁要问,培训机构不一样价格是不是也不一样?如今竞争激烈,各家培训机构收费相差其实也不大,至于哪家培训机构更好,也没有明确的答案,不过大家可以参考之前分享过的“中国十大雅思托福培训机构排名简介”。 咱继续唠唠托福培训费用一般要多少钱。 对于不差钱,且基础一般,且想要在短时间内取得显著成绩的同学们来说,VIP课程是一个不错的选择,下面就来说说土豪专属VIP托福课程的收费情况。 如果你的基础不错,入学就能够达到TOEFL90左右的水平,目标100以上,甚至更高的话,那么你可能需要上80小时(是小时,不是课时)的课程,至于价钱,基本需要3—4万。 如果你的基础是四六级的水平,并且目标分数为90分以上,那么你可能需要上满90—160小时,那么所托福需要的费用大概是5—6万。 如果你的基础只是中学水平的话,并且想要达到托福90分以上,那么你需要上120—160小时的课程,那么一起来猜猜需要多少费用吧—10万左右(此处应有惊讶表情包)。 当然了,上面这几种说的只是VIP课程,土豪专属的,其中有一对三、一对二、一对一的VIP培训服务,价钱方面当然也是逐级递增的了。 一般来说,VIP课程服务很周到,包括托福全真模考、免费教材、面签指导、留学签证服务、游学体验等,毕竟是留学一条龙服务,难怪这么贵。 关于托福培训费用一般要多少钱,沪江网小编就给大家介绍到这已经很详细咯。当然,以上只是针对大多数情况的举例,仅作参考,不精确代表所有情况,具体费用可能不同培训班会有不同定价哦 想报班的同学可以考虑下沪江网哦包教包会呢

  • 推荐的五本托福红宝书

    度上比IBT考试明显简单,适合复习IBT入门用,推荐复习时间较长(4个月以上)且基础一般(CET4级左右)的朋友使用,不过这套教材的主观题部分,尤其是口语部分和考试真题有一定差异,建议此书使用时重点看客观题部分。大陆地区已经由新东方引进。 “红宝书”四:《Delta新托福教程》 作者:Nancy.Gallagher ,出版社:世界图书出版公司,定价:98元,该书题目丰富此书适合考前2——3个月时冲刺或者说作为强化训练用。目前该书已经由新东方引进,中文名称是《新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题》。(由于最近反映此书口语和作文偏难,所以此书从题目来讲可能不如OG贴近考试,但在目前可得到的综合用书,尤其是大陆可买的综合教材极少的情况下,还是将此书列为必备资料)。 “红宝书”五:《新托福考试全真模考题与精解》 作者:Pamela Sharpe Ph.D,Barron出的IBT指导教材,此书的听力内容比较丰富,还有各种口音。整体题目难度上可能比考试略难,目前该书已托福的考试,我们好多的考生都是很无奈。说实在的,托福经由新东方引进,Barron的模考软件,界面最接近真实考试,一共7套COMPLETE,有加试,但看答案比较麻烦。文章难度略难于真实考试。

  • 什么是托福拼分,怎么理解托福拼分

    加过几次托福考试,然后填写各单项较好的考试成绩和考试时间。 托福考试分为口语、听力、写作、阅读四部分,各30分,总托福分为120分。托福考试拼分解析: 如:第一次托福考试获得:口语21分、听力28分、写作28分、阅读20分,总分97分。 第二次托福考试成绩为:口语23分、听力23分、写作25分、阅读28分,总分99分。 拼分后,选取两次考试中的单项分; 他的分数变为:口语23分、听力28分、写作28分、阅读28分,总分提升为107分 有关托福考试拼分大概就是这个意思了,如果还有什么不明白的可以找一所托福培训学校了解一下哦。学校里的老师都知道的。  

  • 托福tpo19口语的参考答案

    托福考试一直是想要出国留学的考生的重要考试,托福线上练习也是考生们重要的考试练习。托福线上练习俗称tpo,这里面有很多托福考试原题。下面就来看看托福口语tpo19,大家做完可以对应参考答案看看会有什么结果。 TPO-19 Question 1 sample answer Well, I find taking good notes an essential skill that a student must possess. First of all, it can save you a lot of time. Good notes can tell you what’s important in a textbook; therefore, instead of reading dozens of pages of a textbook, which usually takes up a lot of time, it’s much more efficient to just read your notes. Secondly, it helps you present professor’s lecture in a clear way. Take my biology professor for example, his lecture sometimes digresses and are not always conducted in a logical manner. So taking notes can help me understand his lecture better. Thirdly, it can help you improve your test performance because what the teacher says in class often contains the central concepts of the course and the material most likely to be included in exams. In conclusion, I consider note taking skill a must for students. TPO-19 Question 2 sample answer Well, I definitely go for shopping on the Internet. For a start, it’s more convenient. Online shopping allows me to shop at the convenience of my own home, and save traveling time to stores and spend my time on other important tasks and hobbies. What’s more, I can shop without time limitation because the World Wide Web never closes. What’s more, with the online tools that enable product comparison, I can take my time to compare product prices and features to make a better decision with less effort. So that’s why I choose online shopping over shopping in a store. TPO-19 Question 3 sample answer The university plans to increase the fee for using the campus recreation center in order to improve sports facilities and the increase is considered to be acceptable by the students. The man thinks that’s a good idea. He believes that upgrading the facilities can make more students go there and exercise, which is important for them. He also argues that the fee increase is not that much compared to the money that students spend on CDs and movies. TPO-19 Question 4 sample answer The professor provides an example to illustrate the concept of social learning, which suggests that people choose to or not to copy other people’s behavior by observing the consequences resulting from that behavior. When a little boy observes that screaming and crying is helpful in helping her sister getting what she wants, he will probably that do the same next time he wants something. However, when the little boy sees that his sister gets punished because of her crying and screaming, he will probably not imitate that behavior to get what he wants. TPO-19 Question 5 sample answer The problem the woman faces is that she has a time conflict with her schedule. Both her student teaching assignment and her Chinese history course happen to be on the same day. She has two options available: she could either take the Chinese history course in another semester or change her teaching assignment to a different day. Personally, I would opt to take the first course of action because as the woman suggested the course will be taught by an excellent visiting Chinese professor and it would be a real pity to miss this rare opportunity. TPO-19 Question 6 sample answer The professor talks about two special adaptations that seabirds have developed in order to find food. The first one concerns the length of wings and the other is an acute sense of smell. Firstly, he talks about the albatross. This kind of seabird has special long wings which enable them to glide or float on the wind instead of moving its wings up and down. In this way the albatross uses up a lot of energy. Another kind of seabird the professor mentions is the fulmar. Its food is difficult to see. However, this kind of seabird has strong sense of smell that can help it pick up the smell of food. 做了这套题大家有何感想,口语tpo很能代表真正的托福口语题目,所以在做托福口语tpo时要格外的重视,做完之后对照参考答案也要仔细思考,反复看题,分析研究。弄懂弄透,不要怕麻烦,tpo试题具有重要的作用,相信大家能够分清主次。希望上面的tpo19的参考答案对你有帮助。

  • 托福TPO是什么?

    托福,熟悉托福考试TPO,沪江网校为大家带来托福要用新托福突破口TPO这把尺子来量一下自己在听说读写不同侧面的长短,其实也就能知道自己到底该加强什么。 2 查缺补漏的手段:当我们准备一段时间的托福考试之后,明显就应该感觉到自己本身的提升,但是还是时会感觉到自己总还是有些漏洞的。其实这个时候,又是该新托福突破口TPO出动的时候了,通过做几套新托福突破口TPO,然后横向比较

  • 沪江网校托福课程的特点

    有些题材的听写正确率很低等,然后之后有意识地重点加强自己薄弱点。一般建议第一二周是基础听力加强,主要让自己适应英语听力环境,了解自己听力状态,泛听+精听训练,每周末的时候听力材料的难度都要比周一增加些,并找到合适自己的一些听力技巧和方法等。第三四周主要是针对考试听力题型等做训练,适应托福听力的题型。最后2周便是一个加强阶段,这个阶段,听力方面应该有不少进步,那接下去主要用真题或模拟题去测试,给自己严格限定时间,必须全部做完听力部分后才能去对答案,进行分析等。 还有平时我们做练习最托福考试,相信大家都是非常了解的,因为这是所有选择出国留学的同学在出国之前都必须要参加的一门语常见的就是对着一本练习册,因此对着纸张长时间做阅读题很习惯,但托福考是机考,长时间对着电脑上长篇幅的英语文章必然是不适应的,所以平时除了对着纸张上的题目做练习,用电脑阅读国外文章,浏览国外网站也是必须的。