
  The Non-Negotiators 拒绝谈判者

  Identification The other party refuses to negotiate and discuss terms with you. They submit a proposal with a price and terms and then ask you to accept or reject on the whole.

  Note A refusal to negotiate is usually a refusal to negotiate price. This is an opportunity for you. Since they are rigid on price, you can ask for concessions on other terms. Asking for clarification as to why they won’t negotiate will usually let you know where there is some room for discussion If they continue to not negotiate, you may consider choosing another company and telling they original one that had they been more willing to negotiate, they may have gotten your business.

  Solution Approach them in a positive and inquisitive way. Tell them you’d love to make a deal, but you have some questions. Don’t try to negotiate right away. They will take the time to educate you. When they commit some time and energy to your education, they suddenly have more at stake in the discussion. Then, when you have more information and some creative alternatives to approach them with, they’ll be more willing to bargain. Sometimes hw you do something is just as important as what you do.


  BEC中级口语 简短陈述部分应试技巧


  准备时间完毕,主考官要求你发言时,考生应该欣然接受并且适时开始讲话。不要因为自认为准备不足,而迟迟不发言 。1分钟过后,考生将失去说话的机会;发言时间缩短之后,考生也会因为输出信息量不够,而不能获得商分。


  正式演讲时,考生应该记住:你要做的只是一个小小的演讲。建议先告知考官你要讲的话题,作为开头。然后从自己记下的要点中,选择最有把握、最熟悉的几点充分进行阐述。最后,重述主题或者就你的发言进行总结。注意:考生应该合理地组织演讲内容,做到通顺、流畅、有逻辑。尽可能地使用连接词(如first of all, finally, however, to sum up, etc. )



