
新澍日本留学套餐【理科EJU+校内考】 N4起步、EJU国内学、手把手助力实现留学梦想





  • 大学英语四级听力真题综合点评

    要能抓住此主题线索,整篇文章的结构就一目了然了。 33-35 点评:本篇文章主要论述要让孩子们学着自己判断事情。目前的教学方法对学生学习没有什么帮助作用,老师认为学生不能发现他们自己身上的错误,孩子习得一件事情是通过把自己的行为和其他人的行为作对比而来的,而这就逐渐让孩子们失去了自己,变成了其他人,从而慢慢产生依赖感。文章结尾暗示作者对这种教学方法是不赞成的,同时,提出老师的工作是应该帮助孩子们找到正确答案的方法,而不是什么都为他们做好安排好。 复合式听写: 本文讨论的是美国人的时间观念。开头提出美国人非常看重时间规划,以至于到了被认为“手表控制人”的地步,接下来从语言角度给出证明,最后又从原因角度解释说明。 本文的难点在于,开头有长难句,包含插入语、比较级等,容易造成困扰。而在语言角度探讨时,有给出一系列动词

  • 2017英语四级听力真题综合点评

    要能抓住此主题线索,整篇文章的结构就一目了然了。 33-35 点评: 本篇文章主要论述要让孩子们学着自己判断事情。目前的教学方法对学生学习没有什么帮助作用,老师认为学生不能发现他们自己身上的错误,孩子习得一件事情是通过把自己的行为和其他人的行为作对比而来的,而这就逐渐让孩子们失去了自己,变成了其他人,从而慢慢产生依赖感。文章结尾暗示作者对这种教学方法是不赞成的,同时,提出老师的工作是应该帮助孩子们找到正确答案的方法,而不是什么都为他们做好安排好。 复合式听写: 本文讨论的是美国人的时间观念。开头提出美国人非常看重时间规划,以至于到了被认为“手表控制人”的地步,接下来从语言角度给出证明,最后又从原因角度解释说明。 本文的难点在于,开头有长难句,包含插入语、比较级等,容易造成困扰。而在语言角度探讨时,有给出一系列动词,容易出现漏

  • 职称英语综合c级练习试题及答案:完形填空

    完形填空题型我们从小到大的考试中遇到过不少,大部分人也能了解它的答题规则。但是在综合类职称英语考试中,完形填空又有些许的不同,每个空白处有四个选项,大家可以从中挑选出自己认为符合意思的。这样的题型在平时练习的时候要格外注意,联系上下文,分析句型才能找到正确的答案,下面来综合看看16年综合类职称英语的的完形填空部分。 Freezing to Death for Beauty People in Beijing wear a lot of clothing during winter to fend off(抵御)the cold. In the United States, however, people wear_____(51)partly because the car is the primary mode of transportation. Cars take_____(52)straight to their workplaces, which are heated well. The American diet is full of calories, so their_____(53)can afford to burn heat more quickly. Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay_____(54)Lots of Yale girls wear skirts_____(55)when it's 10 degrees Centigrade outside. Some of them at least wear boots, tights, and leg-warmers. Some, however, really just go for the look _____(56)the risk of health. These girls have nothing to prevent their _____(57)against the wind, and no socks to protect their feet. A mini skirt and a pair of stilettos are all that they wear. Typically, the ones pursuing fashion are_____(58)with little body fat. Just by the nature of their bodies, they are already at a disadvantage compared with normal people in_____(59)weather. I have always_____(60),whenever I pass these girls, how they manage to refrain from shivering and just smile like spring had arrived. And then there are the guys. The girls can be said to_____(61)health for beauty. But why do guys_____(62)so little? It is not like, once they shed some layers, they suddenly become better-looking. They are not exactly being fashionable when they _____(63)wear sporty(花哨的)shorts and shower slippers in the midst of winter. It's not cute(可爱的). Of course, people have the freedom to look whatever_____(64)hey want. I am just surprised that, given the vast difference between winter and summer temperatures in Connecticut, they can still_____(65)like they are partying on the beach in the middle of February. 51. 【答案】A 52. 【答案】C 53. 【答案】D 54. nable 【答案】A 55. 【答案】B 56. 【答案】C 57. 【答案】B 58. 【答案】B 59. 【答案】D 60. d d ed 【答案】D 61. ice 【答案】B 62. 【答案】D 63. 【答案】B 64. 【答案】D 65. 【答案】A 就着参考答案,再看一遍原文。看看你的答案与参考答案有何不一样,不一样就要找到原因。反复练习,反复分析。真题的作用就是让大家了解考试的形式内容,这套完形填空题时典型的职称英语试卷题,大家可以从中找找感觉,以考试的姿态来答题。