
沪江西语三年畅学 助力提升多方位西语能力、打造西语达人!





  • 关于看电影的英语口语对话

    表示邀请和提议的句型。   Would you like to go to a movie? (你想去看电影吗?)   Sure, I'd love to. (当然,我很想去。)   What do you say to going to a movie? *这句和上句的意思一样,但是这种说法比较随便。   今天晚上放什么电影?   What's on tonight? *on用来表示“电影、戏剧的上演和活动的举行”。   What's playing tonight?   What are you showing tonight?   你想看什么电影?   What movie do you want to see?   我想看《××》   I want to see…   哪儿演《××》?   Where is… playing?   《××》演到什么时候?   How long is… playing?   How long will… play?   这部电影是谁演的?   Who is in this movie?   演多长时间?   How long does it last? *last“持续,继续”。   How long will it last?   How long is it?   下一场几点开演?   What time is the next showing?   When is the next showing?   几点演完?   What time will it be over?   What time will it end?   我买两张成人票。   Two, please.   Two tickets, please.   Two adults, please.   前边的人挡着,我看不见。   I can't see because of the person in front of me.   That person is ing my view.   That person is in my way.   我们怎么坐得这么靠后呀?   We are way in the back, aren't we?   我们坐到前面的座位上吧。   Let's sit closer up front.   真太有意思了,是不是?   That was interesting, wasn't it?   That was interesting, wasn't it? (真太有意思了,是不是?)   It sure was. (确实。)   这电影真没劲。   That was boring, wasn't it?   That was dull, wasn't it?   太让人感电影动了。   I was moved. *move“使……感动”。   How was the ? (芭蕾舞怎么样?)   I was moved. (太让人感动了。)   It touched me.   It was a touching movie. (这是一部感人的电影。)

  • CFA考试结束后,最值得看的15本闲书,33部电影与4部美剧!

    不能看闲书的CFA考生考完试也浪起来了,在此推荐一些好书与作品与大家分享:这份书单以及电影榜单是从高晓松《鱼羊野史》中收集整理的 ,长见识,塑逼格,还带点文艺与内涵,为了使自己也变得更有内涵,高晓松提到的这些文字、电影和音乐也可以有所了解。 为什么高晓松推荐的这些作品值得一读,因为在我看来,像高晓松这样具备家学渊源,横跨文理中西,驰骋影视歌坛,读过万卷书,行过万里路,又兼有入世情怀,愿意启蒙与分享的旧时代男人确实少之又少。为了使自己也变得更有内涵,高晓松提到的这些文字、电影和音乐也可以有所了解。   【文学作品】   1.《麦田里的守望者》 2.《丰乳肥臀》 3.《生命不能承受之轻》 4.