


A proverb says “Time is money”.but I think time is even more precious than money.Why? Because when money is spent,we can earn it again.However,when time is gone,it will never return.That’s the very reason we must value our time.

【请你试写】“It Pays to Be Honest”一文的开头。


文章先提出一部分人的观点,然后再提出另一部分人的观点,以此引入下文。例如“Public Transport”一文可这样开头:

Some people suggest that in China we should give priority to the development of private cars,but others argue that public transport should be put in the first place.

【请你试写】“Are Traditional Technology and Theory Out of Date?”一文的开头。


通过提出一个或一连串的问题来引出要讨论的问题,这样可以激发读者的兴趣。例如“Should Women Stay at Home or Go Out to Work?”一文可这样开头:

Should women stay at home or go out to work? This is a controversial topic for decades,if not hundreds of years.I hold the view that women should go out to work as men do.The reasons are as follows.

【请你试写】“ShouldMen and Women Be Equal?”一文的开头。


文章先指出目前出现的一种普遍现象,以此吸引读者的注意力。这种方法多用于议论文或说明文。例如“Hunting for a Job on Internet”一文的开头可为:

Nowadays there’S a completely new way of finding a job for jobless people and laid—of workers.Instead of hunting for a job in the ads of newspapers or in ajob market,ajob seeker can look for a job on Internet.In fact,the ads success rate is very high,many people prefer to the new Ways.



文章开篇入题,一步到位。这种方法比较适用于议论文的写作,便于抓住主题,避免离题。例如“Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone”一文的开头可为:

Nowadays,with the rapid development of IT and information industry,cell phones play a dominant role in towns people’s life.But,like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.

【请你试写】“Key Factors to Success”一文的开头。



Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.Honesty is a good virtue.He who lies and cheats is dishonest.Those who gain fortunes,not by hard 1abour,but by other means are dishonest.

[请你试写】“My View of a Holiday”一文的开头。

七 交待目的式开头

在文章开头就点名作者写作目的,直入主题。例如“Language of Communication”一文的开头可为:

In order to master the skill to express yourselves in speaking and writing and to extract maximum meaning from the spoken and written words of others,our education provides the tool of understanding,that is,language of communication.No matter what your career is,a command of the language is the most important skill you have to acquire.


八 数据式开头

开头段引用一些调查统计数据把问题摆在读者的面前,然后加以分析,借以提出主题。例如“Children’S Crimes”一文的开头可为:

According to the local newspaper,each year there are about ten thousand children in that country committing various kinds of crimes under the influence of TV'and the number is still growing.After profound analysis,researchers find that the harmful influence comes from the following kinds of programs.

[请你试写】“My View on Private Tutor”一文的开头。


文章一开始就讲一个你自己或他人生活中的一个故事,用生动而读者熟悉的趣事把读者吸引住,渐而引向主题。例如“The Right Useof Money”一文的开头可为:

W hen 1 was a little girl,in my eyes,money was a wonderful thing.It meant candies,toys and beautiful clothes.Now,I have grown up.I find that so many dults love money more than children.They think that money is all-powerful,so they try every means(by all means)to get it,even in illegal ways.

[请你试写】“My Experience”一文的开头。

十 环境式开头

在文章的开头,先把人物、事件、环境以及事情发生的时间、地点或背景描述清楚,以此引出文章的主题。例如“My First Day atCollege”一文的开头可为:

September3,2006 was my first day at Yingtan College.Everything on the campus appeared especially bright and flesh.There was a song in my heart and cheer on my face.

[请你试写】“An Accident on My Way to School”一文的开头。

 十一 现象描述式开头

文章先总结所涉及内容的现状,然后引出主题。例如“Is the College English Test Band4/Band 6Necessary?”一文的开头可为:

Recently there has been a heated discussion about whether the national College English Test Band 4/Band 6 is necessary or not.Some teachers,students and authorities are in favor ofit.To begin with,they hold that it is an effective way to raise the level of English in our country.Besides,they hold that it may stimulate the teachers to improve their teaching and urge students to attach more importance to English SO as to improve their communicative skil1.

【请你试写]“Howto Communicate with Friends”一文的开头。

 十二 图表作文常用的开头用语

The data/statistics/figures show(suggest;prove) that there was a slight(sudden;slow;dramatic;steady;steep;gradual;large;rapid;sharp;small;marked)increase(rise)/decrease(drop;decline;fall;reduction)ed with/in relation to.

It Can be seenfrom thetable/diagram /graph/chart|bar |pie|chart|curvethat.总之,文章的开篇方法多种多样,且不是孤立的,考生可以依据文章的题材、体裁、读者等加以选择并结合起来使用。“First impressionlasts forever”,开头立论的好彩头,在第一时间抓住阅卷老师的眼球,是作文赢得高分的关键,只要考生认真学习,深刻领会,多多练习,就一定能写出开头精彩的作文。


一、As the English proverb goes,“Honesty is the best policy.” For one thing,if you want to be trusted and respected by your friends,you must be honest.A liar is always looked down upon and avoided by the people around him.For another,if you want to succeed in your work,the first qualification you should have is honesty.It is through honest eforts that Newton and Einstein became great figures in history.Therefore,whatever your aim is,you must work honestly to attain it.

二、Some people tend to say that traditional technology and theory have been out of date.I think traditional technology and theory, are still worth learning.

三、“Should men and women be equal?”This is a question much talked about by people all over the world today.Many people feel that men

and women should not be equal,because many things men do could not be done by women.Others think that since women have been shouldering the responsibility in the society and at home,they should enjoy equal rights as men do.I prefer the latter.

四、In recent years,with the development of science and technology,the Internet has come into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life.It has become a must to us,but at the same time,Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems.

五、No doubt,everyone wishes to be successful in life.In discussing this,three fundamental principles should be borne in mind:diligence,devotion,and perseverance.

六、Large numbers of people nowadays might define a holiday as “travelling to another part of the country of the world for a week or two once or twice a year.” But for me personally a holiday does not necessarily require a lot of trave1.Conversely,in fact,for the past twenty years,it has meant no travel at all,because 1 would define a holiday as “a period of time in which you do something completely diferent from your normal routine.’

七、In order to broaden our knowledge,we should learn as many kinds of knowledge as possible.Firstly,what we should do is to broaden our reading range,including the textbooks,magzines,newspapers and other literal materials.Also,it is necessary to

participate in more practical afairs.To adapt to the social works,we should be active to acquire more knowledge about human life and society as wel1.Without these knowledge,we can’t meet the future needs and can’t be what we are expected to be.

八、A recent investigation shows that about 80% of the primary school pupils have private tutors and about half of the university undergraduates have the experience ofbeing private tutors.Private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages.Yet in my opinion,it does more harm than good to school pupils.

九、Most of us may have such experiences:when you go to some place far away from the city where you live and think you know nobody there, you supposed to find that you ru n into one of your old classmates on the streets,perhaps both of you would cry out:“What a small world.”

十、It was a rainy and windy morning.The sky was gloomy,the temperature was low,and the street was nearly empty.1 was on my way to schoo1.Suddenly,a speeding car came round the corner.

十一、In the modern world,nobody can live alone without contact with others.The development of society requires people to have more and more communication with other people,known or unknown.How to communicate?
