

  1.Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure youhad enough?)你想再要一点吗?(你真的够了吗?)

  2.Please hold your bowls.请端好碗.

  3、Try to finish everything in your bowls.尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完吧.

  4、Let’s try not to scatter food or drink on the table.(Please help clease up your spills.)别把饭或汤撒到桌上.

  5、Put the bones on your plate.把骨头或者鱼刺放在盆子里.

  6、Wipe(Rinse) your mouth after eating.吃完东西之后请把嘴擦干净.

  7、You’ll feel good to have some soup after a meal.小朋友吃完饭后要喝一碗汤,这样会感觉很舒服的.

  8、Fold your coat and trousens and put them on thechair.把衣服叠整齐,放在你的椅子上.

  9、Cover yourself up ,so that your do not catch cold.请把被子盖盖好,这样就不会着凉了. 10、 Hands under the quilt.把手放到被子里去.

  11、 Wake up.起床了.

  12、 Get up and dress yourself quickly.赶快起床穿衣服.

  13、 Can you dress yourself ? Have a try!你会自己穿衣服吗?试试看.

  14、 Let’s go upstairs and do morning exercise.让我们上楼去做早操吧!

  15、 Go this side ,please .No pushing away.请从这边走,不要推人.
