
2016 年考试的申请:

6 月考试:申请递交截至于2016 年2 月1 日

12 月考试:申请递交截至于2016 年9 月2 日


(1)推荐人(包括:企事业单位法人)。CFA 协会将选取一些对提升CFA 协会项目的知名度有战略作用的组织(“推荐人”)。让这些组织分配指定数量的奖学金给附属的个人。

(2)奖学金申请人。个人申请者无论是来自于企业推荐人还是大学推荐人均有资格获得该奖学金。符合下列规定条件的大学教授和财经媒体工作者,可以直接申请该CFA 奖学金。





在校大学生,奖学金申请人必须是学院或大学目前在读的学生,在本科或研究生学习阶段就读学校是CFA 课程合作伙伴或CFA 协会承认大学计划项目。一旦奖学金申请人已收到CFA 协会颁发的荣誉奖学金,该申请人因毕业或发生其他原因离开推荐机构并不会取消该奖学金。

第二种是CFA 协会教授奖学金:

在大学中教授金融学,经济学,商业和CFA 课程相关课程的大学教授可直接向CFA 协会申请该奖学金,教授在申请时须具备:在大学教学期间,全日制教授每学期或半学期至少教学6 个学分;如果是作为部门、院系主管每学期或半学期至少教学3 个学分。



为媒体行业设立的一项奖学金。专门从事金融财经新闻、数据、教育传播的媒体组织的全职工作人员可直接向CFA 协会申请该奖学金。


申请人每场考试只可以从CFA 协会获得一份奖学金,如果一个申请人收到多份获奖通知,只有第一份可以被授予奖学金。


(1) 推荐人必须指导其奖学金申请人审查并遵守CFA 有关奖学金的规则。

(2) 所有提名必须在规定的期限内提交给CFA 协会,并符合CFA 课程的奖学金验证形式要求。

(3) 推荐人必须在评估及改善项目上与CFA 协会合作。这可能包括调查和特殊请求的反馈。

(4) 推荐人在大学认可计划内必须显示出他们为了参与和推动CFA 课程项目的积极性。



Part 3




1Personal Statement - Sample 1

One of my career objectives is to become a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great intellectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I come from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of competence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to complete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA access scholarship would help me achieve my goal of becoming a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees.

2Personal Statement - Sample 2

I believe I am an excellent candidate for the CFA designation scholarship. My plans for the rest of my year at UW-L is to complete my finance and accounting classes for my major and minor, and to take the FIN 400 course. I am very excited to be taking the Advanced Financial Analysis course because I feel the course will complete my major and combine all my finance classes into one review course, which will prepare me for the most important test of my career. I am fully prepared to study the recommend 250 hours for the first exam and for following two rigorous exams in the next 3 years to come.

My ambitions after graduating from college are to go into the corporate world as a financial analyst. During the past summer, I had a financial analyst internship at Kohler Co., where I learned a lot about the financial world from a corporate level and realized I could have a very successful, rewarding career in this area of finance. Having the CFA will grant my employer the security and confidence in knowing I have knowledge, integrity and professionalism of someone you can trust with your financial information and most personal details.

The CFA will provide me with a broad range of investment knowledge and high ethical standards of which will provide my future employer with a well-rounded individual. In working towards my CFA, I will not only learn and apply finance but economics, accounting and basic business management. I also plan to expand on my financial analyst real-life experiences and relate them to what have studied for the CFA (and vise-versa), so I can apply my education in a meaningful manner.

I hope while I am studying for all three exams of the CFA I will gain knowledge that will lead me to promotions. In the near future I would like to be a manager or controller of business/financial analyst or capital planning. The CFA will provide me with wisdom, standards and ethics to be an even better manager and leader. I already have powerful leadership qualities, most of which I have learned through the many positions I have held in my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, but I would like to expand on those qualities to become more successful in my career.

Not only will the CFA help me with my career, but also to help me grow as a person, learning self-discipline and guidance. The CFA will also help me keep on track with my future profession, and will keep concepts and ideas fresh in my mind and will make them easier to recall and use when needed.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. Any financial help or program fees will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.





