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L1.Excuse me & L2.Is this your…

L3.Sorry,sir. & L4.Is this your…?

L5.Nice to meet you & L6.What make is it?

L7.Are you a teache & L8.What’s your job?

L9.How are you today? & L10. Look at…

L11. Is this your shirt? & L12. Whose is this/that…?

L13.A new dress & L14.What color’s your?

L15.Your passports, please & L16.Are you…?

L17.How do you do? & L18.What are their jobs?

L19.Tired and thirsty.& L20.Look at them.

L21.Which book?& L22.Give me/him/her a…

L23.Which glasses? & L24. Give me/him/her some…

L25.Mrs. Smith’s Kitchen. & L26.Where is it?

L27.Mrs. Smith’s living room. & L28.Where are they?

L29.Come in,Amy & L30.What must I do?

L31.Where’s sally? & L32.What’s he/she/it doing?

L33.A fine day & L34. What are they doing?

L35.Our village & L36.Where…?

L37.Making a bookcase. & L38.What are you going to do?What are you doing?

L39.Don’t drop it & L40.What are you going to do?I’m going to…

L41.Penny’s bag & L42.Is there a/any…in/on that…?

L43.Hurry up & L44.Are there any…? Is there any…?

L45.The boss’s letter. & L46.Can you…?

L47.a cup of coffee & L48.Do you like? Do you want…?

L49.At the butcher’s. & L50.He likes…He doesn’t like…

L51.A pleasant climate. & L52.What nationality are they?

L53.An interesting climate & L54.What nationality are they?

L55.the Sawyer family & L56.what do they usually do?

L57.An unusual day & L58.what’s the time?

L59.Is that all? & L60.What’s the time?

L61.A bad cold & L62.What’s thematter with them?What must they do?

L63.Thank you,doctor. & L64.Don’t You must…

L65.Not a baby & L66.What’s the time?

L67.The weekend & L68.What’s the time?

L69.The car race & L70.When were they there?

L71.He’s awful & L72.When did you…?

L73.The way to King Street. & L74.What did they do?

L75.Uncomfortable shoes. & L76. When did you…?

L77.Terrible toothache. & L78.When did you…?

L79.Carol’s shopping list. & L80.I must go to the…

L81.Roast beef and potatoes. & L82.I had…

L83.Going on holiday. & L84.Have you had…?

L85.Paris in the spring. & L86.What have you done?

L87.A car crash. & L88.Have you… yet?

L89.For sale. & L90.Have you… yet?

L91.Poor Ian & L92.When will…?

L93.Our new neighbor. & L94.When did you/will you go to…?

L95.Tickets, please. & L96.What’s the exact time?

L97.A small blue case & L98. Whose is it?Whose are they?

L99.Ow & L100.He/She says that…They say…

L101.A card from Jimmy & L102.He/she says…They say…

L103.The French testL & 104.Too, very, enough

L105.Full of mistakes & L106.I want you/him to tell him/them to

L107.It’s too small & L108.How do they compare?

L109.A good idea. & L110.How do they compare?

L111. The most expensive model & L112. How do they compare?

L113.Small change & L114.I’ve got none.

L115. Knock, knock & L116.Every, no, any and some

L117.Tommy’s breakfast. & L118.What were you doing?

L119.A true story & L120.I had already happened.

L121.The man in a hat & L122.Who(whom), which and that

L123.A trip to Australia & L124.(Who)(whom), (which)and(that)

L125.Tea for two & L126.Have to and do not need to

L127.A famous actress & L128.He can’t be He must be

L129.Seventy miles an hour & L130.He can’t have been…

L131.Don’t be so sure & L132.He may be….

L133.Sensational news & L134.He said (said) he

L135.The lastest news & L136.He said (that) he

L137.A pleasant dream & L138. If

L139.Is that you, John? & L140.He wants to know if/why…

L141.Sally’s first train ride & L142.Someone invited Sally to a party

L143.A walk though the woods & L144.He hasn’t been served yet


A private conversation1

A private conversation-2

Breakfast or lunch?-1

Breakfast or lunch?-2

Please send me a card

An exciting trip

No wrong numbers

Percy Buttons

Too late

The best and the worst

A cold welcome

Not for jazz

One good turn deserves another

Goodbye and good luck

The greenwood Boys

Do you speak English?

Good news

A polite request

Always young

He often does this!

Sold out

One man in a boat

Mad or not?

A glass envelope

A new house

It could be worse

Do the English speak English?

The best art critics

A wet night

No parking


Football or polo?

Success story

Shopping made easy

Out of the darkness

Quick work

Stokp thief!

Across the Channel

The Olympic Games

Everything except the weather

Am I all right?

Food and talk

Do you call that a hat?

Not very musical

Over the South Pole

Through the forest

A clear conscience

Expensive and uncomfortable

A thirsty ghost

Did you want to tell me something

The end of a dream

Taken for a ride

Reward for virture

A pretty carpet

Hot snake

Sticky fingers

Not a gold mine

Faster than sound!

Can I help you, madam?

A blessing in disguise?

In or out?

The future

Trouble with the Hubble

After the fire

She was not amused

The Channel Tunnel

Jumbo versus the police

Sweet as honey!



But not murder!

Red for danger

A famous clock

A car called Bluebird

The rcord-holder

Out of the limelight


April Fools' Day

A successful operation

The last one?

By air

The Crystal Palace


Monster or fish?

After the elections

On strike

Never too old to learn

Our of control

A perfect alibi

Trapped in a mine

A slip of the tongue

What's for supper?

Three men in a basket

Asking for trouble

A noble gift

Future champions

A fantasy

The dead return





A puma at large-1

A puma at large-2

A puma at large-3

A puma at large-4

Thirteen equals one-1

Thirteen equals one-2

Thirteen equals one-3

an unknown goddess-1

an unknown goddess-2

an unknown goddess-3

the double life of Alfred Bloggs-1

the double life of Alfred Bloggs-2

the facts-1

the facts-2

the facts-3



Mutilated ladies-1

Mutilated ladies-2

A famous monastery-1

A famous monastery-2

Flying Cats-1

Flying Cats-2

The loss of Titanic-1

The loss of Titanic-2

Not guilty-1

Not guilty-2

Life on a desert island-1

Life on a desert island-2

it's only me-1

it's only me-2

A noble gangster-1

A noble gangster-2

Fifty pence worth of trouble-1

Fifty pence worth of trouble-2

Mary had a little lamb-1

Mary had a little lamb-2

The longest suspension bridge in the world-1

The longest suspension bridge in the world-2

The electric currents in modern art-1

The electric currents in modern art-2

A very dear cat-1

A very dear cat-2

Pioneer pilots-1

Pioneer pilots-2

Daniel Mendoza-1

Daniel Mendoza-2

By heart-1

By heart-2

One man's meat is another man's poison-1

One man's meat is another man's poison-2

A skeleton in the cupboard-1

A skeleton in the cupboard-2

The Cutty Sark-1

The Cutty Sark-2

Wanted a large biscuit tin-1

Wanted a large biscuit tin-2

Nothing to sell and nothing to buy-1

Nothing to sell and nothing to buy-2

Five pounds too dear-1

Five pounds too dear-2

Funny or not-1

Funny or not-2

The death of a ghost-1

The death of a ghost-2

A lovable eccentric

A Lost Ship-1

A Lost Ship-2

A day to remember-1

A day to remember-2

A happy discovery-1

A happy discovery-2

Justice was done-1

Justice was done-2

A Chance in a Million

The Westhaven Express

The first calender

Nothing to worry about-1

Nothing to worry about-2

Who's who

Illusion of pastoral peace-1

Illusion of pastoral peace-2

Modern cavemen-1

Modern cavemen-2

Fully Insured-1

Fully Insured-2

Speed and comfort-1

Speed and comfort-2

The power of the press-1

The power of the press-2

Do it yourself-1

Do it yourself-2

Too hight a price-1

Too hight a price-2

The silent village-1

The silent village-2

The ideal servant-1

The ideal servant-2

New year resolutions-1

New year resolutions-2

Predicting the future-1

Predicting the future-2

Mud is Mud-1

Mud is Mud-2

In the public interest

Instinct or cleverness

From the earth:Greetings-1

From the earth:Greetings-2

Our neighbor,the river-1

Our neighbor,the river-2

Back in the old country

A spot of bother-1

A spot of bother-2


Too early and too late-1

Too early and too late-2