
2024年英语六级冲刺抢分班-屠皓民亲授 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!





  • 英语六级六级的模拟题

      马上就要迎来了这学期的英语四六级的考试了,不知道我们的同学们都做好了准备没有。我们很多人在大学期间都能通过英语四级的考试,但是,对于六级的考试,很多人都是很无奈,所以,我们还是要找对一些方法才好。下面就是关于英语六级的模拟题,大家仔细做一下,然后就能很好的感受到真题的味道了。   阅读理解模拟试题(一)   Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)   Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

  • 备战六级考试:2017年模拟题六级汇总

    六级考试已经得到社会的承认,已经成为各级理了一些优质模拟题,快来测试一下吧! Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Travel-mate Wanted. You should write at least 150 word following the outline given below: 假设你是李明,假期即将到来,你打算做一次为期三周的旅行,希望找个外国朋友作为游伴(Travel-mate)。拟一个寻游伴的启事,交代清楚日程安排、费用分担情况、对对方的要求等,并说明对方和你一起出游的好处。 Travel-mate Wanted Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage

  • 大学英语六级翻译六级翻译模拟题

    很多考过大学英语四级的小伙伴都会继续参加英语六级考试。对于有过英语四级考试经验的小伙伴来说,面对英语六级考试应该没有那么紧张了。英语六级考试相对于四级考试,难度大大提高了不少,所以即使有英语四级考试经验的也不要放松警惕。考试前除了做好该做的复习,其次就是要注意休息和调整心态,以最好的状态迎接考试。下面,小编准备里历年的英语六级翻译模拟题,大家可以参考一下。 翻译原文: 故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清共二十四位皇帝统治中国近500年的皇宫。它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长960米,东西宽 750米,占地72公顷,总建筑面积达15万平方米。故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。 翻译词汇: 故宫 the Imperial Palace 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square 长方形 rectangular 建筑面积 floor space 现存 in existence 上朝 give audience 处理 handle 世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage 参考译文: The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’anmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. 面对大考,相信很多人都会比较紧张。英语六级考试即将到来,不知道大家复习得怎么样。小编推荐大家可以登录沪江英语频道,上级的小伙伴都会继续参加英语六级考试。对于有过英语四级面有很多曾经参加过考试学生的考试经验,还有很多应试技巧和学习方法可以参考。在这里,小编预祝各位考生可以取得理想六级考试。对于有过英语四级考试经验的小伙伴来说,面对英语六级考试应该没有那么紧张了。英语六级考试相对于四级考试,难度大大提高了不少,所以即使有英语四级考试经验的也不要放松警惕。考试前除了做好该做的复习,其次就是要注意休息和调整心态,以最好的状态迎接考试。下面,小编准备里历年的英语六级翻译模拟题,大家可以参考一下。 翻译原文: 故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清共二十四位皇帝统治中国近500年的皇宫。它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长960米,东西宽 750米,占地72公顷,总建筑面积达15万平方米。故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。 翻译词汇: 故宫 the Imperial Palace 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square 长方形 rectangular 建筑面积 floor space 现存 in existence 上朝 give audience 处理 handle 世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage 参考译文: The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’anmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. 面对大考,相信很多人都会比较紧张。英语六级的成绩。

  • 英语六级阅读理解六级阅读理解模拟题

    阅读理解模拟试题(一) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark

  • 备战六级考试:2017年六级考试模拟题六级考试:2017年六级参考答案

    此处还可译为spend minimum time visiting (places) outside the parks。 75. to idle away the hours watching TV each day 由给出的中英文可知,该句包含too…to…的结构,表示“太……而不能……”,直接包含否定概念,因此所译部分无须含有否定词。“将时间浪费在……上”可译为idle away some time doing sth.,也可直接译为waste time on (doing) sth.,而“每天”可译为each day或every day,故六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题此处还可译为to idle away the hours watching TV each/every day或to waste time on watching TV each/every day。 76. that he might himself have been an eye-witness 由给出的中英文可知,该句包含such…that…的结构,再结合中文可知,that之后的内容应采用虚拟语气,表示对过去事实的虚拟,且强调一种可能性,谓语应为might have done的形式。此处没有表明“看见”的对象,因此可用eye-witness来表示“看见”为了强调“亲眼”,又加上himself。       英语的学习归根结底要不断的积累和练习,因此,考试之前模拟题的训练可以很好的帮助我们掌握自己的英语能力和做题节奏,从而更加充分地准备考试,更加从容地应对考试,能够更好的发挥自己的真是水平,顺利地通过考试。预祝考试顺利六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级,事半功倍!

  • 备战六级考试:2017年六级考试模拟题综合六级考试:2017年六级训练

    大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级考试已经得到社会的承认,已经成为各级人事部门录用大学毕业生的标准之一。因此,顺利通过考试可六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题以为以后的发展,包括求职和求学都会有所帮助。正式考试之前,模拟考试可以让我们对自己的水平有一个大致的了解。小编整理了一些优质模拟题,快来测试一下吧! Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages

  • 备战六级考试:2017年英语六级第4套六级考试:2017年英语六级第4套模拟题

    六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题理了一些优质模拟题,快来测试一下吧! Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Is Homeschooling Advisable? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 现在有不少家长让孩子在家上学 2. 各人看法不同 3. 我自己的观点 Is Homeschooling Advisable? Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part

  • 2017年英语六级备考:第4套模拟题六级参考答案

    大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级考试已经得到社会的承认,已经成为各级人事部门录用大学毕业生的标准之一。因此,顺利通过考试可以为以后的发展,包括求职和求学都会有所帮助。正式考试之前,模拟考试可以让我们对自己的水平有一个大致的了解。小编整六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题理了一些优质模拟题,快来测试一下吧! Part I Writing 【参考范文一】 Is Homeschooling Advisable? Today, a growing number of children in China are staying at home, not because they are giving up education but because their parents think they will actually receive a better education at home. They are being homeschooled at every level — kindergarten, primary, junior middle and even senior middle school. People’s opinions vary on homeschooling. Some people support it, saying China’s current education mode puts heavy study pressure on students and many of them suffer from depression and even commit suicide. Some oppose it, maintaining that students need interaction with classmates, so that they can fit into society. Still, there are people who insist that homeschooling is a game for rich people only, which cannot be expanded to the whole of society. Personally, I think homeschooling is advisable as long as the family can afford it. As people’s personalities differ, so education should be diversified. What’s more, we do have successful examples of homeschooling. For example, Zheng Yuanjie, a famous Chinese writer of children’s stories had his son study at home after his son finished primary school study. Today, his son has grown up to be a successful person. 【参考范文二】 Is Homeschooling Advisable? Today, many parents in China, particularly those in cities, are dissatisfied with the country’s education system. They believe the current education mode is outdated and prevents children from experiencing the joy of learning. To change the situation, they choose to have their children study at home. This phenomenon has attracted a range of commentary from experts as well as parents. Supporters of homeschooling say that today’s education system emphasizes too much on exam results to allow students to fulfill their full potential. Opponents, however, argue that insulating students from normal school education will affect their ability to integrate with the rest of society in the long-term. I’m in the camp that homeschooling should not be advocated. Today, most children are the only child in a family are in need of companions. If they are educated at home, they will be unable to interact with their peers, and cooperation and communication will be very difficult to manage when they go into society. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. C) 2. D) 3. A) 4. B) 5. D) 6. B) 7. C) 8. slim 9. little impact 10. shocked Part III Listening Comprehension 11. C) 12. C) 13. A) 14. A) 15. B) 16. A) 17. A) 18. D) 19. D) 20. D) 21. C) 22. B) 23. C) 24. D) 25. C) 26. A) 27. B) 28. C) 29. B) 30. B) 31. C) 32. A) 33. C) 34. B) 35. C) 36. combination 37. requirements 38. defines 39. voluntarily 40. divided 41. employment 42. security 43. means 44. But job-sharing bridges that gap and offers the chance of interesting work to people who can only work part-time 45. There are various reasons why people decide they want to job-share and so have more free time 46. and means that disabled people or those who otherwise stay at home to look after them, can work Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) 47. more susceptible to psychiatric disorders 48. children’s relationships with their parents 49. less grey matter 50. the brain abnormalities 51. parenting 52. D) 53. B) 54. C) 55. C) 56. A) 57. A) 58. C) 59. B) 60. D) 61. B)       英语的学习归根结底要不断的积累和练习,因此,考试之前模拟题的训练可以很好的帮助我们掌握自己的英语能力和做题节奏,从而更加充分地准备考试,更加从容地应对考试,能够更好的发挥自己的真是水平,顺利地通过考试。预祝考试顺利六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。大学英语六级,事半功倍!

  • 考前自评:2017年英语六级考试模拟题六级参考答案

    六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题

  • 考前自测:CET-6大学英语六级考试六级考试模拟题

    六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为“College English Test-6”)是由国家统一出题理了一些优质模拟题,快来测试一下吧! Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Travel-mate Wanted. You should write at least 150 word following the outline given below: 假设你是李明,假期即将到来,你打算做一次为期三周的旅行,希望找个外国朋友作为游伴(Travel-mate)。拟一个寻游伴的启事,交代清楚日程安排、费用分担情况、对对方的要求等,并说明对方和你一起出游的好处。 Travel-mate Wanted Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming