
2024年英语六级白金班【屠皓民亲授】 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!不过可申请免费重读


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  • 2017年英语六级翻译六级翻译答案

    虽然今年的六级考试已经过了,但是现在分数还没有下来,我们对于自己的考试还是比较关心的。我们沪江网考试的当天就已经把答案整理好了,下面沪江小编就分享下我们沪江网整理的英语六级翻译答案。 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。这一时期,手工业的发展促进了市场经济和城市化。大量商品,包括酒和丝绸,都在市场销售。同时,还进口许多外国商品,如时钟和烟草。北京、南京、扬州、苏州这样的大商业中心相继形成。也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。      The Ming

  • 最新英语六级答案六级解析

    六级考试 还是非常熟悉的,英语六级和英语四级

  • 英语六级听力答案六级与点评

    提取关键词才能确定的题目。 11, What does scientists previously noticed about the pollutant in the artic? Pollutant arriving in the arctic with the wind。细节题,听到了记下来了,就写下来了。 12, What does the speaker warn about at the end of the talk? People living in bird colonies should be careful, as the pollutant can cause major problems. Talk 2 第二篇演讲这个难度感觉有点儿高。主六级要是这一坨坨数字是满奇葩的!讲的是美国百岁老人的情况(centenarian)。主要说到了Alzheimer老年痴呆致忘人数增加,上升到了第二位。流感下降到了第五位的事儿。 13, What does speaker say about the risk of dying for American centenarians in recent years? The top five causes of dies have changed over the years. 一个概述题,基本听懂文章了,就应该能选对。 14, What does speaker say about Alzheimer disease? Making the progressive brain disease the second leading cause of death。细节题,大家得能理解出来这个making的结果状语表意。 15, What is the characteristic of the people who live up to 100 years and beyond? Their minds may give up before their bodies do。这个是屎一般的细节题了,亲们…当大家都在记数字时,谁能想到考到了脑部疾病的成因呢.. 随着英语六级考试的不断改革,逐渐会有更多更难的题目更新。如果在考试的过程中发现题目难度较高,大家也要保持良好的心态。英语六级考试中要特别注意的是同音和近音词语,往往这会对很多学生造成干扰,是英语六级的陷阱。作为应试者,平时应该加以研究,并加强六级考试是由国家统一出题,统一收费和统一组织的考试。由于很多人为了日后工作的需要,会在校的时间就参加英语四六级考试。符合参加英语六级考试的人包括本科生,高校专科生,还有研究生等。这是一项大规模的标准考试,所以参加考试的人都会特别重视。而英语六级考试中的听力部分是最容易丢分的地方,所以大家平时应该注意重点联系。 Long conversion 1: 说的是一个男宝宝去Switzerland旅行,在一个小法式咖啡厅吃到了世上最恶心的培根和鸡蛋(生培根用了很多油油上有个鸡蛋)。 题目及答案如下: 1,What did the woman think of the French? The French were all good cooks. 原文中直接就能确定答案哦! 2,What did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland? His parents’ friends from his father’s school. 仍旧是原文直接定位,很简单哈。 3,What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French Café? It was incredible (disgusting). 表示女孩子说的disgusting是帮助大家理解incredible这里指的是无法想象的恶心的。略有难度。 4,What did the man think of his holiday in France? It was awful。原文中说的是lovely,但实际是个讽刺了。 Long conversion 2 是一个典型的采访式对话。对话中男女主要是在谈论女人商店的表现。女人说挺好哒,虽然说了各种数字,但目前来看似乎不是考察的重点。后来又谈到一个重大的问题,就是女人不会公开自己的收益,因为搞出过事情,别的小伙伴不跟她好了。 5,What are the speakers mainly talk about? The performance of the woman’s shop. 主旨题估计大家都能选对 6,What does the woman say her shop tries to do? Tries to keep the expenses as low as possible. 细节题,记录下来了的话应该能选对的 7,What do we learn about the goods at the woman’s shop? The prices are lower than those in the shops that are round and about. 虽然是细节题,但是因为后面内容都在讲与其相关的,大家应该能选出来。 8,Why doesn’t the woman want to make known their earnings anymore? Want to keep good terms with the other shops (be friendly with). 细节题,当然这个答案还是能猜出来的。 Talk 1(小编注:这里是短文听力,passages;老师应该是笔误跟下面的talk弄反了) 第一篇演讲我觉得还是有些难度这里讲的是的是鸟儿干的坏事儿。从海里带来污染物,这个事儿。讲到了fulmar 这个鸟在加拿大北部的故事。 9,What have the Canadian scientists found about some sea birds? Seabirds are carrying pollutants in the ocean to where the birds live. 虽然是细节题,但是实际好选择。因为全文都在讲这个事儿。 10, What does the speaker say about the seabird called fulmar? The fulmars travel some 400kms over the sea to find food. 这个是需要从选项中提取关键词才能确定的题目。 11, What does scientists previously noticed about the pollutant in the artic? Pollutant arriving in the arctic with the wind。细节题,听到了记下来了,就写下来了。 12, What does the speaker warn about at the end of the talk? People living in bird colonies should be careful, as the pollutant can cause major problems. Talk 2 第二篇演讲这个难度感觉有点儿高。主要是这一坨坨数字是满奇葩的!讲的是美国百岁老人的情况(centenarian)。主要说到了Alzheimer老年痴呆致忘人数增加,上升到了第二位。流感下降到了第五位的事儿。 13, What does speaker say about the risk of dying for American centenarians in recent years? The top five causes of dies have changed over the years. 一个概述题,基本听懂文章了,就应该能选对。 14, What does speaker say about Alzheimer disease? Making the progressive brain disease the second leading cause of death。细节题,大家得能理解出来这个making的结果状语表意。 15, What is the characteristic of the people who live up to 100 years and beyond? Their minds may give up before their bodies do。这个是屎一般的细节题了,亲们…当大家都在记数字时,谁能想到考到了脑部疾病的成因呢.. 随着英语六级考试的不断改革,逐渐会有更多更难的题目更新。如果在考试的过程中发现题目难度较高,大家也要保持良好的心态。英语六级考试中要特别注意的是同音和近音词语,往往这会对很多学生造成干扰,是英语六级训练。

  • 2016年六级听力答案六级详解

    能与大学教育相关。②A 项“美国和加拿大可以互相学习”,关于借鉴和学习,男子只提到我们或许可以向日本学习,故排除。对话最后男士讲到很难说哪种大学更好,女士也表示认同,所以 B 项“公立大学比私立大学更优越”错误。录音中六级男士谈及加拿大公立大学的办事效率低的问题,而女士提到美国的私立大学同样存在官僚主义,所以无从判断哪种大学更有效率,故排除 D 项“私立学校比公立机构更有效率”。 8.【解析】C。对话最后男士得出结论:很难说公立大学和私立大学哪一个更好,因此,C 项为正确答案。 【干扰项排除】①四个选项都是围绕大学这个话题展开,听录音时要注意相关信息。②录音谈及三个国家以及它们不同的大学制度,但男子并没有就此得出结论“大学制度随着国家的不同而不同”,故排除 A 项。B 项“效率对于大学管理来说至关重要”,男子虽然谈及公立大学的管理效率问题,但他没有说效率是至关重要的,故排除 B 项。D 项“美国的很多私立大学实际上都是巨大的官僚机构”是女士的看法,而不是男士的结论,故排除。 终上所述,听力答案一般是情景对话当中我们常用的表达,听听力的时候没有必要把每个单词都细听,只要把握其中重点词汇的理解,听力就可以拿高分了。

  • 2016年12月英语六级考试答案六级解析

      对于备考六级的同学来说,最好的参考资料就是历年六级真题,因为只有把真题研究明白了,才能灵活应对接下来的考试。下面,沪江小编就给大家总结出2016年12月英语六级考试的详细答案。   听力答案   Section A   1. [C] It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.   2. [B] It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.   3. [A] The transition

  • 通过2016年12月六级翻译答案来学习六级翻译


  • 2017年6月英语六级听力原文六级听力原文及答案

    2017年6月的四六级考试刚刚结束,对于刚参加过考试的同学来说,我们都迫不及待地想核对一下自己做的答案,以估算自己能不能通过这次考试。下面,沪江小编就为大家总结出2017年6月的六级考试听力原文已经答案,大家可以参考。 Conversation 1 W: Welcome to Work Place. And in today’s program, we’re looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic - happiness at work.

  • 作文六级答案以及具体六级解析

    六级作文一般而言有三大评分标准,“语言”“结构”“内容”。今年的六级作文,不出意外,在形式结构上考查了笔者在六级结构,可以从两个层面论证我们应该如何创新,也就是鼓励创新的措施。比如,个人,政府。连接词依旧继续。具体如下:thus, it is very important for us to encourage innovation. On the one hand, we students should learn to be innovative in our daily life. On the other hand, governments could set some laws and regulations to encourage innovation. Only in this way can we have a better六级作文一般而言有三大评分标准,“语言”“结构”“内容”。今年的六级作文,不出意外,在形式结构上考查了笔者在六级强化班重点讲解的“议论文”和“图画文”之一,即文字型话题。而内容上考查的是“创新”相关话题,属于个人精神品质。因此,对于对于上过六级 life.

  • 六级试卷的一部分六级试卷的一部分的答案


  • 2016年英语六级翻译答案六级试卷

    我国每年都会有两次英语六级考试,六级考试的试题中包括:听力,阅读,翻译和写作。其中,很多考试反应在考试中做的翻译题把握不大。为什么翻译这么难,那是因为你还没掌握六级翻译的技巧。在做翻译题之前,应该先把文章的意思理解,从简单的开始翻译。下面,我们从范文来学习了解吧。 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。这一时期,手工业的发展促进了市场经济和城市化。大量商品,包括酒和丝绸,都在市场销售。同时,还进口许多外国商品,如时钟和烟草。北京、南京、扬州、苏州这样的大商业中心相继形成。也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。 普通版: • The Ming Dynasty ruled China for 276 years. People say it was organized and stable. It was one of the greatest eras in human history. During this period of time, the development of handicraft industry promoted the market-oriented economy and urbanization. Many products, including wine and silk, were sold in markets. At the same time, it imported many foreign products, such as clocks and tobacco. Commercial centers like Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou formed one after another. Zheng He also led a group of ships to the Indian Ocean for seven times in the Ming Dynasty. What’s more, three of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature were written in the Ming Dynasty. 进阶版: • The Ming Dynasty, which had ruled China for 276 years, was depicted as the greatest era in human history because of its ordered and stable society. During this period, the market economy and urbanization was stimulated by the development of handicraft industry. A large amount of goods, including silk and wine, was sold in markets. Meanwhile, a lot of foreign commodities like clocks and tobacco were imported. Mass commercial centers like Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou were also aroused continually during this era. It was also in the Ming Dynasty that China dispatched large fleets for 7 times, all led by Zhen He to the Indian Ocean for great adventure. It was also noteworthy that three of Four Great Classical Novels of China were written in the Ming Dynasty. 中文没有过去式,但是英文是有的,所以大家在做翻译题的时候就要注意各种动词的形态,分析一下句子之间是否做六级考试,六级到了承上启下,这就是逻辑关系的问题。大家可以参考一下小编给大家推荐的范文和答案,平时可以多做一些翻译练习来提高自己的翻译能力,词汇积累也很重六级考试,六级考试的试题中包括:听力,阅读,翻译和写作。其中,很多考试反应在考试中做的翻译题把握不大。为什么翻译这么难,那是因为你还没掌握六级要哦。