
  第一章 寒暄介绍

  1 你好?How are you?

  2 请问您怎么称呼?May I have your name, please?

  3 见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you!

  4 好久不见了!Haven’t seen you for ages!

  5 真没想到在这儿遇见你!Fancy meeting you here!

  6 你近来怎么样?How have you been?

  7 我能自我介绍一下吗?May I introduce myself?

  8 让我介绍一下…吧。Let me introduce...

  9 久仰久仰!I’ve heard so much about you!

  10 我得走了!I’ve got to go!

  11 再见!See you!

  12 与新邻居初次见面。Meet the neighbor for the first time

  第二章 日常生活

  1 起床了!Get up!

  2 吃早/午/晚饭了!Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready!

  3 该睡觉了!It’s time for bed!

  4 我觉得不太舒服。I’m not feeling well.

  5 帮把手吧!Do me a favor!

  6 把电视打开!Turn on the TV!

  7 这个周末你怎么过?What will you do this weekend?

  8 咱们去看场电影吧!Let’s go see a film!

  9 我想理个发。I’d like to have a haircut.

  10 该你刷碗了。It’s your turn to do the dishes.

  11 我想开个账户。I want to open an account.

  12 我想存700元钱。I’d like to deposit 700 Yuan.

  13 谈论公寓。 Talking about apartment

  第三章 餐馆就餐

  1 我都要饿死了!I’m starving!

  2 你想吃什么?What would you like to have?

  3 想喝点什么吗?Would you like a drink?

  4 真好吃!Delicious!

  5 干杯!Cheers!

  6 我吃饱了。I’m full.

  7 我请客。It’s on me.

  8 咱们AA制吧。Let’s go Dutch.

  9 结账!Check!

  10 打包!Please wrap this!

  11 上菜!Serving dishes

  第四章 购物消费

  1 我想买件T恤衫。I’d like a T-shirt.

  2 我只是随便看看。I’m just looking.

  3 我能试穿一下吗?Can I try it on?

  4 还有其他颜色的吗?Any other colors?

  5 我要小/中/大号的。I want it in small/medium/large size.

  6 (不)适合我。It (doesn’t) suit(s) me.

  7 多少钱?How much is it?

  8 太贵了!Too expensive!

  9 有没有便宜点儿的?Have you got a cheaper one?

  10 给我打八折吧。Give me a 20 percent discount.

  11 我只能出这个价了。I can’t beat that.

  12 我买了。I’ll take it.

  13 我想把这个退了。I want to return it.

  14 讨价还价。 Bargaining

  第五章 电话交流

  1 喂!杰克在家吗?Hello!Is Jack at home?

  2 我找珍妮。I’d like to speak to Jenny.

  3 请问你是哪位?Who is speaking, please?

  4 我是乔治。This is George.

  5 请稍等。Hold on, please.

  6 对不起,她不在。Sorry, she is not in.

  7 她正在接另外一个电话。She is on another line.

  8 要不要留个话?Could I take a message?

  9 我待会儿再打来。I’ll call back later.

  10 我听不太清楚。I can’t hear you well.

  11 恐怕你打错电话了。I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

  12 我要挂电话了。I’d better go now.

  13 线路连接不畅。Telephone Connection Difficulties

  第六章 旅游外出

  1 我要一个单人间。I’d like a single room.

  2 我要一张去芝加哥的票。I need a ticket to Chicago.

  3 什么时间起飞(发车)?What’s the departure time?

  4 票价多少钱?What is the fare?

  5 这是去中央公园的公共汽车吗?Is this the bus to Central Park?

  6 我们到哪一站了?What stop are we at?

  7 到站请叫我一声好吗?Can you tell me where to get off?

  8 我在哪儿换车?Where should I change?

  9 去机场,开快点。To the airport, and be quick about it.

  10 慢点儿开!Slow down!

  11 请把油箱加满。Please fill it up.

  12 我迷路了。I’m lost.

  13 哪里有卫生间?Where is a bathroom?

  14 旅游咨询。 Making sightseeing inquiries

  第七章 求职面试

  1 我是来面试的。I’m here for an interview.

  2 我想申请这个工作。I want to apply for this job.

  3 我的专业是市场营销。My major is Marketing.

  4 我毕业于滨海大学。I graduated from Binhai University.

  5 我的英语说得不错。I can speak English very well.

  6 我有两年的工作经验。I have two years’ experience.

  7 我希望起薪是1800元。I’d like to start at 1800 Yuan a month.

  8 我有带薪假期吗?Do I have paid vacation?

  9 我能了解一下保险吗?Could I know something about the insurance?

  10 我下周一就能开始工作。I can start to work next Monday.

  11 工资和福利待遇。 Salary and Benefits

  第八章 工作职场

  1 能到我办公室来一下吗?Could I see you in my office?

  2 可以占用您几分钟时间吗?Could you spare me a few minutes?

  3 交给我吧。Leave it to me.

  4 我今天得加班。I have to work overtime today.

  5 请复印这些文件。Please run off these copies.

  6 能把这个传真一下吗?Could you please fax this?

  7 对不起,我迟到了。I’m sorry I’m late.

  8 我保证再也不会发生这样的事了。I promise it won’t happen again.

  9 我想请两天的假。I want to take two days off.

  10 我需要加薪。I need a raise.

  11 这个工作我干烦了。I’m tired of this job.

  12 我想辞职。I want to quit.

  13 同事关系。 The relationship between colleagues