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  • 英语六级考试历年真题攻略

    目中不乏有含金量很高的句式、句 型,都可以拿来用在写作上。还有真题的词汇,也可以通过背诵文章而不断加强。  4、建议以最近时间的真真题题为复习重点,考前2个月开始重点研究 沪江的小编建议广大考生,真题在考前2个月开始练习,同时精做阅读,快速学习词汇,然后同步坚持每天练习听力。严 格按照时间做完练习之后,反复研究真题,并且自己要制定计划,经常复习。 最后沪江的小编希望大家能都能够精准把握六级真题,掌握做题技巧,成功攻克大学英语六级考试。

  • 关于六级真题听力部分的节选

    英语六级考试作为四级考试后又一门英语水平考试,是一个更高的台阶,对于大学生而言都应该走上更高的台阶。而在此时,英语六级的听力便成了我们很多人所困扰的问题。也因此我给大家将六级听力部分的真题进行如下总结,希望对大家能够有所帮助。 Conversation Two W: Hello, I'm here with Frederick. Now Fred, you went to university in Canada? M: Yeah, that's right. W: OK, and you have very strong views about universities

  • 托业考试历年真题的介绍

    有的选项。别认为第一个答案就是对的。看完所有选项,因为尽管第一个选项可能合适,后一个选项可能是更佳的答案。 If there is no guessing penalty, always take an educated guess and select an answer. Never leave an answer blank.如果猜测不会倒扣分的话,那么就凭借以往的知识猜一个答案。不要把题目空着不答。 Do not keep on changing your answer; usually your first choice is the correct one unless you misread the question.不要一直更改答案,通常你的第一选择是对的,除非你误解了题目的意思。 In "All of the above" and "None of the above" choices, if you are certain one of the statements is true do not choose "None of the above" or one of the statements are false do not choose "All of the above".遇到“以上全是”或者“以上全不是”这种选项,如果你确定一个选项是正确的,不要选“以上全不是”,如果你确定一个选项是错误的,不要选“以上全是”。 In a question with an "All of the above" choice, if you see that at least two correct statements, then "All of the above" will be the correct answer choice. 遇到“以上全是”这种选项,如果你发现至少有两个选项都是对的,那么就该选“以上全是”。 Tone can matter. A positive answer choice is more likely to be correct over a negative answer choice. 语气很重要。正确的答案往往是一个肯定的选项,而非否定的选项。 Wordiness is a good indicator. Usually, the correct answer is the choice with the most information. 长度是一个很好的暗示。通常,正确的选项含有的信息量最大。 If all else fails, choose response (b) or (c). Many instructors subconsciously feel that the correct answer is "hidden" better if it is surrounded by distractors. Response (a) is usually least likely to be the correct one.如果以上技巧都用不到,那就选B或者C吧。A选项通常都不对。 Stay within the lines. Be sure that you have filled the appropriate bubbles carefully WITH A #2 PENCIL. Be sure that there are no stray marks.别画出线外。确保你用2B铅笔填涂完整,不要画出规定范围之外。 Take the time to check your work before you hand in the answer sheet. On a timed test, utilize every second of time that you have to go over your answer choices as much as possible. On an untimed test, check over everything multiple times.交卷前要检查。在有时间规定的考试中,利用每一秒,尽可能多的注意的选的答案。在不限时的考试中,仔细看每一个选项

  • 201712月英语六级真题答案


  • 考研英语二历年真题阅读的详细解析

    考研的时候,我们都会做一些历年的真题来帮助我们自己磨练自己。但是,对于英语这一科,我们不但要做更多的真题,还要把每一个真题的解析都看懂,这样才能真正的学到知识,不然就白做了。下面就是一篇真题的阅读部分,这些真题阅读都是很有代表性的,大家完全可以摘抄下来。 Text 2 Biologists estimate that as many as 2 million lesser prairie chickens---a kind of bird living on stretching grasslands—once lent red to the often gray landscape

  • 六级考试写作真题及参考范文示例

    考过英语六级的考生都知道,英语六级考试第一部分就是写作部分了,有些考生不了解情况,一篇作文能写很长时间,最后导致没有多余的时间来写后面的内容,所以作文写作是考试的重点练习对象,编者以真题为例,给大家演示如何写英语六级作文。 题目: Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows: Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision. Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be . To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education. 作文写作其实很简单,主要是通过大家平时的积累和练习来提高写作成绩的,所以大家按照范例认真练习吧。

  • 英语四级作文历年真题及范文介绍

    每一年的英语四级考试中都会出现一些很优秀的作文。因此很多同学在备考英语四级的时候,都是通过历年的真题来提高自己的写作水平,这个时候就需要搜集一些历年的真题作文,而今天沪江的小编就在这里给大家带来一篇优秀的真题范文,希望能够帮助到有需要的人。 Part Ⅰ Writing(30 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college.You

  • 考研英语二历年完形填空真题

    对于考研的同学们最重要的就是要看历年的真题,不论什么学科的学习最重要的就是要看历年真题,看看出题老师到底是怎样出题的。其中最重要的就是考研中英语的真题,一定要把英语真真题,不论什么学科的学习最重要的就是要看历年真题题中的题目都看会,以及在英语中出现的自己不会的单词都弄明白。那么接下来沪江小编就为大家整理一些考研英语2的英语真题。希望接下来的内容能够对大家有所 帮助。 Section 1 Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D

  • 提升韩语考试阅读速度的方法培训

    住了这些,就可以对这篇文章的脉络、层次有一个清晰的梳理,对我们理清做题思路很有帮助。   5. 根据上下文,推测生词难句   篇幅较长的文章中难免会碰到难以理解的生词或者句子,不要慌张,更不要在一处卡壳时间过长,学会前后句推敲,联系上下文进行推测。甚至,如果这个生词或者句子不影响我们把握全文的意思,那么大可不必纠结,毕竟时间才是最宝贵的。   6. 提前阅读题目,推测文章内容   在阅读文章之前,我们可以大致先看一眼题目和选项,带着问题去读文章,可以让我们快速捕捉重要信息。   7.反复阅读真题,熟悉高频词汇   历年真题中的阅读文章是最好的阅读资料。例如一些政治经济类文章,经常会有一些词汇及表达反复出现,我们称之为高频词汇,记住这些词汇及表达,会大大减少阅读时候的障碍,提高阅读速度。   总之,是个积累的过程,你了解的越多,学习就越好,所以多记忆,选择自己的方法。当然如果你有更好的方法,也可以来这里告诉我们,或者与更多的人分享。当然如果你还是没有自己的想法的话,也可以试试上面这些内容。

  • 2016年6月英语六级考试真题及答案解析

    相信大家已经参加过很多种大型考试,大家应该会发现,凡是大型考试那都有一个特点,那就是他的历年真题有非常大的参考价值,因为从历年真题中我们可以看出考试重点,还可以看出老师的出题套路,所以研究真题是非常必要的。下面,沪江小编就为大家总结出2016年6月的英语六级考试真题。 写作范文: 题目1 :Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. Nowadays, when