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  • 好听的少儿英语歌曲推荐

    轻拍一拍,再把它竖起来,上面还有个"B". 把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃! 给我和宝贝吃,给我和宝贝吃。 把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃。 Pat-A-cake, pat-A-cake baker's man! Bake me a cake just as fast as you can. Pat it and prick it and mark it with "B". Put it in the oven for baby and me, For baby and me, for baby and me. Put it in the oven for baby and me. 做个蛋糕,面包师做个蛋糕! 快英语的运用越来越广泛,从而引起了大家对英语学习的重视。学习英语快为我做个蛋糕。 轻轻拍一拍,再把它竖起来,上面还有个"B". 把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃! 给我和宝贝吃,给我和宝贝吃。 把它放到火炉里,给我和宝贝吃。 要想学好英语,首先要培养自己的学习兴趣,兴趣是学习的动力。一旦下定决心要学好英语,那么就要制定学习目标,合理安排学习时间。做到坚持和努力,在学习的过程中遇到疑问的时候要及时找老师一起解答问题。大家平时也可以登录沪江英语网,这是一个专业的英语学习平台。

  • 少儿英语歌曲及翻译分享

    放到北海还远的地方, 这将成为一个多么奇怪的世界。 Rachel Rachel,I've been thinking, What a queer world this would be. If the girls were all transported, Far beyond the northern sea. 雷切尔,雷切尔,我正在想, 如果把女孩都流英语作为当今最主流的语言,重视英语学习的人也越来越多。甚至有很多家长在孩子很小的时候就让孩子参加各种英语补习班。学习英语放到北海还远的地方, 这将成为一个多么奇怪的世界。 虽然学习英语没用捷径,但是英语的学习方法就有很多。在这里,小编给大家推荐沪江英语网,沪江英语网是一个专业的英语学习网站。上面有很多关于英语的学习资讯,大家还可以根据自己的学习目的不同选择沪江网的英语课程,学习英语,沪江英语网是你不二的选择。

  • 好听的少儿英语歌曲

    儿歌是以低幼儿童为主要接受对象的简短诗歌,是民歌的一种,内容多反映儿童的生活情趣,传播生活、生产知识等,歌词多采用比兴手法,词句音韵流畅,易于上口,曲调接近语言音调,节奏轻快,有独唱或对唱。下面,沪江小编就为大家介绍一些好听的少儿英语歌曲。 1.A B C D 字母歌 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W X and Y and Z Happy happy we shall be When we learn our A B C’s 2.Happy Birthday Happy birthday to you Happy

  • 简单易学的少儿英语歌曲及翻译

      英语是当今的主流语言,要想学好英语首先要培养孩子的学习兴趣,兴趣是学习的动力。平时可以让孩子多接触一些和英语相关的歌曲,动画片等。掌握学习方法也很重要,方法用对了学习才能事半功倍。下面,沪江小编给大家一首简单易学的幼儿歌曲,大家可以相互学习一下。   I Went To School One Morning   早上我去上学   I went to school one morning,   and I walked like this,   walked like this, walked like this,   I went to school one morning and I

  • 适合学习的少儿英语歌曲推荐

    儿歌在少年儿童的生活中占有不可忽视的地位,我们也都学过不少儿歌。儿童英语的学习也可以以儿歌为途径,这对于孩子的英语发音与英语感觉都是非常有好处的。家长们可以挑选几首合适的英语儿歌来教导孩子,下面就和沪江小编一起学习一下吧。 Hokey Pokey It's time for the hokey pokey here we go You put head in You put head out You put head in and you wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You put your ears in You put ears out you put your ears in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey hands in front and hands behind Jump in jump out jump in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You put hands in You put hands out You put hands in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You put your knees in You put knees out You put knees in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap Ok now sit down You put feet in You put feet out You put feet in and wiggle wiggle wiggle You do the hokey pokey spin around clap clap clap clap You do the hokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands in front and hands behind You do the hokey pokey pokey pokey hands up hands down Do the hokey pokey pokey pokey cause that's what its all about 很多家长和孩子第一次听这首儿童英语歌曲时,可能会疑惑,Hokey Pokey是什么意思呢?其实,Hokey Pokey按照直译的方法,应该是戏法,变戏法的意思,从这首歌中可以学到身体部位的词,还能边做动作,边熟悉并正确运用这些身体部位哦。 Numbers Song one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 这首歌对于儿童英语启蒙期的孩子来讲,相对简单,分别是从1到10的英文单词,从优美的节奏中熟悉这些单词的数字英文读法,并能记住,是非常有效的。    weather song What is the weather like today, like today, like today? What is the weather like today, can you tell me please. It is cloudy out today, out today, out today. It is cloudy out today, let's go and read a book What is the weather like today, like today, like today? What is the weather like today, can you tell me please. It is rainy out today, out today, out today. It is rainy out today, let's play in the house What is the weather like today, like today, like today? What is the weather like today, can you tell me please. It is windy out today, out today, out today. It is windy out today, let's go and fly the kite What is the weather like today, like today, like today? What is the weather like today, can you tell me please. It is snowy out today, out today, out today. It is snowy out today, let's lie down the hill What is the weather like today, like today, like today? What is the weather like today, can you tell me please. It is sunny out today, out today, out today. It is sunny out today, let's go out and play Yeah 这首歌从歌名上就能看出,这是一首描述天气情况的歌曲,里面涉及到很多跟天气相关的单词、词汇、句子句型等,通过悠扬的旋律可以非常轻松地记住以上这些英语知识,伴着英语节奏,还能时而温习学过的天气句子,收效甚好。 用学儿歌的方式来对孩子进行英语的启蒙,儿歌因为旋律优美、清新欢快,也一直是很多家长和孩子们的最爱。上面的这几首英语儿歌推荐给大家的供家长们参考学习的。

  • 少儿英语歌曲大全带翻译

    金鱼 Pretty little goldfish come and go, Swimming in the sunshine to and fro. To and fro, to and fro, Swimming in the sunshine to and fro. 漂亮的小英语是我们除了汉语以外必须要学习的第二门外语,特别是很多家长在孩子很小的时候就开始重视英语教育。要想让孩子更快进入英语金鱼来来去去, 在阳光下游来游去。 游来游去,游来游去。 在阳光下游来游去。 Pretty little goldfish come and go, Swimming in the sunshine to and fro. To and fro, to and fro, Swimming in the sunshine to and fro. 漂亮的小金鱼来来去去, 在阳光下游来游去。 游来游去,游来游去。 在阳光下游来游去。 学习英语的方法有很多,可以通过参加培训机构,有条件的可以请外教。但是沪江小编给大家推荐一个很方便的学习方法,就是通过沪江英语网来学习英语,沪江网上面有很多针对幼儿的英语课程,家长可以和孩子在家一起学习英语,沪江英语网是一个专业的学习网站,是你学习英语的不二选择。

  • 经典少儿英语歌曲大全

    走了, 杰克飞回来,吉尔飞回来。 your hands 推荐理由: 这是一首简单的动作歌谣,节奏轻松简单,歌词重复出现。不断重复的音律有助于宝宝更快的记忆,家长可以教宝宝做一些简单的动作。比如: Clap,clap,clap your hands, as slowly as you can. Clap,clap,clap your hands, as slowly as you can. (一边念一边拍手,语速要慢) Clap,clap,clap your hands, as quickly as you can.(语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快) 这里的clap your hands可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)等,以此来训练宝宝的音乐节奏感。 歌词: Clap, clap, clap your hands, as slowly as you can. Clap, clap, clap your hands, as quickly as you can. Shake, shake, shake your hands, as slowly as you can. Shake, shake, shake your hands, as quickly as you can. Roll, roll, roll your hands, as slowly as you can. Roll, roll, roll your hands, as quickly as you can. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, as slowly as you can. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, as quickly as you can. Pound, pound, pound your fists, as slowly as you can. Pound, pound, pound your fists, as quickly as you can. 歌词大意: 拍,拍,拍你的手,尽可能的慢。 拍,拍,拍你的手,尽可能的快。 摇,摇,摇你的手,尽可能的慢。 摇,摇,摇你的手,尽可能的快。 转,转,转你的手,尽可能的慢。 转,转,转你的手,尽可能的快。 摆动,摆动,摆动你的手指,尽可能的慢。 摆动,摆动,摆动你的手指,尽可能的快。 敲打,敲打,敲打你的拳头,尽可能的慢。 敲打,敲打,敲打你的拳头,尽可能的快。 英语的学习方法有很多,可以通语越早越好,因为在孩子很小的时候语言天赋强,比较容易接受。所以很多家长在孩子很小的时候就开始重视英语的学习,学习英语过上培训班,可以通过请外教。但是沪江小编给大家推荐一个最实用的方法,就可以可以和孩子一起通过沪江英语网来学习,上面有很多针对幼儿的英语课程,家长可以和孩子一起在家随时随地学习,不受时间限制,十分方便。

  • 比较适合少儿听的英语歌曲大全

    现在好多的家长在帮助自己的孩子学习英语的时候,都是去寻找一些比较适合孩子听的音乐下载下英语来给给孩子们听。但是,有很多的家长在找音乐这方面很犯难,不知道到底什么类型的音乐适合孩子们欣赏。那就看看小编为大家总结的这30首歌曲,应该会有孩子们喜欢的。 01 Jesus Loves Me(范唱).mp3 02 Into My Heart(范唱).mp3 03 I Will SIng Of The Mercies Of The Lord(范唱).mp3 04 Everybody Ought To Know(范唱).mp3 05 Every Promise In The Book(范唱).mp3 06 Do Lord(范唱).mp3 07 Dare To Be A Daniel(范唱).mp3 08 Come And Go With Me(范唱).mp3 09 Deep and Wide(范唱).mp3 10 Father Abraham(范唱).mp3 11 Amazing Grace(范唱).mp3 12 Happy Birthday Muh Muh!.mp3 13 Go To Sleep(范唱).mp3 14 Silver And Gold Have I None(范唱).mp3 15 Peter%2C James And John In A Sailboat(范唱).mp3 16 My God Is So Great(范唱).mp3 17 Little David (Play On Your Harp)(范唱).mp3 18 Leaning On The Everlasting Arms(范唱).mp3 19 Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho(范唱).mp3 20 Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam(范唱).mp3 21 Standing on The Promises(范唱).mp3 22 Redeemed(范唱).mp3 23 Prasie Him! Praise Him!(范唱).mp3 24 O Worship The King(范唱).mp3 25 Joyful,Joyful,We Adore Thee(范唱).mp3 26 He Keeps Me Singing(范唱).mp3 27 For The Beauty Of The Earth(范唱).mp3 28 Doxology(范唱).mp3 29 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today(范唱).mp3 30 Bringing In The Sheaves(范唱).mp3 大家先把上面的这些音乐试听一遍,然后找到一些给我们的孩子听。然后再经常来浏览沪江网站,继续寻找小编的相关的文章。

  • 英语歌曲:All by myself

          《all by myself》这首歌是美国歌手Eric Carmen于1975年发行的个人首张专辑,这首歌深受大家的喜欢,由于该歌曲很受欢迎,后来出现了翻唱版本。这首歌也在2001年由芮妮·齐薇格和休·格兰特主演的电影《BJ单身日记》中作为一段精彩插曲而为电影添上了点睛的一笔。 When I was young 年少轻狂时 I never needed anyone 人不为我所依 And makin' love was just for fun 视爱如游戏 Those days are gone 斯时已去 Livin' alone 孤独之身 I think of all the friends I've known 遍寻旧时友人 But when I dial the telephone 电话鸣又复鸣 Nobody's home 却无回应 All by myself 形只影单 Don't wanna be, all by myself anymore 不再希望,形只影单 All by myself 孤独我心 Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore 不再希望,孤独我心 Hard to be sure 万事难料 Some times I feel so insecure 时有不安之感 And love so distant and obscure 爱情虚无缥缈 Remains the cure 却是解药        这首歌曾多次出现在热播美剧中,往往伴随着冷冷的幽默出现。并且,它歌是美国歌手Eric Carmen于1975年发行的个人首张专辑,这首歌深受大家的喜欢,由于该歌曲还是很多国家和地区选秀比赛中,选手们最愿意拿来挑战的高难度歌曲之一。在《我是歌手》综艺节目迪玛希演唱了这首歌。