Good night. Get home safely. Oh,Maybe I should not have said that to homeless. That is it. 2:00 A.M.-- Freebie Thanksgiving dinner is now officially over. According to my calculations, we served over 300 turkey dinners and only had two knife fights. Thank you, Caroline. This experience taught me that rich or poor, home or homeless, we are all the same. Wait. Where's my wallet? They took my wallet, those dirty sons of-- Oh, here it is. Yes, we are all the same. Well, I have two things to say. First of all, I'm incredibly proud of us for spreading the spirit of Thanksgiving together. And secondly, someone left an adult diaper in this booth, and I am not dealing with that.
晚安 平安回家哟 这句话貌似不应该跟无"家"可归的人说 终于完事了 免费的感恩节大餐在凌晨两点 正式落下帷幕 根据我的计算 有三百个来吃火鸡的人 但只有两起动刀事故 谢谢你 卡洛琳 这件事让我知道 无论是富人还是穷人 安居乐业或是无家可归 我们都一样 慢着 我的钱包呢 他们偷走了我的钱包 那些肮脏的混... 哦 原来在这儿 的确 我们都一样 我有两件事要说 首先 咱俩能一起 传播感恩节精神 我为我们感到十分自豪 其次 有人扔了成人尿布在那 打死我都不会去善后的