




Teaching Contents:
- 原句: This is a listening and speaking class and this class is a dialogue about Friendship Helpline.
- 改正: This is a listening and speaking class focused on a dialogue about the Friendship Helpline.

Teaching Objectives:
1. 原句: Students can predict the main idea through answer some questions and look at some picture.
  改正: Students can predict the main idea by answering some questions and looking at some pictures.
2. 原句: ...through listen the recording.
  改正: ...by listening to the recording.

3. 原句: (3) Students can make a survey after listening.
  改正: (3) Students can conduct a survey after listening.

4. 原句: (4) Students can learn the importance of friendship and cherish it.
  改正: 此句正确,无需改动。

Key points:
- 原句: ...through listen the recording.
- 改正: ...by listening to the recording.

Difficult points:
- 原句: Students can role-play the dialogue with pairs.
- 改正: Students can role-play the dialogue in pairs.

Major Steps:
Step 1 Pre-listening (5 minutes):
1. 原句: Ask students answer the following questions and look at some picture...
  改正: Ask students to answer the following questions and look at some pictures...

2. 原句: Three minutes later, invite two students predict the main idea...
  改正: Three minutes later, invite two students to predict the main idea...

3. 原句: Have you had the best friend?
  改正: Have you had a best friend?

4. 原句: How did resolved it?
  改正: How did you resolve it?

5. 原句: ...this can arouse they interest...
  改正: ...this can arouse their interest...

Step 2 While-listening (9 minutes):
1. 原句: Ask students check their predictions...
  改正: Ask students to check their predictions...

2. 原句: ...ask students make a survey and finish the table.
  改正: ...ask students to make a survey and complete the table.

Step 3 Post-listening (6 minutes):
1. 原句: Ask students role-play the dialogue with pairs.
  改正: Ask students to role-play the dialogue in pairs.

2. 原句: ...invite two students show it in front of the classroom.
  改正: ...invite two students to show it in front of the classroom.

3. 原句: ...cherish their friend ship)
  改正: ...cherish their friendship.)





些许差异,例如被动语态的使用、条件句的运用等。学习商务英语的语法结构可以通过参考语法书、在线语法资源等进行学习。 4.多做练习:通过做商务英语的练习题,例如填空题、阅读理解等,来巩固所学的词汇和语法。可以选择教材提供的练习题,或者寻找在线资源进行练习。...


纸片把中文意思盖上,尽量靠自己的回忆。如果自己回忆出来了,那么就拿开纸片核对一下;如果自己回忆不出来,不要着急拿出纸片,先努力想想,实在想不出来的时候,再拿开纸片查看。 2、这里有几个问题。一,在一时回忆不起的时候,思考多久合适呢?我的建议是不要太久了...


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要做的第一步并不是提高解题的技能和高分经验,而是打下良好的词汇基础。如果你还没学会走路就想跑,自然会摔倒。 正确认识自己的词汇水平 那么,托福考生备考词汇要到什么程度才能开始做练习,甚至参加实际考试呢?在背了一段时间的词汇后,如何准确地识别和评价托福词...


要是美式英语。 词汇用法不同:雅思词汇的用法更加复杂,而六级词汇的用法较为简单。 词汇难度不同:雅思词汇的难度要比六级词汇高,而六级词汇的难度较低。 二、雅思和英语六级的难度比较 1.听力 雅思听力更倾向于能够同义替换,同时雅思考点是很狡猾的,很容易选...

