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  • 带翻译的英语小故事

    要来我乡下的家看看。”于是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。它把所有最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为什么住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,还会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家看看。” 乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去。房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了。可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见很大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来。 过了一会儿,他们出来了。当他们出来时,乡下老鼠说:“我不喜欢住在城里,我喜欢住在田野我的洞里。因为这样虽然贫穷但是快乐自在,比起虽然富有却要过着提心吊胆的生活来说,要好些。 以上便是沪江小编为大家介绍的带翻译的英语小故事,希望大家能够喜欢,获取更多相关信息请关注沪江网校。

  • 适合幼儿听的英语故事并带汉语翻译

    现在,好多的家长为了让自己的孩子在很小的时候就开始接触英语,在给孩子讲故事的时候都希望讲一些英语故事,这样既给我们的孩子讲了故事,又让他们学到了知识,其实是很好的想法。所以,沪江小编为大家总结了下面的这篇故事,还带有汉语翻译,家长们可以试试看。 A Clever Panda A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home.But the pumpkin is too big.The panda can’t take it home. Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her.She watches the bike.“I know!I have a good idea.” she jumps and shouts happily,“I can roll a pumpkin.It’s like a wheel.” So she rolls the pumpkin to her home.When her mother sees the big pumpkin,she is surprised,“Oh,my God!How can you carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly,“I can’t lift it,but I can roll it.” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clever girl!Use you heard to do something,” 聪明的熊猫 一只小熊猫摘了一只大南瓜,想把它拿回家.但是这只南瓜太大了,她没有办法把这么大的南瓜带回家. 突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她这边来.她看着自行车,跳着说:“有了!我有办法了.我可以把南瓜滚回家去.南瓜好像车轮. 于是她把那瓜滚回家.当她妈妈看到这只大南瓜的时候,很惊讶:“天啊!这么食的南瓜!你是怎么把它带回家来的?”小熊猫自豪地说;“我拎不动它,可是我能滚动它啊!”她妈妈微笑着说:“真聪明啊!记住:只英语,在给孩子讲故事的时候都希望讲一些英语故事,这样既给我们的孩子讲了故事要你肯动脑筋,没有难办的事. 上面这篇故事是很不错的,希望家长们能够认真的给孩子们讲下来,如果孩子们听着费劲的话,就给他们讲几遍汉语就好了。

  • 阅读两篇带翻译的英语故事


  • 经典的英语谚语带翻译


  • 常用英语谚语带翻译学习

    英语的好处有很多,可以增加自己的外交能力,可以为以后的出国留学而做准备。要想提高英语出新把戏。老顽固不能学新事物。 3.A good dog deserves a good bone. 好狗应该得好骨头。 有功者受奖。 children from well-fed family. 膏粱子弟 water off a steep roof(operate from a strategically advantageous position) 高屋建筑 6.Bad workmen often blame their tools. 拙匠常怪工具差。(不会撑船怪河弯)。 7.He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. 己不正不正人(笑别人驼背的人得自己首先把身子挺直) you should not cast the first stone.欲责他人

  • 英语故事短文带翻译

    下面沪江网小编为大家带来关于英语故事短文带翻译,欢迎大家学习! 英语故事短文:   I heard that Lijiang was a very beautiful city when I was young. I travelled there in a holidy with my parents.I went there by plane. I saw there were many moutains when I got out the plane. The air was fresh.We went to the Lijiang Gucheng the fist day, and we bought some interesting things and had a good meal in the Lijiang Gucheng. On the second day ,we went to the Yulong snowy moutain, it was beautiful, and it was my first time I had seen the snow. I played with the snow happily. My father told me that Yulong snow moutain was a famous place in China, many people came here every year. I was happy throughout this trip, because it was even better to beijing! 我听说丽江是一个非常美丽的城市,当我小的时候。我和我父母在假期了那里。我坐飞机去的。我看到有许多山当我下了飞机。空气很新鲜,我们去了谷城丽江的第一天,我们买了一些有趣的东西,在谷城丽江吃了一顿好饭。第二天,我们去了玉龙雪山山,它是美丽的,这是我第一次见到雪。我快乐地玩雪。我的父亲告诉我玉龙雪山是中国著名的地方,许多人每年都来这里。我在这次旅行中很开心,因为它甚至比北京更好!

  • 关于暑假英语作文带翻译的汇总

    理好自己上学用的东西,这个假期过的可真快呀,令我十分不舍得,明天又是新的一个学期了!! ⒊I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious! 今天我过得非常开心!早上,天气非常好!于是我和家人一起去登山,山上的空气非常清新,山上的花草树木都显得格外美丽。晚上回到家,我与家人坐在一起看电视,我们还一边聊天一边吃着水果,全家其乐融融! ⒋No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed. 寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。 适英语语法知识;没有长期不懈的训练;没有科学的方法指导;没有广博的课本以外的知识和信息,写好一篇优秀的英语当做一些翻译练习也可以帮助你提高运用语言的能力,从而为提高写作能力做好准备。我们的翻译板块中有许多练习实际上对你们的写作能力的提高也是大有裨益的。除此之外,多做一些阅读,培养对语言的感觉也能为提高写作能力做一些准备。  

  • 幽默的英语小故事带翻译


  • 英语谚语句子带翻译赏析


  • 常考的英语作文带翻译10篇

    英语作文应该要怎么写呢?大家觉得难不难?有没有什么好的办法呢? 其实英语的写作和我们的语