
The Hobbit--By J.R.R. Tolkien6.《霍比特人》--约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金

Tolkien's imagination, inspired by his knowledge of ancient languages and folk tales, has enthralled children and adults since The Hobbit's publication in 1937. We are introduced to some of the characters that were to feature in the epic trilogy, Lord of the Rings. Home-loving hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is persuaded to go on a treasure hunt with Gandalf the wizard and a group of dwarves. Their adventures lead to encounters with Smaug the dragon, giant spiders, trolls, and goblins. Bilbo also gets acquainted with a creature called Gollum and a certain ring.托尔金富有想象力的创作灵感来自于他对古老语言和民间故事的渊博知识。《霍比特人》自1937年出版以来让大人小孩都入迷不已。大家通过《指环王三部曲》,对书中的一些人物都已熟悉。热爱家园的霍比特人比尔博·巴金斯在劝说之下,和甘道夫以及一群小矮人一起踏上了寻找宝藏的历程。在旅程中,他们遇到了恶龙史矛革、巨型蜘蛛、巨魔、半兽人。比尔博还结识了叫做咕噜的怪物,并拥有了魔戒。

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--By Roald Dahl7.《查理与巧克力工厂》--罗尔德·达尔

Best selling children's author, Dahl, brought his love of chocolate to this fantasy tale, published in 1964. It tells the story of Willy Wonka, eccentric owner of a chocolate factory and Charlie Bucket, the boy from a poor family. Charlie and four other children win a competition to tour the factory. As the only child to behave well on the tour, Charlie receives another reward that is beyond his wildest dreams. The morality tale was illustrated by long time collaborator Quentin Blake (from 1998 edition). A film adaptation came out in 1971 starring Gene Wilder and a second one was released in 2005 with Johnny Depp. Dahl also wrote James and the Giant Peach, The BFG, Matilda, and The Twits.畅销儿童小说家达尔把他自己喜爱的巧克力融入到了他的童话书中,在1964年出版了《查理与巧克力工厂》。故事与两个人物有关。一个是行为古怪的巧克力工厂主威利·旺卡,另一个是穷苦人家的孩子查理·毕奇。查理和其他四个孩子因中奖而去参观了巧克力工厂。在参观过程中作为唯一的一个表现良好的孩子,查理获得了他意想不到的大奖。这个关于道德品质的童话故事由长期作画的昆丁·布莱克著插图(1988年版本)。1971年这个故事改编成了电影,基恩·怀尔德主演。第二个电影版上映于2005年,约翰尼·德普主演。达尔的其他著作有《詹姆斯与大仙桃》、《好心眼儿巨人》、《玛蒂尔达》、和《蠢特夫妇》。
