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  • 雅思口语真题范文练习


  • 热点话题的雅思范文

    雅思的作文对于我们大多数人来说都是一个难关,所以,我们要想很好的备考雅思,就要去把雅思的作文学习好,这样,得到一个很好的分数就是指日可待了。我们还是要背诵一些现在的热门话题的作文,然后在考场上我们就可以减少那些紧张的心理。下面都是比较好的作文,大家都可以背一些的。 雅思写作范文:快餐和传统食品的区别 Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe? Living in a fast-paced society, the modern eaters

  • 雅思口语高分范文:a shopping centre

      雅思口语考试已经开始很多年了,经过这么多年的考试,已经有很多很好的范文出现,而很多准备参加雅思考试的人也在不断的参考雅思口语高分范文,今天沪江的小编就为大家整理了一篇关于a shopping centre的雅思口语高分范文,这篇口语范文主要内容是描述一个购物中心,下面就跟随小编一起来看一看吧。   Describe a shopping centre   Nowadays, there are many shopping centers in Wuhan, such as Qunguang Plaza, Xinshijie Department Store and SOGO. Among

  • 雅思范文怎样利用最有效

    一个人的基础和领悟还有态度不同而有所区别,这些范文大家需要灵活的运用,并从中摸索出雅思写作的一些技巧。 提升思想的境界,拓展阅历经验,充分利用网络,和前辈或者是同学时常沟通讨论,关注时事,焦点访谈甚至是奇闻异事,把这些观点都收入到自己的脑海里面,作为自己的东西。 临场的发挥时间是劲敌,雅思作文自备考试的当天起,可以请老师协助你制定一个每日学习的计划表,把一些繁杂的工作量化成比较小的工作量,雅思作文有两篇的任务,就是图表和议论,都有着具体的时间建议,可操作性也比较的强,力求精准训练有素,是提高效率的先决条件,树立时间观念,追求高效的培训。 细节决定成败,雅思作文的答卷,全屏书写,英文字母以圆润矮小为家不提倡脸比卷面整洁,这样才能够让考官觉得印象好,英国人也是非常严谨的注意标点符号,基本的拼写词形转换等等,大家如果有一些疏漏的话,那么就有可能和自己想思要去的学校措施,会非常的可惜,所以在日常生活里面,就应该要注意一些细节方面的东西。

  • 雅思口语高分范文之place

      在中国的作文考试中,分为人物,时间,地点等六个,而在雅思口语考试中,无非也就是这些内容,毕竟口语就是说话,也是描述,那么今天沪江的小编为大家带来了两篇关于place的雅思口语高分范文,这两篇范文的主要描述对象虽然不同,但是却都是以地点为对象,另一个相同点就是都是家里的地方,而且对于第二个题目,完全可以描写第一个。所有大家在看的时候一定要仔细,看看有什么不同的。   1. Describe your living place   My ideal house is one located in the countryside. I want to live close to nature, because I can enjoy fresh air and feel relaxed on weekends. I want it to be a two-storey house built on a green-covered mountain, facing a blue lake. A path lined by bushes and flowers leads the way to the front door. And around the house there are apple and cherry trees. I really care about my bedroom, where I am going put in a king size bed. The sitting room was on the second floor with a balcony facing the sea. I fancied that house at the first sight, and it was the one I had been dreaming of.   2. Describe your study room   In my home, my preferable room is the study room. I painted my study room in light green which is seen as good to eyesight. I use a red carpet to decorate the floor, because red is my favourite colour. It represents passion and youth. At one corner, there is a piano. In my spare time, I always like to play it and refresh myself. A bookcase made in wood is placed right beside the piano. I put nearly 200 books on the shelf in the order of alphabetical order. By reading them every night, I have greatly enhanced my knowledge. As well as reading books, I’d like to play some light music with m stereo which is put on the floor directly. I have a three-dimensional CD rack sent by my friend. It can take as many as 100 CDs, I especially enjoy picking up new CDs from the CD shop to cram it. Now, I have nearly 80 CDs. Well, that’s my study room, not very large but gentle indeed.   上面的两个关于place的雅思口语高分范文中,我们看到了两种描述方法,第一个题雅思目中是以个人的感觉为顺序来描述的,第二个题目中是以房间的空间顺序为描述的线索的。大家可以根据自己的实际情况选择合适的顺序,争取拿到雅思口语高分。

  • 雅思范文怎么背诵

    范文对于有的人来说,是件很简单的事情,而对于很多人来说,背诵范文真得很困难。那么雅思能有任何无法用来展开论题的多余材料。由于这一部分是文章的主体部分,且分为若干段进行论述,所以段与段之间的呼应是很重要的。比如,上一段以the first argument in favor of xxxx is开头,那么下一段可以以another aspect of xxx ..来开头以与前一遥相呼应。这就是所谓的过渡性词语的运用,它可以使句子之间和段落之间都有逻辑性和条理性。结束段是对你完美文章的完美总结,一定要干脆利落,不要拖泥带水。这里要注意两点:1、简要重述观点以及证明。2、不要引入任何新的主题。最后一段可以用in conclusion, sum up之类的总结性词语来很自然的结束你的论述。       如果是discussion, 就意味着你要论述两方面

  • 雅思范文的类型介绍

    在雅思考试中最重要的就是雅思作文,那么怎样写好雅思作文。接下来沪江小编为大家整雅思考试中最重要的就是雅思作文,那么怎样写好雅思作文。接下来沪江小编为大家整理了一些可能在雅思考试中出现的范文类型,希望能对大家有所帮助,并且希望大家能够积极采纳。在写作文的时候一定要注意词汇的积累,这样才能写出让判卷老师满意的作文。 雅思写作范文:快餐和传统食品的区别 Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe? Living in a fast-paced society, the modern eaters are not longer

  • 雅思考试的范文举例

    下面是雅思考试的一篇很重要的范文,我们在考试之前把这个文章仔细的阅读一遍,或者背诵下来,对于我们的考试都是有很大的帮助的。所以,大家还是安心的复习,准备考试就好了。 It has long been argued amid the community: Which one counts more, authority or academy? Notwithstanding the fact that our current pedagogy is so much clinging to the central committee, the educational system is in a

  • 雅思口语高分范文之a trip

      现在雅思口语考试越发的难了,大家只有在备考的时候多参考往年的雅思口语高分范例,从中找到共同点并为自己所用,这样才能在口语考试的时候为自己加分,今天沪江的小编就为大家整雅思口语考试越发的难了,大家只有在备考的时候多参考往年的雅思口语高分范理了一篇关于a trip的雅思口语高分范文,是一篇典型的关于travelling的雅思口语范文。说真的,这是我见过的最好的一篇范文,下面是详细的内容,希望对大家会有所帮助。   Describe a trip   Last month, together with some of my classmates, I went to Suzhou City.   On our way there,we were of great excitement because that was our first trip to that renowned city. We have made a perfect plan on where to go sightseeing and what local snacks to taste.   On arriving at the city, we drove directly to the most famous garden of the city, Zhuozheng Garden. We spent the whole morning there and took many photos.   At lunch time, we went to a local restaurant and tried traditional Su dishes. During afternoon, we climbed a little hill named Huqiu. It was very peaceful and beautiful. Each of us couldn’t help sitting on the grass and experienced the gentle breeze.   After the sunset, we were reluctant to leave.   On the way back, none of us felt tired and compared our feeling about the day. Each of us dreamed about another trip in the near future.   以上就是这篇关于a trip的雅思口语高分范文的全部内容,大家在这篇范文中可以清晰的看到有关时间的名词和状语,这些词组把整篇文章连在一起,描述了整个 trip过程,非常的清楚。其中还主次分明的对苏州的两个最著名的景点进行的相对详细的描述,是一篇非常清晰的雅思口语答案。a trip的话题一般都是以时间顺序来描述,当然如果景点很多的话,用空间的会比较好,大家可以自己借鉴。

  • 雅思口语高分范文之childhood song/melody

      想要在雅思口语考试中取得高分,就一定要多参考往年的高分口语范例,从众多的范例中总结出经验,让自己在考口语的时候可以顺顺利利的,今天沪江的小编就为大家整雅思口语考试中取得高分,就一定要多参考往年的高分口语范例,从众多的范理了一篇关于childhood song/melody的雅思口语高分范文,该范文描述的是儿时的一首歌或者是一段旋律,可以说是非常经典的一个范文,下面就跟随小编一起来看一下吧。   Describe a childhood song or melody   I would like to talk about a song which was very popular, when I was a kid. Even now, I could hear it was played in the kindergartens.   Although I could not remember the name of song, I am very familiar with the melody and the lyrics. The lyrics tell a short story about thee monks. Once there were three monks living in a temple at the top of a mountain. But none of them would like to go down the mountain to carry water.   One night, a fire suddenly broke out. In this emergency circumstance, the three monks had to cooperate to put out the fire. From then on, they realized the importance of cooperation, and took turns to carry water from the foot of the mountain, and lived a happy life. The song is used to teach the kids to realize the importance of cooperation. And the lyrics are well-written. Kids can understand it deeply even if they are only three years old.   以上就是这篇雅思口语高分范文的全部内容,大家可以看到,在这篇雅思口语范文中,就是用了很多的具体的事物和比喻来让这个抽象的形象具体化,这样就会让人非常有画面感。大家可以在自己的雅思口语考试备考中进行适当的参考。祝大家考试顺利。