六级口语的学习我们在时间的安排上要做到更加的合理详细,认真安排好你的时间。首先你要清楚一周内所要做的事情,然后制定一张作息时间表。在表上填 上那些非花不可的时间,如吃饭、睡觉、上课、娱乐等。安排这些时间之后,选定合适的、固定的时 间用于学习,必须留出足够的时间来完成正常的阅读和课后作业。当然,学习不应该占据作息时间。沪江小编就是在沪江网上学到的这些关于六级口语的复习方面的技巧,下面分享下我们沪江网上的关于六级口语考试的小细节讲解。

想想上次英语君抽到的Topic 3 Keep Pets真是其中最简单的一条了,但是英语君没有拿到A++的成绩,估计在毕业之前都需要不停地刷六级了。

那么废话不多说,从上面的题目,不难看出,这涉及到的话题,分别是“四种生活”—— University life, Everyday life, City life以及Social life。

但是可别忘记,part 3 需要你和partner的互动,那么这时候就需要一些常用的表达了~


Shall we begin……/Let's start with……/OK,shall we make a start……?


Let's move on to the next item……/The next question on the agenda is……


You mentioned that... but from my point of view.../As far as I'm concerned.../Well,the point I 'm trying to make is that.../I suggest that.../Personally,I think.../To the best of my knowledge.../It has come to my attention that...


Apart from that.../Not only that.../On the other hand.../And another hand...


What do you think about this?/What's your opinion on it?/What do you think?/Don't you think so?


That's a good idea/an excellent idea./That's very interesting./I'm sure we'd all agree with that./That's a very good point/an important point.