As is ridiculously shown above, in the darkness happily runs a man, shouldering the privacy of the celebrities as a bomb to attract public’s attention, rushing to the news press, with another one from the news office welcoming his arrival. In the middle of the second picture stands a naked man, astonished by the huge amount of personal privacy pouring out of the mobile phone. There has been a heated discussion about these pictures recently in the newspaper. Simple as the pictures are, they do demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.


  The pictures tell us that the intrusion on other’s privacy and revealing it in the press are not only harmful but also detrimental . what’s more, our society fails to attach due attention to this problem. Firstly, some practitioners of low moral standards in the journalism, however, are tempted to focus on other’s privacy, especially some newsworthy celebrities’, such as love affairs, family relationship, medical history and its like, to attract more readers to buy their magazines or to increase their website’s PV(page view), and ultimately to lure more clients to pour money for advertisements. Secondly, The regulator and the authority turn a blind eye to this situation and make it the a real grey area. Furthermore, the public’s aesthetic taste of elegance is still far behind.

  这些丹青告诉咱们窥伺别人的隐私并把其袒露于媒体上是非常有害的。咱们的社会并不足够的关注这个问题。首先,有一些道德标准不高的消息从业者为了吸引更多的读者购买他们的杂志,为了提高他们网站的访问量,并能最终吸引更多的广告客户,他们会去关注其余人的隐私,尤其是有新闻价值的名人的隐私,这些隐私包括绯闻,家庭关系,病史等等。其次,政府跟监管者对这一景象往往是熟视无睹,这样使其成为了真正的灰色区域。进一步的讲,大众的高雅的审美情趣还远未形成。 内容来自

  In my view, we are deeply convinced that everyone has the right to the privacy, the basic right which should be respected, protected and guaranteed by our laws and regulations under whatever circumstances. Princess Diana shows how bad things could end. It is also imperative that the public’s aesthetic taste be so enhanced and promoted that eventually build up a harmonious scene in which people can enjoy their live tranquilly and peacefully.
