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  • 美国人经常使用的英语口语80008000句

      1. Don’t lose your head。   不要惊慌失措。   2. He can’t take a joke.   他开不得玩笑。   3. He owes my uncle $100.   他欠我叔叔100美元。   4. How are things going?   事情进展得怎样?   5. How are you recently?   最近怎么样?   6. I know all about it.   我知道有关它的一切。   7. It really takes time.   这样太耽误时间了。   8. It’s against the law.   这是违法的。   9. Love me,love my dog.   (谚语)爱屋及乌。   10. My mouth is watering.   我要流口水了。   11. Speak louder,please.   说话请大声点儿。   12. This boy has no job.   这个男孩没有工作。   13. This house is my own.   这所房子是我自己的。   14. What happened to you?   你怎么了?   15. You are just in time.   你来得正是时候。   16. You need to workout.   你需

  • 日常生活中使用的英语口语80008000句

      Good morning, mom. 早晨好。   Did the alarm clock go off?   Did the alarm clock buzz?   Did the alarm clock ring?   闹钟响了吗?   It's time to get up! 该起床了!   I don't want to get up. 我真不想起。   want to=want to; going to=be going to   美语口语常用说法   It's time to get ready.   Get up soon. 快点儿起床!   I don't want

  • 去喝酒常用的英语口语80008000句

    加满”。   = Would you like more?   = How about a refill?   = Would you like one more?   = Would you like another cup?   ◎再来一瓶啤酒! Another beer, please.   = One more beer, please.   ◎这种威士忌挺冲。This whiskey is strong.   ◎日本酒怎么样? How do you like sake?   ◎酒劲大。 It’s strong.   ◎我喝醉了。 I’m drunk.   Let me drive you home. (我开车送你回家吧。)   ◎我觉得有点儿醉了。I feel a little tipsy.   *tipsy“微醉的”、“踉踉跄跄的”。   = I’m slightly drunk.   ◎酩酊大醉。I’m loaded.   *loaded“喝醉了”的状态。   = I’m wasted.   ◎喝酒要适可而止。Drink moderately.   = Don’t overdo it.   = Please don’t drink too much.   ◎我的酒量小。 I get drunk easily.   *drunk“喝醉”,“酒后驾车”是drunk driving。   = I get drunk quickly.   I’m a heavy drinker. (我的酒量大。)   ◎我喝得太

  • 在饭店遇到困难时的口语80008000句

    再要一把房间的钥匙。)   我把钥匙忘在房间里了。   I locked myself out.   I locked myself out.(我把钥匙忘在房间里了。)   May I have your name, please. (请告诉我您叫什么名字?)   I left my key inside my room.   I forgot my key inside my room. (我把钥匙忘在屋里了。)   我被锁在外面了。   I'm locked out. 这与上一句的I locked myself out语气上有些不同。I locked myself out只表示自己把钥匙忘在房间里了,而I'm locked out还含有被别人锁在外面的意思。   我房间的电视不能看。   The TV doesn't work in my room. *电视或房间里电器等设备坏了,不能使用时都

  • 不感兴趣时的英语口语80008000句

    不是个好主意。)   Who cares? (管它呢!)   So what? (那又怎么样?)   So? (后来呢?)   Well?   Does it matter?   Big deal.   What difference does it make?   随便你!   Whatever you want.   As you wish.   谁知道呢。   Nobody knows.   Do you think the economy will improve? (你认为经济可以恢复吗?)   Nobody knows. (谁知道呢。)   Who knows?   No one knows.   这跟我没关系。   It has nothing to do with me. *have nothing to do with... “完全没有关系”、“没关系”,表明坏事或不好的事与自己无关。   Why don't you help him? (你怎么不帮他呢?)   It has nothing to do with me. (这跟我有什么关系。)   It's not my concern.   It's not my business.   It's not my problem.   我才不在乎呢。   I couldn't care less. *“我没关系”、“没事”的口语说法,有些俚语味道。   I'm going to report you to our boss. (我要向老板告你。)   Go ahead. I couldn't care less. (随便!我才不在乎呢。)   I don't give a damn.   没人注意你。   Nobody cares.   But I'm not a good dancer. (可我跳舞跳得不好。)   Nobody cares. (没人注意你。)   Nobody gives a damn. *语气较强,在有些场合下,听起来会有点下流的感觉。   随

  • 英语口语8000句随意谈话中常用英语8000句随意谈话中常用英语语句

    能用hear,不能用listen to。   Can you hear me? (你听得见吗?)   Loud and clear. (声音很大,听得很清楚。)   你听见我说的了吗?   Did you hear me?   ●同意   知道了。   I understand. *“理解了”。   I can't go today. (今天我不能去。)   I understand.

  • 听音乐会常用的英语口语80008000句

    完了。)   ◎有什么时候的票? When do you have tickets?   = Which date do you have tickets for?   ◎几点开始? What time does it start?   = What time does it begin?   ◎可以预订吗? Can I make a reservation?   ◎在哪儿买票? Where can I buy a ticket?   At that counter. (在那个柜台。)   ◎这位子有人吗? Is this seat taken?   A)Is this seat taken? (这位子有人吗?)   B)No, it’s not. (不,没人。)   * 这句直译是:   A:这个位子被占了吗?   B:没有被占。   = Is anyone sitting here? (这儿有人吗

  • 英语口语提高可有效利用互联网

    就是通过视频或者是音频联系英语笔试或者是英语听力。为什么会锻炼英语口语呢?其实是这样的,我们在学习英语口语的过程中是需要着一个准确的标准的通过这个标准我们就能学习到最正确的英语口语的发音。现在很多的网站上都提供了这类的视频或者是音频资料。我们可以在线进行点播,也可以通过下载的方式永久的享用资料。这就是我们通过英语学习网站学习英语听力的方法。当然,在英语听力的网站上面也是有着很多的普通的会员可以和语口语我们通过IM软件进行交流的,谁说英语学习网站不能沟通,这不就是一个很好的方法吗、   在我们的身边也是有着很多的这样的示例,比如说沪江助我自学成功或者是通过能非英语在高考中获得了分数的提高,这样的例子比比皆是。所以我们现在就不得不重视这一种通过英语学习网站学习英语的好方法,无数的实践证明了,这种方法是目前我们对于英语学习的最好的方法。   在最后,沪江的小编提醒大家,在互联网上学习也要找到正规的英语口语学习网站,而沪江就是你们最好的选择。

  • 英语日常口语常用表达


  • 关于让人镇静的口语80008000句

    矮了?)   Don't get so uptight. (别当真。)   Don't get so worked up.   放松点儿。   Don't be so stiff.   Loosen up. (随便点儿!)   放松点儿。   Kick back! *“悠闲自得地”、“放松地”、“舒适地”。含有不紧张,精神上放松的语感。   Kick back, make yourself at home. (请随便些,像在自己家里一样。)   Thanks. (谢谢。)   Just relax!   Take it easy!   Just hang loose! *比较旧的说法。   不用着急。   Take your time. *向对方表示不必着急的表达方式。   A) I'm sorry, I'm going to be a little late. (对不起,我稍微晚一点儿。)   B) That's okay. Take your time. (没关系,不用着急。)*打电话时的对话。A对B说要比约定的时间晚到一会儿。   别急。   There's no need to rush.   Wait! I need to go to the bathroom. (等等!我得去个厕所。)   There's no need to rush. (别急。)   You don't need to hurry.   No rush.   No hurry.   Don't rush on my account. (不用为我着急。)