
2024年英语四级白金班【屠皓民亲授】 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!不过可申请免费重读


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  • 怎么写一篇关于难忘的人英语四级四级作文范文

    要考英语四级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题英语四级目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于亚健康的英语四级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline

  • 英语四级听力高分四级技巧

    用在一般疑问句中,也用在陈述句、特殊疑问句、婉转祈使句或反意疑问句中。例如:   I thought it would be all right. (表示推测或不确定)。(↗)   You haven't seen the film, have you?(期待给与否定回答)(↗)   It's a wonderful film, don't you think so?(期待给与肯定回答)(↗)   虚拟语气的语调往往很强烈,句尾使用高降调。例如:   How I wish I were a student! (↘)   3.句法规律   主要包括两项内容:   a) 听力材料中有些词,尤其是虚词(如连词、介词等)往往不易一下听出来,必须运用句法知识加以弥补;   b) 英语中有些特殊的句型句式、习惯用法常令学生在听力测试中倍感困惑,仅举几例说明。   例1:   You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 开车时越英语四级小心越好。   cannot (can not ) / can never与too连用表示"越……越好";"再……也不为过"   例2:   He is no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我一样都读不懂西班牙文。   语音规律、语调规律和句法规律都是同等重要的,我们在听力训练的过程中不能只边听边看,必须要结合起这三大规律来听,养成习惯之后这件事情就会变得非常容易,再加上英语四级并不算难,沪江小编相信大家在听力方面会取得四级听力中一定要把握好三大基本规律,大家要在听力训练过程中遵循这三大原则,并且不断的把这些规律转化成自己的答题技巧。沪江小编相信会有不可想象的效率。在听力中要捕捉好重要的信息,加上自己的推断来答题。接下来是小编整理的三大规律,欢迎大家阅读。   1.语音规律   包括辨音、音变现象(如音的连读、弱读、简化、同化、失去爆破)、重音等。   例如,连读是口语中经常出现的音变现象。如Fog is spreading to all areas . 前三个单词连读成了/ fcgizpredin/。   又如,在快速语流中常产生音的同化现象,像Would you mind if I smoke here ? 句中would一词本应读成/wud/,但当后面紧跟you /ju:/ 时,尾辅音 /d/ 与 /j/ 同化为另一个辅音/dv/。next year中的尾辅音/t/ 与/j/ 同化成/tf/。读作/nekstfe/。如不熟悉这种同化现象,便会误认为遇到了生词。   学生在平时学习中学会正确发音,掌握单词发音的基本规律和常识,不但有助于提高听说能力,而且有助于培养语感,提高英语整体水平。   2.语调规律   注意和分析单词在句中的重读规律有助于识别单词、词组并区分实词、虚词;而注意说话者的语气并分析语句的升、平、降调则有助于了解说话人的情感、态度,从而正确判断说话人之间的关系,推断说话人的意图和目的。英语中的陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句、感叹句多用降调。升调常表示疑问、怀疑、不解、或不确定,不但常用在一般疑问句中,也用在陈述句、特殊疑问句、婉转祈使句或反意疑问句中。例如:   I thought it would be all right. (表示推测或不确定)。(↗)   You haven't seen the film, have you?(期待给与否定回答)(↗)   It's a wonderful film, don't you think so?(期待给与肯定回答)(↗)   虚拟语气的语调往往很强烈,句尾使用高降调。例如:   How I wish I were a student! (↘)   3.句法规律   主要包括两项内容:   a) 听力材料中有些词,尤其是虚词(如连词、介词等)往往不易一下听出来,必须运用句法知识加以弥补;   b) 英语中有些特殊的句型句式、习惯用法常令学生在听力测试中倍感困惑,仅举几例说明。   例1:   You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 开车时越小心越好。   cannot (can not ) / can never与too连用表示"越……越好";"再……也不为过"   例2:   He is no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我一样都读不懂西班牙文。   语音规律、语调规律和句法规律都是同等重要的,我们在听力训练的过程中不能只边听边看,必须要结合起这三大规律来听,养成习惯之后这件事情就会变得非常容易,再加上英语四级很大的进步。

  • 英语四级文章-手机四级控

        英语四级作文范文:手机控     As the drawing presents, there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the surroundings. this sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis, especially among the youngsters.     What the picture illustrates

  • 英语四级常用词四级组收集


  • 大学英语四级写作考试四级技巧

    英语专业的本科生都会有准备大学英语四级和六级的经验。我们经常被大学英语四级要在高级的餐厅说 doggie bag,因为 doggie bag 是非常随意的说法,   这个时候你说“ Can you give me a box? ” 就可以了。   英语四级翻译练习题   1. It was in the 1960s__________________________(两国的贸易达到了最高点).   2. ______________________ (无论我们遇到怎样的困难),we'll help one another toovercome them.   3. He always did well at school every now and then.

  • 英语四级作文范文之要不要进行太空四级探索

      考生们要想在总分上再次拔高,就必须重视英语四级作文的复习。在掌握了模板和主题词之后,同学们在作文上拿到的分数就会达到一个相对稳定的档次。今天沪江小编给大家分享英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索   Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and other planets). Other people disagree ant think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.   Even people born after 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seen the black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space suit taking slow, bounding steps to plant an American flag on the moon’s surface. Now, forty years later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploring outer space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from their budgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we must prioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources to helping the Earth itself.   When we consider the exploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we must also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth. During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financial resources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The ‘‘Space Race’’ culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the first astronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of the extreme interest to ordinary citizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism.   Now, as we consider whether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with a different set of circumstances. Governments are less preoccupied with their standing in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who live in it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment, and this is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused by factories in South America might contribute to rising water levels in Bangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money on equipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resources toward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and help make life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.   In summary, those who were alive during the Age of Exploration of the 1950’s and 1960’s can remember the excitement of that era; the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided precious insights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals of governments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength for their countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is to show that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。写作都不是事。当然,功夫要用在平时,不要等着考前抱佛脚。以上就是沪江小编今天给大家分享的英语四级范文,希望对你们有帮助,祝大家考取四级作文的复习。在掌握了模板和主题词之后,同学们在作文上拿到的分数就会达到一个相对稳定的档次。今天沪江小编给大家分享英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索   Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and other planets). Other people disagree ant think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.   Even people born after 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seen the black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space suit taking slow, bounding steps to plant an American flag on the moon’s surface. Now, forty years later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploring outer space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from their budgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we must prioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources to helping the Earth itself.   When we consider the exploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we must also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth. During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financial resources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The ‘‘Space Race’’ culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the first astronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of the extreme interest to ordinary citizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism.   Now, as we consider whether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with a different set of circumstances. Governments are less preoccupied with their standing in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who live in it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment, and this is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused by factories in South America might contribute to rising water levels in Bangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money on equipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resources toward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and help make life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.   In summary, those who were alive during the Age of Exploration of the 1950’s and 1960’s can remember the excitement of that era; the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided precious insights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals of governments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength for their countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is to show that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。写作都不是事。当然,功夫要用在平时,不要等着考前抱佛脚。以上就是沪江小编今天给大家分享的英语四级好成绩。

  • 大学英语四级报名细则四级公告

    英语四级考试已经结束,下半年的英语四级不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放。 三、报名费用 经过多方调研及汇总考点建议,解决考试组织实施过程中由于经费不足造成的考试运营困难,自2012年起,网考考试费不高于为60元/考生。 由于英语四级考试是由各院校教务处统一组织报名,所以各地区报名费用不同,各地普遍的报考费用在20—50元内浮动,具体考试费用请查看自己所在学校教务处报名通知。 四、报名网站 1、英语四级报名网、 2、 无官方报名入口,以学校为单位报名。 五、考试时间 2016年06月英语四级考试时间是06月18号上午九点。2016年12月英语四级考试时间是12月17日。 如今的英语四六级考试报名已经实现网上报名网上支付,大家报名考试已经十分方便快捷了,希望大家仔细阅读公告,顺利完成英语四级四级考试已经结束,下半年的英语四级考试报名时间大约在9月下旬了,关于下半年的报名时间以及报名应该注意的事项,大家可以参考去年的考试报名细则公告。 一、报名时间 2017年6月报名时间为2月底至3月底; 2017年12月报名时间预计为8月底至9月底; 二、报名条件 (1)考试对象限制在普通高校内部四年制或以上根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的本科生; (2) 同等程度的大专生或硕士研究生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试; (3) 同等程度的夜大或函授大学学生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试; 从2007年1月的考试开始,大学英语四六级考试将不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放。 三、报名费用 经过多方调研及汇总考点建议,解决考试组织实施过程中由于经费不足造成的考试运营困难,自2012年起,网考考试费不高于为60元/考生。 由于英语四级考试是由各院校教务处统一组织报名,所以各地区报名费用不同,各地普遍的报考费用在20—50元内浮动,具体考试费用请查看自己所在学校教务处报名通知。 四、报名网站 1、英语四级报名网、 2、 无官方报名入口,以学校为单位报名。 五、考试时间 2016年06月英语四级考试时间是06月18号上午九点。2016年12月英语四级考试时间是12月17日。 如今的英语四六级考试报名已经实现网上报名网上支付,大家报名考试已经十分方便快捷了,希望大家仔细阅读公告,顺利完成英语四级报名。

  • 英语四级题型之四级新闻听力

    重要的事实置于全文的第一句中,即新闻导语。导语告知听众最新鲜、最关心、最四级的小伙伴们来说,了解出题的类型是很重要的。下面是我为大家准备的关于大学英语四级重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)以及原因(why)和方式(how)。新闻导语是对整条新闻内容的高度概括,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语可能只包含其中的几个要素。 总之,在备考英语四级时,要有针对性地复习备考,多做真题,在做题的时候不仅仅只是做题,要对不同试卷的类似题目进行比较,发现其出题特点。这样,才能在考试的时候四级的小伙伴们来说,了解出题的类型是很重要的。下面是我为大家准备的关于大学英语四级考试新闻听力的两大命题特点,希望可以帮到你们。 大学英语四级考试改革以后,在听力部分删除了短对话,增加了3篇新闻听力,而这3篇新闻短文一般来自国外知名传媒节目,一般新闻题材十分多样,涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、体育、灾难、自然、科技等方方面面。对考生的知识面和词汇的要求很高。因此建议广大考生,在备考时,可以有针对性地拓宽自己的知识面和新闻敏感度,在最后的冲刺阶段,每天坚持精听两到三篇新闻报道,多坚持多积累一些新闻词汇。 (一)从题材上看,“坏事”考得尤其多。往往不好的事件更容易引起人们的关注,所以新闻报道也多集中报道一些“坏事”。所以大家在选择新闻听力练习时,也可以有针对性地多听一些“天灾人祸”的新闻,多积累这方面的词汇。 (二)着重考查首句及其下一句。这是由新闻报道的特点所决定的。新闻报道往往采用倒叙法,把最重要的事实置于全文的第一句中,即新闻导语。导语告知听众最新鲜、最关心、最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)以及原因(why)和方式(how)。新闻导语是对整条新闻内容的高度概括,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语可能只包含其中的几个要素。 总之,在备考英语四级取得好成绩。  

  • 如何写关于灾难的英语四级四级作文范文

    要考英语四级的同学,作文是一个难点,只有多看多写,才能在遇到各种题英语四级目的时候更好的发挥,沪江小编为大家整理了关于灾难的英语四级作文,方便大家复习时参考,祝大家取得优异的考试成绩! Directions: Write a composition entitled On Disasters. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 人的一生中,可能会遇到一些灾难事件,给我们的生活带来意外的打击。 2. 面对灾难,我们应该坚强,不要过于沉湎于悲痛,要积极面对人生

  • 英语四级考试四级听力复习方法

    以是电影,甚至是歌曲。   2) 培养做题能力,即精听。这个建议拿真题演练。对于真题听力不能只听一遍,要反复听,至少听三遍,第一遍先做题再看答案;第二遍什么听意思;第三遍看着听力原文跟读一遍。   现在是备考的关键时间,因而建议每天花至少30分钟在听力上!   问题三:没有“预读”   所谓“预读”,就是正式开考前(一般是在念"Direction"时)阅读听力题目选项,划出关键词。   解决“战术”三:   听力其实有四个步骤,有人称之为“听力四部曲”:“预读—— 猜 —— 听 —— 答”。   预读:即四级英语考试备考中,四级英语在做听力之前,养成快速浏览题目和选项的习惯,并划出关键词。   猜:即可通过预读,猜出该听力段落的大致主题和考试方向。   听:即通过“预读”环节划出的关键词和“猜”环节猜出的大致主题和方向,迅速在听的时候把握住重点信息。   答:即答题环节。有了前面三环,这一环自然不愁啦!   听力是四六级备考中比较难下手的一部分,对此我们可以多在网上找一些复习方法,当然方法很多找到适合自己的才最重要,以上是沪江小编通过网络找到的一些复习方法,希望能对大家有一定四级英语考试备考中,四级英语听力是比较难攻克的一部分,许多考生在复习中都觉得无从下手,下面就跟会将小编一起来看一看解决四级帮助。