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  • 关于国庆节的英语作文范文及翻译


  • 国庆节的习俗——每日英语小练

    世界各国都有自己的国庆节,而由于习俗和国情的不同,每个国家人民欢度国庆节的方式也会优速差异,而对于这些国庆节的习俗改怎么用英语介绍呢?下面沪江小编为大家准备了一篇关于国庆节习俗的英文文章,以供大家参考。 The National Day is an important feast for every country, but the various countries' National Day name is different. Many countries in the world is called "National Day" or "National Day", and some countries called "independence day" or "independence day", also some call "republican", "republic day day", "revolution day", "liberation", "national rejuvenation day" and "constitution day", still have to add the name directly "day", such as "Australia day", "Pakistan day", others in the king's birthday or coronation day as the National Day, such as the case of the king, the date of the National Day changes will be replaced. 国庆节是每个国家的重要节日,但各国国庆节的名称有所不同。世界上许多国家叫"国庆节"或"国庆日",还有一些国家叫"独立日"或"独立节",也国庆节,而由于习俗和国情的不同,每个国家人民欢度国庆节的方式也会优速差异,而对于这些国庆节有的叫"共和日"、"共和国日"、"革命日"、"解放日"、"国家复兴节"、"宪法日"等,还有直接以国名加上"日"的,如"澳大利亚日"、"巴基斯坦日",有的则以国王的生日或登基日为国庆,如遇国王更替,国庆的具体日期也随之更换。 National Day each year, countries have a different forms of celebration activities to strengthen its people's patriotic consciousness, strengthen the country's cohesive force. Between the various countries to also congratulate each other. The National Day every ten every five, some will expand to celebrate. To celebrate the National Day, governments usually we will hold a National Day conference, by national heads of state or government or foreign minister, invited presiding in all countries in the local ambassadors and other important foreign guests to attend. But some countries do not held a reception, such as the United States, Britain are not held a reception. 每年国庆,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活动,以加强本国人民的爱国意识,增强国家的凝聚力。各国之间也都要相互表示祝贺。逢五逢十的国庆,有的还要扩大庆祝。为庆祝国庆,各国政府通常要举行一次国庆招待会,由国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长出面主持,邀请驻在当地的各国使节和其他重要外宾参加。但也有的国家不举行招待会,如美国、英国均不举行招待会。 国庆节是每个国家的重要节日,学习一篇关于国庆节习俗的英文文章不仅有助于提高英文水平还能加深对国庆节的认识。此外,英语的练习重在平时,希望大家可以在平时多找这类文章进行口语训练,也希望沪江小编为大家准备的这篇文章可以对大家有所帮助。  

  • 国庆节英语手抄报汇总

    来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!! girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth. 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改国庆节还有不到半个月的时间,大家想好国庆变了模样。这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。 autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! ! 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达! 学习英语的好处有很多,多学一门外语可以帮助自己日后的交际,如果是有出国留学的意向,还可以趁着学习做准备。英语的美文有很多,大家可以在学习英语的过程中多看一些关于英语的文章,这也是学习英语的一大方法,以上是用英语翻译关于国庆节的手抄报内容,希望可以帮助大家。