



  With the improvement of living standards, vacations play an increasingly important role in Chinese people’s life. In the past, they spent most of their time making a living and had little chance to travel. However, China’s tourism industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Economic prosperity and the emergence of the wealthy middle class have brought about an unprecedented tourism boom. Not only do Chinese people travel domestically, but they travel abroad more and more often as well. During the National Day holidays in 2016, tourism spending totaled more than 400 billion yuan. According to World Trade Organization, China will become the world’s largest tourist country by 2020, and it will also have the fastest-growing overseas travel expense in the few years to come.




  The rapid development of China’s economy and growth in the number of people learning Chinese have made Chinese one of language learners’ favorites around the world. In recent years, the Chinese universities have ranked remarkably higher compared with their international counterparts. Owing to the huge progress in China’s education, it is no wonder that China has become one of the most favored places for overseas students. In 2015, nearly 400,000 international students swarmed into the Chinese market. The subjects they learn are no longer limited to Chinese language and culture, but include science and engineering as well. Although the US and the UK still dominate the global education market, China is striving to catch up.


试卷二翻译题目“学汉语”,又是有关中国特色的一道题目。之所以这样说,是因为去年的翻译真题就考过“汉语演讲比赛”Chinese speech contest,所以在备考之前研究以往真题绝对最有帮助!并且在平时的词汇积累也可以分类积累一些中国特色,文化类的词汇以及表达方式,在上考场之后才能自由发挥。
