对于多数商务英语学习英语语法说起来简单,但运用起来就容易出错。在翻译中常常会犯些低级错误。有时候语法正确了,也不一定就是正确的翻译。下面我们就以 so as to 与so that为例来对  语法与翻译来语法学习与翻译的技巧进行讨论。

  大家都知道,在英语中引导目的状语有很多词,其中如in order to,so as to,in order that,so that等。学生在运用这些词时,常常会出错,语法书上, 老师讲解中常常不能突出这些词的区别, 学生容易混淆。那么该如何区别呢?

  语法书上, 老师讲解中提及这些词的区别时主要是讲一点,即in order to, so as to是接动词不定式, so that与in orderthat 主要是接句子。这一点在一般情况下,学生可以区分开来。但是还有一个区别,是我在教学中发现学生忽视了而语法书上没有提及的。先看下面几句话的翻译:




  Please expedite the establishment of the L/C so as to ship the goods.

  Please m ake specific enquiry so as to offer you the most favorable price.

  这两句话,按常规是对的,因为so as to 后面接的是动词不定式,表示目的,但是,大家注意看,每句话中两个动词的主语是否相同?第一句,根据商务知识,开立信用证是买方的义务(如签订的合同是信用证付款方式的话), 而装运则是卖方的义务, 因此,开立信用证是“对方” 要做的,装运是“我们”的动作,expedite的主语是You, 而shiP的主语是we; 第二句:既然是要求对方询盘,很显然,询盘报盘不会是同一方做出的, 即m a k e的主语是you,offer 的主语是we。我们知道,动词不定式其中有一个用法是做目的状语,表示前后两个动作的相继发生,但条件是主语必须一致。如I come to也可变成in order to或so as to. 这句话就成为:I come to the airport in order to meet him. 但是这种情况不适用于以上两个例句。在这种情况下,怎么办?我们可以做这样的处理,用so that 或in orderth at来引导目的状语,即将这两句话翻译为:

  Please expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we can ship the goods.

  Please make specific enquiry so that we can offer you the most favorable price.

  因此,so as to (in order to)与so that(in order that)之间的区别:1)so as to, in order to引导目的状语后接动词原形; so that,in order that引导目的状语从句,后接句子;2) so as to,in order to 只适用于前后动词的主语一致的情况,如果不一致,必须用so that,in order that来代替。

  不过,并不是只有一种翻译方式。既然我们很明了句子中几个动词的主语,我们还可有几种处理方法。其中一种可以继续沿用so as to,in order to,只要在此之后加上一个动词enable, 即:

  Please expedite the establishment of the L/C so as to enable us to ship the goods.

  Please make spe cific enquiry so as to enable us to offer you the most favorable price.



  Please expedite the establishment of the L/C for us to ship the goods.

  Please make spe cific enquiry for us to offer you the most favorable price.

