
BEC商务英语初、中、高级连读签约班 职场实用英语+考证,签协议,不过还能免费重读。


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  • 中考话题作文写作指导及范文:一句话

    句话,如同一缕温暖的阳光,照亮我的心底。   【评点】   几幅生活画面的描绘,让文章美不胜收。写妈妈对“我”小心翼翼的伺候,运用简单勾勒;写回忆儿时生活,浓墨重彩,写出妈妈的美丽和快乐。文章灵活运用插叙,写“我”对妈妈由不理解到理解的过程,既不影响行文节奏,又巧妙地写出了“我”思想感情转变的过程。开头和结尾,用诗歌般的语言,点明了文章中心,前后照应。同时,水到渠成地引出了妈妈几次想对儿子说出的一句话,不仅巧妙点睛,而且也有余音绕粱之美。   通过对上面文章的阅读,相信大家已经了解了话题作文该如何写,也看中考作文考试中,话题作文是同学们最不希望遇到的一种作文类型,但是同学们在备战的时候,却又不得不重视这方面的备考,因为,话题作文过了范文,相信会对你有所启发,最后沪江小编预祝大家都能够在中考作文中取得一个优异的成绩。

  • 中考高分作文范文每个站点都有风景

    来看那!   爸爸过来看了看,告诉我说:“花之所以能生长起来,是因为它经历了不懈奋斗的历程。你才走了这么一点的路就喊累,这样下去何时才能成功啊!你不是常说过程是成功的必经之路吗?”我听了若有所思。这时,一阵微风吹过,小花也随着风微微摆动,好似也同意爸爸的观点。我站起身来勇敢地迈过崎岖的山路向着前方走去。   一路上,山路上的风景吸引着我,在路语言组织能力,一篇好的文章可以表达思想感情、传递信息。很多同学最怕的就是语文途中我也遇到过各种各样的挫折,但是我都顽强地站起,因为我相信胜利就在不远的前方。   终于奶奶家到了,我不禁兴奋地大喊:“噢!”山谷中也传来我的回声。好似对我获得成功的肯定。我的心顿时舒畅了许多。   其实,在生活中我们也会遇到许许多多的坎坷与艰辛,但只要不懈追求,勇往直前,你终究会在通向成功的路上发现那些美丽的风景。最终你也会感谢过程,因为它不光带你获得了成功,也教会了你许许多多的人生哲理。   要想提高语文的写作能力,平时要加强自身阅读,可以多看一些优秀的作文范文,学习他人的写作手法。平时在生活也也要注意观察身边的一切,好的文章源于生活,学会观察,可以让自己增加更多的写作题材。大家也可以登录沪江网,沪江网是一个专业的学习平台,上面有很多关于写作的方法介绍,一定能给你带来学习的帮助。

  • 小学英语作文范文推荐

    看吧。 一、描述一位老师 My New Teacher I have a new English teacher, she is Miss Lan. Our English teacher is very young. She is tall and thin. She has a round face and long black hair. She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She is strict but kind. Her class is so much fun. We all like her. Our English teacher likes apples very much. She often reads books on weekends. I like my English teacher very much. What about you? 二、描述多位教师 My New Teachers I have two new teachers, a Chinese teacher and a math teacher. My Chinese teacher is a pretty young lady. She is tall and thin. She is strict but kind. She often reads books on weekends. My math teacher is Mr Li. He has big eyes, a big nose and a small mouth. He’s short and strong. He’s very funny. His class is so much fun. We all like him. 三、描述自己的新房间 My New Room I have my own room now. It is big and nice. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf. The doll is on the bed. The lamp is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. The clothes are in the closet. There is an air-conditioner over the closet. Look! There are many pictures on the wall. I love my room very much. 四、自我介绍 Myself My name is …. I am 10 years old. I am a pretty girl (boy). I have big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I’m tall and thin. I like Sundays. I often read books and watch TV. Apples are my favourite fruit, they’re sweet. I’m active, I like singing and dancing. Do you want to make friends with me? 五、介绍城市 My City My city is Zheng Zhou. There is a beautiful nature park in it. There is a river and many flowers in the nature park. There are many tall buildings in the city. There is a road near these buildings. You can see many cars and buses on the road. But there are no mountains in the city. I like my city very much. 六、介绍乡村 My Village I like my village. There are many rivers and bridges in the village. The water is clean. The air is fresh. There are many mountains near my village. There are no tall buildings. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. I can run on the grass. 由于小学的学习难度不大,英语词汇量的掌握也不是很多,那么在写英语作文的时候就要注意养成良好的习惯,这样才英语的情况下,可能大部分没有那么深厚的英语基础。这时候所写出的英语作文能在未来的学习中产生有益的效果。小学生可以多背诵英语范文加深理解。

  • 英语四级作文范文的参考

    很多考生担心英语四级的作文很难,其实英语四级考试的作文没有想象中的那么难。只要平时掌握语法的运用和词汇量,相信写起作文也可以得心应手。下面,小编为大家提供了一篇英语四级作文范文,大家可以作为参考。 作文一: ”题目要求: Due Attention Should Be Given to Speaking 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视口语 2. 出现这种现象的原因是…… 3. 为改变这种状况,我认为…… 参考范文: Due Attention Should Be Given to Speaking Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay

  • 历年中考抒情记叙文作文范文

    成绩单一点点的浸湿……我失败了。   独自坐在窗前,心始终不能平静下来,为什么我会失败?难道我不够细心,难道我不够刻苦?难道我骄傲了?一道闪电划过黑幕似的夜空。我认识到了我失败的原因:“过于骄傲,过于自大。”泪水夺眶而出,我后悔,我恨我自己,我认为我过于幼稚,没有人会一帆风顺,而我却痴痴的幻想我会永远成功。痛苦、绝望、自责,一齐冲击着我的心扉,雨不停地下,泪不停地流……十二点的钟声敲响了,我睡了……   早自习是语文,我看到“海内存知己天涯若比邻”,情不自禁的想语文考起了王勃,他的一生坎坷不平,颠沛流离,但他不也写出了千古绝唱吗?又翻到李白的《行路难》,“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,让我为之一振,少年李白恃才傲物,霸气凌人,而官场失意后仍不改以往的豪情。顷刻间我认识到,我须自强、自尊、自立。因为我还能再创佳绩,我不能放弃,我要持之以恒。泛着鱼肚白的东方天空中射出了太阳的第一束阳光,暖暖的,很舒服,很惬意……   失败的味道不仅仅是痛苦、绝望、自责、无奈,更多的是对自己的激励与劝慰,它似一杯咖啡,让人终生铭记!   通过写作可以看出一个人的文化底蕴和语言组织能力,一篇优秀的作文,可以让人读后留连忘返。要想提升自己的写作能力,那就要靠平时的阅读积累,通过阅读来学习他人的写作手法,自己多动笔多写作,坚持下来,自己的写作能力一定能得到提升。

  • 英语四级备考需要背诵的作文范文

    英语四级作文的备考攻略我们还是需要知道一些的,比如背诵一些使用的范文,背诵一些优美的句子,这些都是比较实用的。所以,具体的范文我们还是需要背诵的,就比如下面这些范文,我们都可以记下来,然后背诵。 大学英语四级作文范文:量体裁衣 This cartoon is silly, and yet compelling: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures. Such an image suggests that one needs to consider

  • 英语四级作文预测及范文参考

    在英语四级考试中,作文是最另类的一个题型,很多考生对于这个题型都不知道如何备考,可是,即使如此,每一年都会出现一些作文预测及范文参考,大家只要对这两个方面进行详细了解一下,相信会对于自己的四级作文提高有所帮助。 part A 志愿者活动 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled OnVolunteering activities. You should write at least 120words following the outline given below

  • 高一英语作文范文赏析

    may vary from case to case.But I think,the students must first be well informes of the negative effect on the learning atmosphere of the university and the students'character. Then the students who were caught in the act of cheating can be criticizedpublicly, punished or even expelled from the university. 上面两篇高一的作文范文都是高中阶段比较常见的英语作文,高一阶段虽然离高考还有一段时间。但是英语的基本功要从这时候开始练习,高一的英语作文也绝不能马虎,勤加练习,争取让自己写出更加精彩作文。

  • 2016英语四级考试作文的范文举例

    英语四级考试中,我们最先做的题目就是作文题目了。我们面对这个题目的时候,还是有很多的方法的。最英语四级考试中,我们最先做的题目就是作文题目了。我们面对这个题目的时候,还是有很多的方法的。最常用的就是我们要在考试前背诵一些优美的范文或者句子来帮助我们写作文,换种说法就是凑字数。我们的同学们一定要做到这点。下面就是一篇考试的范文,我们看看然后背下来。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic What Is in the Way of Paying Back the Loans. You should write at least 120 words

  • 英语四级作文范文之要不要进行太空探索

      考生们要考生们要想在总分上再次拔高,就必须重视英语四级作文的复习。在掌握了模板和主题词之后,同学们在作文上拿到的分数就会达到一个相对稳定的档次。今天沪江小编给大家分享英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索   Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and other planets). Other people disagree ant think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.   Even people born after 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seen the black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space suit taking slow, bounding steps to plant an American flag on the moon’s surface. Now, forty years later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploring outer space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from their budgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we must prioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources to helping the Earth itself.   When we consider the exploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we must also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth. During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financial resources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The ‘‘Space Race’’ culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the first astronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of the extreme interest to ordinary citizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism.   Now, as we consider whether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with a different set of circumstances. Governments are less preoccupied with their standing in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who live in it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment, and this is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused by factories in South America might contribute to rising water levels in Bangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money on equipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resources toward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and help make life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.   In summary, those who were alive during the Age of Exploration of the 1950’s and 1960’s can remember the excitement of that era; the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided precious insights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals of governments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength for their countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is to show that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。写作都不是事。当然,功夫要用在平时,不要等着考前抱佛脚。以上就是沪江小编今天给大家分享的英语四级范文,希望对你们有帮助,祝大家考取好成绩。