
2024年英语四级白金班【屠皓民亲授】 屠皓民团队实力carry,助你过级!不过可申请免费重读


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  • 英语四级作文通用四级模板

      四级将至,听力考的是语感,阅读理解考的是词汇量,翻译是基础。我们要在作文上面投点巧,套用一些模板不仅会让你的卷面丰富,还用更加美观实用。下面是沪江小编整理的英语四级作文通用模板,欢迎大家学习借鉴。   英语四级作文通用模板   看到作文题,要先看她是什么类型的。作文无外乎分七大类:   1.讨论观点类文章   2.提出问题类作文   3.评论反驳类作文   4.解决办法类作文   5.分析原因类作文   6.图表类作文   7.应用文作文   其中讨论观点、提出问题、解决办法、应用文最广泛。   今天我们就看一下这七大类作文。   1.讨论观点类文章:   Nowadays

  • 大学英语四级作文范文四级分享

      英语四级写作部分,最重要的是背范文,动英语四级写作部分,最重要的是背范文,动手写,保证每套题的写作文时间达到30分钟,并且写出一篇完整的文章。写完之后先自己检查有没有单词拼写和语法错误,找出自己的不足,然后把范文背诵下来。相信通过此方法,大家的四级作文部分一定可以拿高分。下面和沪江小编一块来了解大学英语四级作文范文的写作参考吧。   大学英语四级作文范文:心理健康   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Keep Psychologically Healthy? You

  • 英语四级作文范文之要不要进行太空四级探索

      考生们要想在总分上再次拔高,就必须重视英语四级作文的复习。在掌握了模板和主题词之后,同学们在作文上拿到的分数就会达到一个相对稳定的档次。今天沪江小编给大家分享英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索   Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and other planets). Other people disagree ant think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.   Even people born after 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seen the black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space suit taking slow, bounding steps to plant an American flag on the moon’s surface. Now, forty years later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploring outer space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from their budgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we must prioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources to helping the Earth itself.   When we consider the exploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we must also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth. During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financial resources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The ‘‘Space Race’’ culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the first astronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of the extreme interest to ordinary citizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism.   Now, as we consider whether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with a different set of circumstances. Governments are less preoccupied with their standing in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who live in it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment, and this is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused by factories in South America might contribute to rising water levels in Bangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money on equipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resources toward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and help make life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.   In summary, those who were alive during the Age of Exploration of the 1950’s and 1960’s can remember the excitement of that era; the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided precious insights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals of governments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength for their countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is to show that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。写作都不是事。当然,功夫要用在平时,不要等着考前抱佛脚。以上就是沪江小编今天给大家分享的英语四级范文,希望对你们有帮助,祝大家考取四级作文的复习。在掌握了模板和主题词之后,同学们在作文上拿到的分数就会达到一个相对稳定的档次。今天沪江小编给大家分享英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级范文:要不要进行太空探索   Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and other planets). Other people disagree ant think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.   Even people born after 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seen the black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space suit taking slow, bounding steps to plant an American flag on the moon’s surface. Now, forty years later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploring outer space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from their budgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we must prioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources to helping the Earth itself.   When we consider the exploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950’s and 1960’s, we must also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth. During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financial resources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The ‘‘Space Race’’ culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the first astronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of the extreme interest to ordinary citizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism.   Now, as we consider whether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with a different set of circumstances. Governments are less preoccupied with their standing in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who live in it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment, and this is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused by factories in South America might contribute to rising water levels in Bangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money on equipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resources toward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and help make life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.   In summary, those who were alive during the Age of Exploration of the 1950’s and 1960’s can remember the excitement of that era; the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided precious insights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals of governments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength for their countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is to show that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。写作都不是事。当然,功夫要用在平时,不要等着考前抱佛脚。以上就是沪江小编今天给大家分享的英语四级好成绩。

  • 2019年6月四级作文模版四级分享

      大家学习英语四级作文时,四级作文范文是一定要背的,大家必须积累一些常见的词汇短语,背诵一些好用的句型搭配,这样才能在四级考场上顺畅的表达出四级作文内容。今天沪江小编和大家分享英语四级作文模板:学生对老师的评价,希望对大家写作有所帮助。   英语四级作文模板:学生对老师的评价   Students’ Rating of Their Teachers   学生给老师打分已很普遍   人们对其持不同态度   我的看法   【四级作文模板范文】   Students’ Rating of Their Teachers   Nowadays, it has become as common

  • 英语四级真题作文四级解析

    面的优点与不足呢?下面沪江英语老师对2018年12月英语四级真题作文解析(出国留学的挑战)进行分析,希望对大家后期的备考有所帮助。   此次考试的作文话题分别是“the challenge of starting a career after graduation”(毕业后创业的挑战)、“the challenges of studying abroad”(出国留学的挑战)和 “the challenges of living in a big city”(在大城市生活的挑战)。以上三个话题都是我们所熟知的内容,所以构思上基本没有障碍。接下来我们就以“出国留学的挑战”为例,带着大家梳理一下整篇文章的写作思路。   首先要明确的是,不论是四六级写作还是考研英语写作,统一采用三段式写法;其次,动笔写之前要将每一段的要写的内容基本确定下来;最后,根据所列提纲有条不紊地将四级真题考试的考生们是否通过这次四级真题作文考查了解到自己平时在英语作文自己所想到的内容落实到答题卡上。在这三点当中,最为关键的就是第二步,即具体的写作内容。   就“出国留学的挑战”这篇短文具体来说,各段内容安排如下:   第一段可以通过经济形势介绍,自然引出越来越多的学生选择出国留学的话题。其次还要用一句话为第二段所要阐述的各类挑战作铺垫;   第二段可以从留学费用高、对学生独立生活能力的要求以及

  • 怎样提高英语四级作文四级分数

    常见的单词或者是词组都会写错,那么恐怕在英语写作这块就很难获得高分。   小编建议,大家至少要掌握最基本的英语词汇,比如课本里的常用必备的词汇(一般都有标注的);等级考试的话可以买本高频词汇先背着。   语法   语法是我们英语作文遣词造句的基础,主谓宾,主系表,各种从句,虚拟语气,大家应该有所了解,如果能够在写作中熟练的运用语法,想必你的作文会出彩许多。   当然,如果你并不能确定某种语法,比如某个从句怎么用之类的,那么就用简单的句子代替吧。   逻辑明确   我们大多数人的英文写作毕竟不能像写中文作文一样运用自如,所以小编建议大家在写作的时候还是按照事情发展的顺序来写,这样自己写起来容易,老师改卷的时候也能比较清晰的知道你想表达什么。考试的时候切忌突然有个想法,来个倒叙或者插叙,很容易把老师弄晕。   作文模板   很多专家或者培训机构都为大家总结了一些英语写作模板,虽然可能有点千篇一律,但是至少不会出错。建议大家可以学习几个比较好的作文模板,熟练的掌握他们一定能在写作时有所发挥,至少会比较有条理。   积累   英语作文的提高其实和大家平时的积累息息相关。在平时多背一些经典词句段落,可能在写作的时候不太能够想起来,但是确实是积累了语感,对写作也是很有帮助的。   卷面   英语作文,尤其是考试时候的英语作文,其实卷面的整洁与否真的很重要。大多数人其实在考试时的发挥都差不多,如果你的作文比较整洁,文字清晰,必然会让改卷老师产生好印象,作文得分也能够相对提高。   以上就是沪江小编为大家整理的提高英语四级作文分数的方法,作文虽然占据的分值不是很高,但是难度很大,所以想要在作文考试中取英语作文是每个学生都会遇到的事情,无论是中小学英语考试,还是大学英语四级、六级考试,英语作文得好的成绩还是要多了解一下方法和技巧,最后沪江小编预祝大家都能个顺利通过四级四级、六级考试,英语作文总是占总分的很大一部分。那么面对即将到来的四级考试,考生们如何才能提高英语四级考试的分数呢?跟着沪江小编一起来看一下吧。   词汇量   词汇不仅仅是我们学习英语的基础,更是写出英语作文的基础。倘若你连最常见的单词或者是词组都会写错,那么恐怕在英语写作这块就很难获得高分。   小编建议,大家至少要掌握最基本的英语词汇,比如课本里的常用必备的词汇(一般都有标注的);等级考试的话可以买本高频词汇先背着。   语法   语法是我们英语作文遣词造句的基础,主谓宾,主系表,各种从句,虚拟语气,大家应该有所了解,如果能够在写作中熟练的运用语法,想必你的作文会出彩许多。   当然,如果你并不能确定某种语法,比如某个从句怎么用之类的,那么就用简单的句子代替吧。   逻辑明确   我们大多数人的英文写作毕竟不能像写中文作文一样运用自如,所以小编建议大家在写作的时候还是按照事情发展的顺序来写,这样自己写起来容易,老师改卷的时候也能比较清晰的知道你想表达什么。考试的时候切忌突然有个想法,来个倒叙或者插叙,很容易把老师弄晕。   作文模板   很多专家或者培训机构都为大家总结了一些英语写作模板,虽然可能有点千篇一律,但是至少不会出错。建议大家可以学习几个比较好的作文模板,熟练的掌握他们一定能在写作时有所发挥,至少会比较有条理。   积累   英语作文的提高其实和大家平时的积累息息相关。在平时多背一些经典词句段落,可能在写作的时候不太能够想起来,但是确实是积累了语感,对写作也是很有帮助的。   卷面   英语作文,尤其是考试时候的英语作文,其实卷面的整洁与否真的很重要。大多数人其实在考试时的发挥都差不多,如果你的作文比较整洁,文字清晰,必然会让改卷老师产生好印象,作文得分也能够相对提高。   以上就是沪江小编为大家整理的提高英语四级作文分数的方法,作文虽然占据的分值不是很高,但是难度很大,所以想要在作文考试中取得好的成绩还是要多了解一下方法和技巧,最后沪江小编预祝大家都能个顺利通过四级考试。

  • 大学英语四级优秀文章10四级篇

      大学英语四级写作部分,只有多练才能在考试中写出一篇好的英语文章。下面沪江网小编为大家带来大学英语四级作文10篇,欢迎大家学习。   大学必备英语四级作文篇1:私立学校   Private School   With the development of the society and economy, various private schools arise. When you read newspapers, turn on TV, or even walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements

  • 英语基础差如何过英语四级

    助你拥有较多的词汇,慢慢的了解一些英语常用的语法,但是你基础差不能就靠一方面,你得从全方位下手,那就是听力,听力也是需要长时间得培养得,你可以上网搜一些听力短文来听听,就算你四级不靠听力也能过,但你熟悉听力以后考六级就会更轻松了。   阅读能力:   四级考试中有很多短文需要阅读,但是时间有限就需要你有一定得阅读能力,这方面你去借一两本中英双字幕的小说,平时多看看就能提升你的阅读能力了。   写作:   写作其实就是按部就班,英语作文大多分三段,其实很多句子套句都是可以直接背下来然后按部就班,你平时多看一些范文多记一些生词短句,考试的时候直接照着写上去就行了,而且阅卷老师看到比较特英语四六级考试。英语四级相比于英语别的短句会加分的。还有就是学一些从句的使用也是会加分的。   刷题:   基础差的同学做题的时候肯定会慌的不自信,就多找几套真题预测题来做做,然后自己给自己打分,直到分数能够过英语四级才停,给自己一个心理暗示的作用,同时多练题也是熟能生巧,考试的时候能发挥得更好。   英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,所以要想顺利通关英语四级考试,那么平时一定要掌握学习的方法。以上就是小编给大家分享的英语四级学习方法,希望可以给大家带来四级相比于英语来说难度会比较低,但是要想顺利通过英语四级考试,平时的努力必不可少。下面,沪江小编给大家说说怎样应对英语四级考试,大家可以作为参考。   听力:   巩固复习大学英语教材只能帮助你拥有较多的词汇,慢慢的了解一些英语常用的语法,但是你基础差不能就靠一方面,你得从全方位下手,那就是听力,听力也是需要长时间得培养得,你可以上网搜一些听力短文来听听,就算你四级不靠听力也能过,但你熟悉听力以后考六级就会更轻松了。   阅读能力:   四级考试中有很多短文需要阅读,但是时间有限就需要你有一定得阅读能力,这方面你去借一两本中英双字幕的小说,平时多看看就能提升你的阅读能力了。   写作:   写作其实就是按部就班,英语作文大多分三段,其实很多句子套句都是可以直接背下来然后按部就班,你平时多看一些范文多记一些生词短句,考试的时候直接照着写上去就行了,而且阅卷老师看到比较特别的短句会加分的。还有就是学一些从句的使用也是会加分的。   刷题:   基础差的同学做题的时候肯定会慌的不自信,就多找几套真题预测题来做做,然后自己给自己打分,直到分数能够过英语四级才停,给自己一个心理暗示的作用,同时多练题也是熟能生巧,考试的时候能发挥得更好。   英语的学习在于长期的积累和运用,所以要想顺利通关英语四级考试,那么平时一定要掌握学习的方法。以上就是小编给大家分享的英语四级帮助。

  • 写好英语四级作文四级的方法


  • 英语四级优秀作文四级范文理想
