
  【怎样回答How are you?】1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去 3. Right as rain. 一切顺利 4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了 6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的 8. I am hanging on. 还活着

  【护肤英文词汇】1、各种皮肤:Dry 干性皮肤 Oily 油性皮肤 Normal 中性皮肤 Combination 混合性皮肤 2、化妆品各种用途:Firm 紧肤 Nutritious 滋养 Oilcontrol 控油 Repair 修护 Remover 去除、卸妆Hydra 保湿 Anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱 Clean/Purify 清洁。

  【各种“钱”的英文表达 】 现金 硬币 纸币 支票 零钱 资金 n 学费 成本 小费 10. postage 邮资 ion 入场费 租金 t 运费 票价 金钱 te 纸币

  【Heart】1、I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.我希望能赢得她的芳心,娶她做新娘。2、He returned with a heavy heart. 他心情沉重地回来了。3、I just don't have the heart to tell him the bad news. 我实在不忍心告诉他那个坏消息。

  【谚语精选】1、Nothing seek, nothing find. 没有追求就没有收获。2、No cross, no crown. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。3、Lost time is never found again. 岁月既往,一去不回。4、Every minute counts. 分秒必争。

  【实用口语】 1、Why are you yelling at me?你干嘛朝我大喊大叫? 2、Don't give me that! 少来这套! 3、Don't over do it! 别做过头了! 4、What's so weird about that? 那有什么好奇怪的? 5、That is disgusting. 太恶心了. 6、I would love to hear your thoughts. 我很想听听你的想法

  【一年树谷,十年树木,百年树人】If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

  【实用口语】1、I feel the same way.我也有同感 2、It's easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难啊. 3、Why torture yourself? 你这是何苦呢? 4、Leave it up to me. 这事就交给我吧。 5、Just wait and see. 走着瞧。6、I don't really have a choice. 我没得选。

  【各种天气】1、sunny weather 阳光明媚的天气 2、unsettled weather 变化无常的天气 3、broken weather 阴晴不定的天气 4、lazy weather 使人倦懒的天气 5、severe weather 恶劣的天气 6、foggy weather 雾茫茫的天气 7、moist weather 微湿的天气 8、rainy weather雨天 9、hot weather大热天