
同学们好,我给大家讲一下六级听力真题解析,先看conversation的构成,这个我讲过,一个是主要说话的,一个是跟着混的,这就是第二重心原则,第一个人肯定是引导作用,Welcome to Workplace, and in today’s program we are looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic—happiness at work. 你在听的时候我觉得你最有可能听到的是后面recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic—happiness…因为你在听的过程中happiness之前是有一个小的暂停,整个对话的主题定了,这个女的扮演的角色是引出话题的角色。男的说,this was done by a human resources consultancy, consultancy叫做什么什么咨询公司,或者咨询部门,这是人力资源的咨询部门。who interviewed more than 1,000 workers and established a top 10 of the factors which make people happy at work,他们做的事情是找出十个排名最考前的让你职场上高兴的事情。

The most important factor,最重要的事情,这就是命题点所在,所以这儿成为考点的可能性最大。The most important factor, for the majority of the people interviewed was having friendly, supportive colleagues.最重要的是你得有一大堆的友好的且支持你的同事。In fact, 73% people interviewed put their relationship with colleagues as the key factor contributing to happiness at work.事实上, 73%的人他们把它作为一个关键的因素。再往下来看,下面说, which is a very high percentage这是一个很高的数字比例。The second most important factor在考场中考中的概率相对较低了。第二重要的是什么呢,was having work that is enjoyable,工作得好玩,The two least important factors were having one’s achievements recognized and rather surprisingly, earning a competitive salary,让人觉得最吃惊的是最不吸引人的,或者导致你职场上最开心的最弱的两个因素,一个是个人成就得到认可的因素,一个是钱。

再往下女的开始发问So, we are not mainly motivated by money?,女的说我们不是主要被金钱所驱动吗?这个是发出提问,答案还在男人话语当中,男人说Apparently not显而易见不是,女的又发出提问: Any other interesting information in the survey?还有没有好玩的事情,举例,For example,就是所谓的关键词。However,强转折处,20% of employees described themselves as being unhappy.有20%的雇员认为自己不开心。在考场看到的考题可能有73%,有25%等等,最有可能的考法不是这些数字的加和减,最有可能的是这些数字的对应关系,你应该把25%,73%,60%对应到worker的状态上,然后等到后面念问题的是答上来。第二套题问的是What is the percentage of the people surveyed who felt unhappy at work? 当然是20%的人觉得不高兴。

后面说That’s quite a lot of unhappy people at work every day.确实有很多人每天工作都不怎么开心,It is, isn’t it? And there were several more interesting conclusions revealed by the survey. First of all, small is beautiful. small 和 beautiful之间做了一个连读。People definitely prefer working for smaller organizations or companies with less than 100 staff.人们最喜欢的是什么样的公司,一百个人以下的,公司一大了就容易闹腾。再往下看,We also find out that, generally speaking, women were happier in their work than men,在这里提到男的和女的谁更开心,显而易见女性更开心。紧接着女的又扮演提问的角色,Yes, we are, aren’t we?在这儿将话锋转向And workers on part-time contracts who only work 4 or 5 hours a day are happier than those who work full time,兼职工作的人。仔细听一下,你有没有听到only作为一个提示词出现。The research is concluded that this is probably due to a better work-life balance. due to这个词,我以前在课上讲过,一般因果关系due to后面是答案,due to 常常考察原因,他们为什么感觉更高兴,是因为他们能够把工作和生活更平衡一些,due to a better work-life balance.所以第四题问的是What is the possible reason for people on part-time contracts to be happier?,是什么使得那些兼职工作的人觉得更高兴,答案是生活跟工作平衡的好。第三题问的是What kind of companies are popular with employees?那样公司人们更喜欢,small company小公司,所以通过这样的一组常规化的解析,其实我们发现最重要的还是你的pronunciation,对于连读知识的理解,还有对于你单词和句子的反应速度,这些都是你重要的实力。除了实力之外能够帮助我们解题的就是第二句重心原则。第三你可以注意到里边的key words,due to作为因果关系词提示了答案,most important作为提示词又给了答案,还有其中20%等数字信息,又提示了答案。这次考试,能力是关键,解题技巧是在具有一定能力情况下尽量的多答对几道题,多获取几分。
