
Section A

Conversation One

M: So, what's the next thing on the agenda, Mary?

W: Well, it's the South Theater Company. They want to know if we'd be interested in sponsoring a tour they want to make to East Asia.

M: East Asia? Uh... and how much are they hoping to get from us?

W: Well, the letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I don't know if they might settle for less.

M: Do they say what they would cover? Have they anything specific in mind?

W: No, I think they are just asking all the firms in town for as much money as they think they'll give.

M: And we are worth 20,000 pounds, right?

W: It seems so.

M: Very flattering. But I am not awfully happy with the idea. What do we get out of it?

W: Oh, good publicity I suppose. So what I suggest is not that we just give them a sum of money, but that we offer to pay for something specific like travel or something, and that in return, we ask for our name to be printed prominently in the program, and that they give us free advertising space in it.

M: But the travel bill would be enormous, and we could never manage that.

W: I know. But why don't we offer to pay for the printing of the programs ourselves on condition that on the front cover there's something like "This program is presented with the compliments of Norland Electronics", and free advertising of course.

M: Good idea. Well, let's get back to them and ask what the program they want will cost. Then we can see if we are interested or not.

1 What do we learn about the South Theater Company?

2 How much does the South Theater Company ask for in the letter?

3 What benefit does the woman say their firm can get by sponsoring the South Theater Company?

4 What does the woman suggest they do instead of paying the South Theater Company's travel expenses?

Conversation Two

W: Rock stars now face a new hazard—voice abuse. After last week's announcement that Phil Collins might give up touring because live concerts are ruining his voice, doctors are counseling stars about the dos and don5ts of voice care. Here in the studio today, we have Mr. Paul Philips, an expert from the Highfield Hospital. Paul, what advice would you give to singers facing voice problems?

M: If pop singers have got voice problems, they really need to be more selective about where they work. They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres. They also need to think about resting their voices after a show. Something else they need to be careful about is medicines, aspirin, for example. Singers should avoid aspirin. It thins the blood. And if a singer coughs, this can result in the bruising of the vocal chords.

W: And is it true that some singers use drugs before concerts to boost their voices when they have voice problems?

M: Yes, this does happen on occasion. They are easily-available on the Continent and they are useful if a singer has problems with his vocal chords and has to sing that night. But if they are taken regularly, they cause a thinning of the voice muscle. Most pop singers suffer from three things: lack of training, overuse and abuse of the voice, especially when they are young. They have difficult lives. When they go on tour, they do a vast number of concerts, sing in smoky places.

W: So, what would you advise these singers to do?

M: Warm you voice up before a show and warm it down after.

5 What does last week's announcement say about rock star,Phil Collins?

6 What does Paul Philips say about aspirin?

7 What does Paul Philips say about young pop singers?

8 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

Section B

Passage One

Would you trust a robot to park your car? The question will confront New Yorkers in Februaryas the city's first robotic parking opens in Chinatown. The technology has been successfullyapplied overseas, but the only other public robotic garage in the United States has beentroublesome, dropping vehicles and trapping cars because of technical problems.

Nonetheless, the developers of the Chinatown garage are confident with the technology andare counting on it to squeeze 67 cars in an apartment-building basement that would otherwisefit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space normally required.

A human-shaped robot won't be stepping into your car to drive it.

Rather, the garage itself does the parking. The driver stops the car on a flat platform and getsout. The platform is lowered into the garage, and it is then transported to a vacant parkingspace by a computer-controlled device similar to an elevator that also runs sideways.

There is no human supervision, but an attendant will be on hand to accept cash and explainthe system to new users.

Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, thedirector of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of aGerman company. This company has built automated garages in several countries overseas andin the United States for residents of a Washington, D.C. apartment building.

9 What do we learn about robotic parking in the U.S. so far?

10 advantage does robotic parking have according to its developers?

11 What does the attendant do in the automated garage?

12 What does the company say about the parking rates?

Passage Two

Alcoholism is a serious disease. Nearly nine million Americans alone suffer from the illness. Manyscientists disagree about what the differences are between an alcohol addict and a socialdrinker. The difference occurs when someone needs to drink. And this need gets in the way ofhis health or behavior.

Alcohol causes a loss of judgment and alertness. After a long period, alcoholism candeteriorate the liver, the brain and other parts of the body. The illness is dangerous, becauseit is involved in half of all automobile accidents. Another problem is that the victim often deniesbeing an alcohol addict and won't get help.

Solutions do exist. Many hospitals and centers help patients cope. Without assistance, thevictim can destroy his life. He would detach himself from the routines of life. He may lose hisemployment, home or loved ones.

All the causes of the sickness are not discovered yet. There is no standard for a person withalcoholism. Victims range in age, race, sex and background Some groups of people are morevulnerable to the illness. People from broken homes and North American Indians are twoexamples. People from broken homes often lack stable lives. Indians likewise had theirtraditional life taken from them by white settlers who often encourage them to consumealcohol to prevent them from fighting back. The problem has now been passed on.

Alcoholism is clearly present in society today. People have started to get help and information.With proper assistance, victims can put their lives together one day.

13 What is the problem of the victims about alcoholism according to the speaker?

14 Why did white settlers introduce alcohol to Indians?

15 What does the speaker seem to believe about those affected by alcoholism?

Section C

Recording One

Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, America went to the polls. And the message you sent was clear: you voted for action, not politics as usual.

You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours. That's why I've invited leaders of both parties to the White House next week, so we can start to build consensus around challenges we can only solve together.

I also intend to bring in business, labor and civic leaders from around the country from outside Washington to get their ideas and input as well.

At a time when our economy is still recovering from the Great Recession, our top priority has to be jobs and growth. That's the focus of the plan I talked about throughout the campaign.

It's a plan to reward businesses that create jobs here in America, and give people access to the education and training that those businesses are looking for.

It's a plan to rebuild our infrastructure and keep us on the cutting edge of innovation and clean energy.

And it's a plan to reduce our deficit in a balanced and responsible way.

This is even more important because at the end of this year, we face a series of deadlines that require us to make major decisions about how to pay down our deficit —decisions that will have a huge impact on the economy and the middle class, not only now but in the future.

Last year, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to cut a trillion dollars, worth of spending, and I intend to work with both parties to do more.

But as I said over and over again on the campaign trail, we can't just cut our way to prosperity.

If we're serious about reducing the deficit,we have to combine spending cuts with revenue—and that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes.

That's how we did it when Bill Clinton was President.

And that's the only way we can afford to invest in education and job training and manufacturing—all the ingredients of a strong middle class and a strong economy.

Already, I've put forward a detailed plan that allows us to make these investments while reducing our deficit by $4 trillion over the next decade.

16 Why are leaders of both parties invited to the White House next week?

17 What is the focus of the mentioned plan?

18 What are the major decisions about?

19 What does combining spending cuts with revenue mean?

Recording Two

Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets and their dining out experience.


OpenTable helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. OpenTable is a free service that shows users restaurant availability based on where and when they want to dine. OpenTable users can also make restaurant reservations directly through the app or website. OpenTable gives users points when they make reservations. The points can add up to discounts on restaurant visits.

When users make reservations through OpenTable they get an email confirmation. They can also add the reservation directly to their electronic calendar.

Max McCalman's Cheese and Wine

But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman's Cheese and Wine App can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. More than 3,000 possible combinations can be found based on 600 different cheeses. The app includes a "Cheese 101" section that teaches the basics about choosing a cheese. Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing App is free for iPhone and iPad.


Epicurious is a free app and website to help users find recipes and become better cooks. The app has more than 30, 000 recipes and can create a shopping list based on the ingredients in a recipe. Users can search by ingredients or buy vegetables that are in season where they live. The app also rates recipes for popularity and other qualities. Users also provide advice about making the recipes. Each recipe has a list of ingredients, preparation time, instructions as well as a photo of the finished meal. Calorific

What does 200 calories look like? It can be hard to picture. For example, 200 calories of broccoli and 200 calories of cake look very different! The app Calorific shows just that. Calorific provides images of 200 calories worth of food. The pictures can help people on diets and those who just want to eat healthier. The app also provides the weights of each food pictured. The app is free for iPad and iPhone. There is also a version that provides more information for a price.


An app called Harvest informs users about seasonal fruits and vegetables in different areas. This can be helpful in planning meals. Harvest also tells about pesticide use and organic food. Users can learn the best ways to safely store food and keep it fresh longer.

20 What are the points OpenTable offers users for?

21 What do we learn about Epicurious?

22 How does Calorific help people get healthier?

Recording Three

We've had fifty years of progress since that landmark Surgeon General's report back in 1964. Over these years incredible things have taken place. Our society has changed—changed in terms of tobacco use, in terms of its acceptance of smoking in public establishments, in restaurants, in bars. So things have really changed for the better. In addition, smoking rates have come down in the United States.

We went from 43 percent of adult smokers in the United States to 18 percent currently. So that's really made incredible headway, yet I have to emphasize the battle isn't over, the war isn't over.

Eighteen percent of American adults who are still smoking, basically 40 million people in our population. That being said we have to realize also that of that whole group, we're going to have roughly a half million people every year dying from smoking related diseases.

So although we've made progress in a half century the reality is we still have a lot of work to do. So, you know, we increasingly see tough advertisements on the air against smoking.

These ads are working. In particular, the CDC—the Center for Disease Control and Prevention came up with a series of advertisements from former smokers called TIPS.

And that really was quite effective in terms of reducing the number of smokers. In addition, there's various policies that need to be implemented and further implemented in order to make us a tobacco-free society.

So we really have to work at the idea of using media, using those advertisements. We have to look at really concentrating on the youth of America to make it more difficult to actually get cigarettes. And in addition we have to look at the idea of pricing cigarettes appropriately so that ultimately it becomes a hardship to use those products.

So, let's talk a little bit about packaging those products. Other countries have much more graphic detail of the potential dangers of smoking.

We're currently working closely; the office of the Surgeon General is working closely with the Food and Drug Administration, specifically the Center for Tobacco Products and are reanalyzing the whole row of the idea of the warning labels and the idea of how graphic they should be, and so there will probably be more information coming out on this in the near future.

23 What is the number of smokers in America?

24 What measures can be taken to make it harder to get cigarettes?

25 What institution does the speaker most likely come from?

Section A

Conversation One

1 What do we learn about the South Theater Company?

[B]【解析】女士说 South Theater Company 想知道我

们是否对赞助他们去东亚旅行感兴趣。由此判断这个公司打算去东亚旅行。因此答案为 B 项。

【干扰项排除】①根据各选项内容判断本题问 it 计划做什么事情。②A “给电子产品做广告”对话没有提及,虽然对话提到了广告,但那是下文女士建议公司借赞助的机会给自己做广告,而且也不是 South Theater Company 要做的事情;South Theater Company 想拉

赞助而不是赞助方,C 是利用对话中出现的 program 胡乱制造的干扰项;D“计划在镇里演出”对话没有提及。

2 How much does the South Theater Company ask for in the letter?

[A]【解析】对话中女士明确提到,来信写着希望从女士所在公司得到 20000 英镑的赞助,故 A 项正确。 【干扰项排除】①四个选项均涉及金额数,在听录音时应注意关于数字等的相关表达。②B 项属于近音干扰。 C 项利用女士说的 “but I don't know if they might settle for less”来设置干扰,女士是说不知道对方公司会否接受金额少一点的赞助,这是女士的想法,不是信中写的金额。D 项是结合上述两点设置的干扰信息。

3 What benefit does the woman say their firm can get by sponsoring the South Theater Company?

[A]【解析】男士问赞助能得到什么益处,女士说很好的广告宣传。因此答案为 A。

【干扰项排除】①选项都是名词短语,听录音时注意相关的信息匹配。②B“天才艺术家为它效力”、C“长期投资”和 D“生产成本下降”完全没有出现在对话中。

4 What does the woman suggest they do instead of paying the South Theater Company's travel expenses?

[C]【解析】当男士说旅行的费用太高,没法赞助的时候,女士说为什么不去支付这个旅行项目的印刷费用呢。因此答案为 C 项。

【干扰项排除】①四个选项都是以动词原形开头,判断题目问建议或打算。②A 中的“长期合作”、B 中的“财政状况”以及 D 中的“出版”完全没有出现在对话中,可排除。

Conversation Two

5 What does last week's announcement say about rock star,Phil Collins?

[D]【解析】对话中提到上周宣布 Phil Collins 可能会

放弃巡演,因为现场音乐会正在毁掉他的嗓音。因此答案为 D。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项判断问的是某人发生了什么事情,注意录音中对某个人的描述。②A 利用对话中的 doctor 和 counsel (建议)作干扰,对话中并未说 Phil Collins 去看医生和顾问(counsellor);B“找到一种训练嗓音的新方法”对话没有提及;C 中的 abusing drugs (吸毒)与录音中的 voice abuse 不符。

6 What does Paul Philips say about aspirin?

[D]【解析】对话中提到歌手应该避免服用阿司匹林,它会稀释血液,并且如果歌手咳嗽的话,就会导致损伤声带。因此答案为 D。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项判断题目问某样东西(it)对歌手产生或好或坏的作用。②A 中的“上瘾”对话中没有提及;B 中的“热身”尽管在对话最后提到,但不是阿司匹林的作用;C 利用对话中提到的 coughs “咳嗽”进行干扰,咳嗽和感冒并不是一回事。

7 What does Paul Philips say about young pop singers?

[B] 【解析】对话中提到大多数流行歌手面临三个问题:缺乏训练、过度使用和滥用嗓子,特别是他们年轻的时候。B 项说到了其中一项。


8 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

[C] 【解析】对话中女士在谈到一个歌手因嗓子问题不得不取消巡演后,问男士有没有什么建议给那些面临嗓音问题的歌手,然后就此展开了对话。由此判断对话主题是歌手的嗓音问题。故答案为 C。


Section B

Passage One

9 What do we learn about robotic parking in the U.S. so far?

【解析】录音中提到这项机器人停车技术在海外已经成功应用,但是在美国,唯一的另外一个机器人停车场遇到很多麻烦,比如因为技术问题导致汽车跌落以及汽车被困出不来。由此判断在美国这项技术应用得还不是很成功。因此答案为 A。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项判断问的是 it 的发展状况。② B 中的“新趋势”、C 中的“强烈抵制”、D 中的“吸引很多用户”在短文中完全没有提到。

10 advantage does robotic parking have according to its developers?

[B]【解析】录音中提到停车场的开发者对技术还是很有信心的,并且指望它可以在以前只能停放 24 辆车的公寓楼地下室里面挤进 67 辆车,把通常需要的灵活空间也省掉了。可见这种停车场的优势就是可以节省空间,增加停车的容量。故选 B。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项中的 saves, increases, ensures, reduces 判断问的是 It 有什么好处。②A“省时间”、C “确保驾驶员安全”没有提及;D “减少汽车损伤”是利用前面提到的 dropping vehicles 进行干扰。

11 What does the attendant do in the automated garage?

[A]【解析】录音中提到没有人来管理,但是会有一名服务人员在场收取现金,并向新用户解释这个系统。因此答案为 A。

【干扰项排除】①根据各选项的动词判断,问的应该是某人做什么事情。②B“维护自动化系统”、C“对任何紧急状况保持警惕”、D “在周围巡逻防止汽车盗窃”短文中未提及相关信息。

12 What does the company say about the parking rates?

【解析】录音中提到停车费用是一个月 400 美元或者每天 25 美元,由此判断如果是月付,平均每天的费用比单次的费用要便宜。也就是说,对于熟客(regular customers),有一定的优惠,故选 B。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项中的 vary,discountable, paid in cash, parking 等判断,问的应该是停车费用的问题。②A 中的“车辆大小”、C 中的“传统停车”在录音中没有提及。在谈到停车费时没有提到“现金付款”,D 是利用前面提到的 cash(服务人员来收现金)作干扰。

Passage Two

13 What is the problem of the victims about alcoholism according to the speaker?

[D]【解析】录音中提到酗酒受害者的一个问题就是:他会否认自己酗酒,并且不要别人帮助,故选 D 项。

【干扰项排除】①根据选项判断问的应该是某类人所面临的问题。②录音提到解决方案确实存在,A “他们不知道任何解决方案”与录音不符;录音提到半数的交通事故与因酗酒造成的疾病有关,但这与 B 项的“醉驾”不是一回事;C“他们在公共场合行为不端”录音没有提到。 14 Why did white settlers introduce alcohol to Indians?

[A]【解析】录音中提到白人移民鼓励印第安人喝酒,以防止他们反抗白人。选项中的 stop them from fighting back 是原文 prevent them from fighting back 的同义替换,因此答案为 A。

【干扰项排除】①选项都是动词不定式,推断应该是问做某事的目的。②B “感谢他们的殷勤款待”、C “教会他们欧洲生活方式”、D“减轻他们的痛苦”录音未提及。

15 What does the speaker seem to believe about those affected by alcoholism?

[B]【解析】录音最后提到,在适当的帮助下,酗酒受害人总有一天可以恢复到正常的生活,此处短语 put life together 意为“恢复正常生活,重新生活”。因此答案为 B。

【干扰项排除】①选项都与 they 的状况和未来有关。② 选项 A“如果不加以干预,他们会成为难题”、选项 C“他们积极响应医学治疗”录音没有提到;录音最后说的是酗酒问题在当今社会很明显,并没有说对社会稳定造成严重影响,排除 D 项。

Section C

Recording One

16 Why are leaders of both parties invited to the White House next week?

[B]【解析】说话人提到邀请两党领导人到白宫,最直接的原因是想要大家在一些只有彼此携手努力才能解决的问题上达成共识。B 项的 common views 是录音中 consensus 的同义替换,故答案为 B 项。

【干扰项排除】①选项均为不定式动词短语,推测题目可能问建议、计划、原因或目的。②邀请两党领导人不是为了嘉奖他们,而是为建立共识,A 项“嘉奖他们的辛勤劳动”属无中生有。录音说的是邀请商业、劳工和公民领袖前来,而不是 C 项的“引进商业项目”。说话人并非邀请两党领导人来投票,故排除 D 项。

17 What is the focus of the mentioned plan?

[B]【解析】录音中明确指出当前经济仍在大萧条中恢复,我们的首要任务是促进就业和经济增长,这是我们整个讨论计划的重点,B 项是该处录音的同义表达。

【干扰项排除】①选项都是动名词短语,预测题目询问行为或计划。②虽然录音有提到当前经济正在大萧条中恢复,但这只是计划的背景,故排除 A 项“从经济大萧条中复兴”。虽然录音中有提到奖励企业,但没说是奖励创新企业,而且这只是计划的内容之一,不是计划重点,故排除 C 项。D 属于无中生有,录音未提及开展经济活动。

18 What are the major decisions about?

[A]【解析】说话人提到我们面临一系列的最后期限,这要求我们在如何偿清赤字方面作出重大决定,A 项 paying off 是录音 pay down 的同义替换,故为正确答案。

【干扰项排除】①选项都是动名词短语,预测题目询问行为计划。②录音提到偿清赤字会给中产阶级带来巨大影响,因为需要向中产阶级征收更多的税,并非“增加中产阶级的人数”,故 B 项错误。C 项“控制对教育产生的影响”属于张冠李戴,录音中是说偿清赤字会对经济产生巨大影响,并非对教育。D 项“计划减少能耗”录音未提及。

19 What does combining spending cuts with revenue mean?

[D]【解析】说话人提到把削减开支与增加收入结合起来意味着向最富有的美国人征收更多的税,D 项中的 require 和 richest 是录音中 ask 和 wealthiest 的同义表达。

【干扰项排除】①选项中的 deficit, revenue, taxes 等关键词,提示问题与税收、收入相关。②录音提到 we can't just cut our way to prosperity,故排除 A 项。 B 项是利用录音中 serious about reducing the deficit 设置的干扰项,cautious 不等于 serious。C 项的“增加赤字”与录音中一直说的减少赤字相悖,故错误。

Recording Two

20 What are the points OpenTable offers users for?

【解析】录音提到积分可以叠加成餐费的折扣,有折扣即餐费可以减少,B 项“它们可以用来减少餐费” 属于该处录音的同义表达,为答案。

【干扰项排除】①四个选项的主语均为 They,听音时留意其指代什么。②录音没提到现金兑换和会员卡的细节,故 A 项“它们可以用来兑换成现金”和 C 项“它们可以作为会员卡使用”均可排除。D 项“它们可以用来预订”,录音说的是顾客通过 OpenTable 应用软件预订餐厅时可获得积分,而不是积分可以用来预订,故排除。

21 What do we learn about Epicurious?

[A]【解析】录音提到 Epicurious 是一个免费的应用程序和网络平台,即用户可以免费下载该应用程序, A 项的描述符合录音的表述,故为正确答案。

【干扰项排除】①四个选项的主语均为 It,听音时留意其指代什么。②录音提到 Epicurious 能让用户变成更好的厨师,但没有说可以成为专业的厨师,故排除 B 项。C 项“提供制作菜谱的建议”是用户,不是 Epicurious,故 C 项不对。Epicurious 不但根据菜谱的受欢迎程度,还会根据其他因素对菜谱进行排名,故排除 D 项。

22 How does Calorific help people get healthier?

[C]【解析】录音提到 Calorific 向用户提供图片展示“200 卡路里的不同食物的分量分别是多少”,目的是让用户根据不同食物的卡路里含量来控制饮食摄入量。C 项“通过描述每 200 卡路里的食物的重量”与录音相符,为答案。

【干扰项排除】①选项都是 by + doing...结构,推测题目可能问方式或做法。②Calorific 提供的是不同食物每 200 卡路里是多重的直观概念,不是 200 种食物的重量,A 项不对。录音只是提到另一个版本的 Calorific 能提供更多的价格信息,而非 B 项说的提供每 200 卡路里食物的价格。录音未提及 200 种健康的食物,故 D 项也不对。

Recording Three

23 What is the number of smokers in America?

[C]【解析】本题问美国烟民数量是多少。录音提到 18% 的美国成年人在吸烟,约 4000 万人,故选 C 项。

【干扰项排除】①选项出现了数字和 American adults、 population 等关键词,推测问题可能与某类人群的数量相关。②43%是之前的成年吸烟者比例,而非现在的比例,故 A 项错误。录音提到美国成年人当中 18%是烟民,并不是说占总人口的 18%是烟民,故 B 项错误。D 项“大约 50 万美国人”是每年死于吸烟的人数,不是烟民数,故排除。

24 What measures can be taken to make it harder to get cigarettes?

[B]【解析】录音提到必须考虑给香烟适当定价,以便香烟成为难以享用的商品。B 项是该处录音的同义表达,故为正确答案。

【干扰项排除】①选项均为不定式短语,推测题目可能问建议、计划、打算或目的。②录音并未提及对公共吸烟设禁令,A 项属于无中生有。虽然录音有提到在烟盒包装标上警示语,但这不能起到使香烟难以获得的作用,故排除 C 项。录音也没有关于减少香烟的产量和供应的描述,D 项属于无中生有。

25 What institution does the speaker most likely come from?

[A]【解析】录音提到“我们”正在紧密合作,卫生局局长办公室与食品药物监督局正在密切合作,由此可推断说话人很可能是卫生局局长办公室的人,故 A 项正确。

【干扰项排除】①四个选项都是机构名称,听音时留意它们的相关信息。②录音提到的食品药物监督局和烟草制品中心都是他们一起合作的对象,故排除 B 和 C 两项。Center for Disease Control and Prevention

虽然在录音中出现过,但没有明确的细节表明说话人来自那里,故排除 D 项。