
lung cancer 肺癌

smoking-related diseases 抽烟引起的疾病

lose weight 减肥

go on a diet 节食

under the weather 生病、不舒服

flight-headed 头昏眼花

drowsy 昏昏欲睡

flu 流感

epidemics 瘟疫

rampant 猖獗的

contract infections 得传染病

pick up the habit 养成这种习惯

physical and mental condition 身体与精神状态

overweight/fat 肥胖的

mentally unhealthy 精神不健全的

be good for/do good to 对……有益处

good living habits 良好的生活习惯

take regular exercise 进行有规律的运动

unhealthy eating habit 不健康的饮食习惯

junk food 垃圾食品

stay/keep healthy/fit 保持健康

build up one’s body/improve one’s health 强身健体
